我正在使用WxPerl编写GUI应用程序。为了减少噪音,我重新创建了应用程序的一部分,我遇到了问题。我在FormBuilder中设计了布局,然后使用生成的XRC文件。 XRC数据包含在下面,保存在名为noname.xrc的文件中。
2)令人烦恼的视觉问题,可能与比例尺寸有关。基本上,网格的每一边都有边框填充(5x2),这就是10.所以我在设置之前从宽度中减去了11,但理想情况下它应该是10.但是,如果它& #39; s设置为10,当调整大小时,最后一列会永远增长......
3)如果你点击"最大化"按钮位于主框架的右上角,然后再次单击它(它被称为"恢复向下"然后),将其恢复为之前的尺寸,您将看到正确的网格永远不会明显调整,因为左网格没有改变大小,从未触发EVT_SIZE事件...我已经集思广益如何解决这个问题,也许on size事件可以检查位置右网并确定它是否超出主框架的宽度?有没有更简单的方法来正确调整尺寸?
package wxToplevelFrame;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Wx qw(:everything);
use Wx::Grid;
use Wx::XRC;
use base 'Wx::Frame';
use Data::Dumper;
use diagnostics;
# import event registration function
use Wx::Event qw(:everything);
use base qw(Wx::Panel Class::Accessor::Fast);
__PACKAGE__->mk_ro_accessors( qw(xrc) );
$| = 1;
# create specialized constructor for new subclass
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
return $self;
sub initialize {
my ($self) = @_;
my $xrc_path = 'noname.xrc';
$self->{ xrc } = Wx::XmlResource->new();
$self->xrc->LoadFrame($self, undef, 'MyFrame1',);
# main frame close
EVT_CLOSE( $self,
sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $grid_left = $self->{ grid_left } = $self->FindWindow('m_grid4');
$grid_left->CreateGrid(0, 3);
$grid_left->SetColLabelSize(25); # label height
$grid_left->SetRowLabelSize(25); # row width (far left, the numbers column basically)
$grid_left->SetColLabelValue(0, 'col_1');
$grid_left->SetColLabelValue(1, 'col_2');
$grid_left->SetColLabelValue(2, 'col_3');
$grid_left->SetColSize( 0, 190 ); # col 1
$grid_left->SetColSize( 1, 50 ); # col 2
$grid_left->SetColSize( 2, 179 ); # col 3
my $grid_right = $self->{ grid_right } = $self->FindWindow('m_grid5');
$grid_right->CreateGrid(0, 3);
$grid_right->SetColLabelSize(25); # label height
$grid_right->SetRowLabelSize(25); # row width (far left, the numbers column basically)
$grid_right->SetColLabelValue(0, 'col_');
$grid_right->SetColLabelValue(1, 'col_2');
$grid_right->SetColLabelValue(2, 'col_3');
$grid_right->SetColSize( 0, 190 ); # col 1
$grid_right->SetColSize( 1, 50 ); # col 2
$grid_right->SetColSize( 2, 179 ); # col 3
#EVT_SIZE( $grid_left, \&on_size ); # adjust grid when size changes
#EVT_SIZE( $grid_right, \&on_size ); # adjust grid when size changes
my $on_size = \&on_size;
EVT_SIZE($grid_left, callback($on_size, $self, $grid_left) );
my $button = $self->{ button } = $self->FindWindow('m_button3');
callback(my $button_sub = \&add_row, $self, $button),
my $gui_actions_text_ctrl = $self->FindWindow('m_textCtrl1');
my $gui_log = Wx::LogTextCtrl->new( $gui_actions_text_ctrl );
$self->{ gui_log_text_ctrl } = Wx::Log::SetActiveTarget( $gui_log );
sub callback {
my $coderef = shift;
my @args = @_;
#print "what is args\n";
#print Dumper \@args;
sub { $coderef->(@args) }
# callback function. when we want to pass addition args to a method call, such as an event (EVT_*), we can use this
# example:
# my $on_size_test = \&on_size_test;
# EVT_SIZE($grid_left, callback($on_size, $grid_left, $self) );
sub on_close {
my ($self) = @_;
sub on_size {
my ($self, $grid) = @_;
print "in on_size sub\n";
# get the number of columns and the initial width which includes the far left number column (gutter column, with row indicators 1, 2, 3 ...)
my $num_cols = $grid->GetNumberCols();
my $width = $grid->GetRowLabelSize();
my $gutter_col = $width;
print "num_cols: $num_cols\n";
print "initial width: $width\n";
my $col_0;
my $col_1;
my $col_2;
# iterate over each column, get size and add it to our width
for (my $col = 0; $col < $num_cols; $col++) {
# conditionals of no importance currently, but used during testing
if ($col == 0) {
$col_0 = $grid->GetColSize($col);
print "col: $col, width col_0: $col_0\n";
} elsif ($col == 1) {
$col_1 = $grid->GetColSize($col);
print "col: $col, width col_1: $col_1\n";
} elsif ($col == 2) {
$col_2 = $grid->GetColSize($col);
print "col: $col, width col_2: $col_2\n";
$width += $grid->GetColSize($col);
print "width after iterating over each column: $width\n";
# get sizer that grid is contained in
# get width of sizer and subtract it from the total width
# the difference will be the size we set for our last column
if ($num_cols > 0) {
my $static_box_sizer = $grid->GetContainingSizer();
my $sizer = $static_box_sizer->GetSize();
my $sizer_width = $sizer->GetWidth();
print "sizer_width: $sizer_width\n";
print "we are setting width for the last column. sizer_width: $sizer_width minus the total width: $width (gutter_col: $gutter_col, col_0, col_1, col_2)\n";
my $width_diff = $sizer_width - $width + $col_2 - 11; # ideally this should be 10 for padding (5x2) on each side of sizer
# but setting it at 10 causes the col to keep expanding...
print "width_diff result of above calc: $width_diff\n";
$grid->SetColSize($num_cols - 1, $width_diff); # last column
# adjust grid right to reflect same proportions
$self->{ grid_right }->SetColSize($num_cols - 1, $width_diff); # last column
sub add_row {
my ($self, $button) = @_;
$self->{ grid_left }->AppendRows(1);
my $col = 0;
foreach my $value ('testing', 100, 'Sat Aug 20 20:52:20 2016') {
my $row;
if ($col == 3) {
$self->{ grid_left }->AppendRows(1);
$row = $self->{ grid_left }->GetNumberRows() - 1; # minus one from total rows
print "col == 2\n";
print "reset\n";
print "what is row: $row\n";
$col = 0;
} else {
$row = $self->{ grid_left }->GetNumberRows() - 1;
print "value: $value\n";
$self->{ grid_left }->SetCellValue(
if ($col == 1) {
$self->{ grid_left }->SetCellAlignment(
} elsif ($col == 2) {
$self->{ grid_left }->SetCellAlignment(
# END: wxToplevelFrame package
# create an app object
package MyApp;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Wx::App';
# OnInit is called automatically when an app object is first constructed
sub OnInit {
my $self = shift;
my $toplevel_frame = wxToplevelFrame->new();
# END: MyApp package
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
$| = 1;
my $app = MyApp->new(); # instantiate our app first
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<resource xmlns="http://www.wxwindows.org/wxxrc" version="">
<object class="wxFrame" name="MyFrame1">
<title>Grid Issues</title>
<object class="wxPanel" name="m_panel6">
<object class="wxBoxSizer">
<object class="sizeritem">
<object class="wxFlexGridSizer">
<object class="sizeritem">
<object class="wxButton" name="m_button3">
<label>add row</label>
<object class="sizeritem">
<object class="wxGridBagSizer">
<object class="sizeritem">
<object class="wxStaticBoxSizer">
<object class="sizeritem">
<object class="wxGrid" name="m_grid4" />
<object class="sizeritem">
<object class="wxBoxSizer">
<object class="sizeritem">
<object class="wxButton" name="m_button4">
<object class="sizeritem">
<object class="wxButton" name="m_button5">
<object class="sizeritem">
<object class="wxStaticBoxSizer">
<object class="sizeritem">
<object class="wxGrid" name="m_grid5" />
<object class="sizeritem">
<flag>wxEXPAND | wxALL</flag>
<object class="wxNotebook" name="m_notebook2">
<object class="notebookpage">
<label>a page</label>
<object class="wxPanel" name="m_panel2">
<object class="wxBoxSizer">
<object class="sizeritem">
<object class="wxTextCtrl" name="m_textCtrl1">
<object class="wxStatusBar" name="m_statusBar1">
答案 0 :(得分:1)
There is too much code here to read it all carefully, but one thing that immediately seems suspicious to me is that you don't call $event->Skip()
on the event in your on_size
handler. The EVT_SIZE
handler should almost invariably call Skip()
to allow the default handling of the size event to take place, so while it might not explain all of your problems, I'd be surprised if it didn't explain at least some of them.