
时间:2016-10-12 15:49:43

标签: php database connection-timeout rets phrets





|  Software: RETSHELPER - PHP Class to interface RETS with Database         |
|   Version: 1.0                                                            |
|   Contact: corey@coreyrowell.com                                          |
|      Info: None                                                           |
|   Support: corey@coreyrowell.com                                          |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|    Author: Corey Rowell - corey@coreyrowell.com                           |
| Copyright (c) 2013, Corey Rowell. All Rights Reserved.                    |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|   License: This content is released under the                             |
|                   (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) MIT License.       |                                    |
|   This software requires the use of the PHPRETS library                   |
|   http://troda.com/projects/phrets/                                       |


// Defaults
private $rets, $auth, $config, $database, $mysqli, $data, $log, $scriptstart, $scriptend,
$previous_start_time, $current_start_time, $updates_log, $active_ListingRids = array();
public function __construct()
// Require PHRETS library
// Start rets connection
$this->rets = new phRETS;
$this->scriptstart = date("m-d-y_h-i-s", time());
    // RETS Server Info
    $this->auth['url']          = 'redacted';//MLS_URL;//MLS_URL;
    $this->auth['username']     = 'redacted';        //MLS_USERNAME;
    $this->auth['password']     = 'redacted';     //MLS_PASS;
    $this->auth['retsversion']  = '';           //USER Agent Version
    $this->auth['useragent']    = '';           //USER Agent
    // RETS Options
    $this->config['property_classes']   = array("A");//,"B","C","D","E","F");
    $this->config['KeyField']           = "LIST_1";
    $this->config['offset_support']     = TRUE; // Enable if RETS server supports 'offset'
    $this->config['useragent_support']  = FALSE;
    $this->config['images_path']        = BASE_PATH."listing_photos/";
    $this->config['logs_path']          = BASE_PATH."logs/";
    $this->config['start_times_path']   = BASE_PATH."logs/";
    $this->config['previous_start_time'] = $this->get_previous_start_time();
    $this->config['create_tables']      = FALSE; // Create tables for classes (terminates program)
    // Log to screen?
    $this->config['to_screen']          = TRUE;
    // Database Config
    $this->database['host']     = 'redacted';  //DB_SERVER;
    $this->database['username'] = 'redacted';       //DB_USER;
    $this->database['password'] = 'redacted';           //DB_PASS;
    $this->database['database'] = 'redacted';       //DB_NAME;
    // Load the run function
private function config_init()
    // Set offset support based on config
        $this->rets->SetParam("offset_support", true);
    } else {
        $this->rets->SetParam("offset_support", false);
        $this->rets->AddHeader("RETS-Version", $this->auth['retsversion']);
        $this->rets->AddHeader("User-Agent", $this->auth['useragent']);
public function run()
    // Start Logging
    // RETS Connection
    // Connect to Database
        $this->log_data("Creating database tables, program will exit after finishing.");
        foreach ($this->config['property_classes'] as $class)
            $this->log_data("Creating table for: " . $class);
        $this->log_data("Exiting program.");
    // Get Properties (and images)
    // Close RETS Connection
    // Delete inactive listings
    // Insert new listings
    // Disconnect from Database
    // End Logging
    // Time for next scheduled update
private function connect()
    $this->log_data("Connecting to RETS...");
    // Connect to RETS
    $connect = $this->rets->Connect($this->auth['url'], $this->auth['username'], $this->auth['password']);
        $this->log_data("Successfully connected to RETS.");
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        $error = $this->rets->Error();
            $error = $error['text'];
        } else {
            $error = "No error message returned from RETS. Check RETS debug file.";
        $this->log_error("Failed to connect to RETS.\n".$error);
private function get_properties_by_class()
    $this->log_data("Getting Classes...");
    foreach ($this->config['property_classes'] as $class)
        $this->log_data("Getting Class: ".$class);
        // Set
        $fields_order = array();
        $mod_timestamp_field = $this->get_timestamp_field($class);
        $previous_start_time = $this->config['previous_start_time'];
        $search_config = array('Format' => 'COMPACT-DECODED', 'QueryType' => 'DMQL2', 'Limit'=> 1000, 'Offset' => 1, 'Count' => 1);
        |                                                                                 |
        | If you're having problems, they probably lie here in the $query and/or $search. |
        |                                                                                 |
        // Query
        $query = "({$mod_timestamp_field}=2016-09-16T00:00:00-2016-09-16T01:00:00)";//{$previous_start_time}+)";
        // Run Search
        $search = $this->rets->SearchQuery("Property", $class, $query, $search_config);
        // Get all active listings
        $query_all = "({$mod_timestamp_field}=1980-01-01T00:00:00+)";
        $search_all = $this->rets->SearchQuery("Property", $class, $query_all, array('Format'=>'COMPACT', 'Select'=>$this->config['KeyField']));
        $tmpArray = array();
        while($active_rid = $this->rets->FetchRow($search_all)) {
            array_push($tmpArray, $active_rid[$this->config['KeyField']]);
        $this->active_ListingRids['property_'.strtolower($class)] = $tmpArray;
        $data = array();
       if ($this->rets->NumRows($search) > 0)
            // Get columns
            $fields_order = $this->rets->SearchGetFields($search);
            $this->data['headers'] = $fields_order;
            // Process results
            while ($record = $this->rets->FetchRow($search))
                $this_record = array();
                // Loop it
                foreach ($fields_order as $fo)
                    $this_record[$fo] = $record[$fo];
                $ListingRid = $record[$this->config['KeyField']];
                $data[] = $this_record;
        // Set data
        $this->data['classes'][$class] = $data;
        $this->log_data("Finished Getting Class: ".$class . "\nTotal found: " .$this->rets->TotalRecordsFound());
        // Free RETS Result
private function get_timestamp_field($class)
    $class = strtolower($class);
        case 'a':
            $field = "LIST_87";
    return $field;
private function disconnect()
    $this->log_data("Disconnected from RETS.");
private function database_connect()
    $this->log_data("Connecting to database...");
    $host     = $this->database['host'];
    $username = $this->database['username'];
    $password = $this->database['password'];
    $database = $this->database['database'];
    // Create connection
    $this->mysqli = new mysqli($host, $username, $password, $database);
    // Throw error if connection fails
    if ($this->mysqli->connect_error) {
        $this->log_error("Database Connection Error". $this->mysqli->connect_error);
        die('Connect Error (' . $this->mysqli->connect_errno . ') '
            . $this->mysqli->connect_error);
private function database_delete_records()
    $this->log_data("Updating database...");
    // Loop through each table and update
    foreach($this->config['property_classes'] as $class)
        // Get Tables
        $table = "rets_property_".strtolower($class);
        $activeListings = $this->active_ListingRids['property_'.strtolower($class)];
        $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE {$this->config['KeyField']} NOT IN (".implode(',', $activeListings).");";

        if($this->mysqli->affected_rows > 0)
            $this->log_data("Deleted {$this->mysqli->affected_rows} Listings.");
//      return TRUE;
        } else if($this->mysqli->affected_rows == 0) {
            $this->log_data("Deleted {$this->mysqli->affected_rows} Listings.");
        } else {
            $this->log_data("Deleting database records failed \n\n" . mysqli_error($this->mysqli));
//      return FALSE;
private function database_insert_records()
    $this->log_data("Inserting records...");
    foreach($this->config['property_classes'] as $class)
        // Get Tables
        $table = "rets_property_".strtolower($class);
        // Get data
        $data_row = $this->data['classes'][$class];
        // Defaults
        $total_rows = 0;
        $total_affected_rows = 0;
        // Loop through data
        foreach($data_row as $drow)
            // Clean data
            // replace empty with NULL
            // and wrap data in quotes
            $columns = array();
            $values = array();
            foreach($drow as $key => $val)
                if($val === '')
                    $val = '""';
                } else {
                    $val = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->mysqli ,$val);
                    $val = "'$val'";
                $columns[] = $key;
                $values[] = $val;
            // Implode data rows with commas
            $values = implode(', ', $values);
            $columns = implode(', ', $columns);
            // Build SQL
            $sql = "REPLACE INTO {$table} ({$columns}) VALUES ({$values})";
            // Do query
            if($this->mysqli->affected_rows > 0)
            } else {
                $this->log_error("Failed to insert the following record: ".$sql . "\n\n" . mysqli_error($this->mysqli));
        $this->log_data("Done inserting data. ".$class."\nTotal Records: ".$total_rows." .\nTotal Inserted: ".$total_affected_rows);
private function database_disconnect()
    $this->log_data("Database disconnected...");
    // Close connection
private function create_table_for_property_class($class)
    // gets resource information.  need this for the KeyField
    $rets_resource_info = $this->rets->GetMetadataInfo();
    $resource = "Property";
    // pull field format information for this class
    $rets_metadata = $this->rets->GetMetadata($resource, $class);
    $table_name = "rets_".strtolower($resource)."_".strtolower($class);
    // i.e. rets_property_resi
    $sql = $this->create_table_sql_from_metadata($table_name, $rets_metadata, $rets_resource_info[$resource]['KeyField']);
private function create_table_sql_from_metadata($table_name, $rets_metadata, $key_field, $field_prefix = "")
    $sql_query = "CREATE TABLE {$table_name} (\n";
    foreach ($rets_metadata as $field) {
        $field['SystemName'] = "`{$field_prefix}{$field['SystemName']}`";
        $cleaned_comment = addslashes($field['LongName']);
        $sql_make = "{$field['SystemName']} ";
        if ($field['Interpretation'] == "LookupMulti") {
            $sql_make .= "TEXT";
        elseif ($field['Interpretation'] == "Lookup") {
            $sql_make .= "VARCHAR(50)";
        elseif ($field['DataType'] == "Int" || $field['DataType'] == "Small" || $field['DataType'] == "Tiny") {
            $sql_make .= "INT({$field['MaximumLength']})";
        elseif ($field['DataType'] == "Long") {
            $sql_make .= "BIGINT({$field['MaximumLength']})";
        elseif ($field['DataType'] == "DateTime") {
            $sql_make .= "DATETIME default '0000-00-00 00:00:00' not null";
        elseif ($field['DataType'] == "Character" && $field['MaximumLength'] <= 255) {
            $sql_make .= "VARCHAR({$field['MaximumLength']})";
        elseif ($field['DataType'] == "Character" && $field['MaximumLength'] > 255) {
            $sql_make .= "TEXT";
        elseif ($field['DataType'] == "Decimal") {
            $pre_point = ($field['MaximumLength'] - $field['Precision']);
            $post_point = !empty($field['Precision']) ? $field['Precision'] : 0;
            $sql_make .= "DECIMAL({$field['MaximumLength']},{$post_point})";
        elseif ($field['DataType'] == "Boolean") {
            $sql_make .= "CHAR(1)";
        elseif ($field['DataType'] == "Date") {
            $sql_make .= "DATE default '0000-00-00' not null";
        elseif ($field['DataType'] == "Time") {
            $sql_make .= "TIME default '00:00:00' not null";
        else {
            $sql_make .= "VARCHAR(255)";
        $sql_make .= " COMMENT '{$cleaned_comment}'";
        $sql_make .= ",\n";
        $sql_query .= $sql_make;
    $sql_query .= "`Photos` TEXT COMMENT 'Photos Array', ";
    $sql_query .= "PRIMARY KEY(`{$field_prefix}{$key_field}`) )";
    return $sql_query;
private function get_previous_start_time()
    $filename = "previous_start_time_A.txt";
    // See if file exists
        $this->updates_log = fopen($this->config['start_times_path'].$filename, "r+");
        $this->previous_start_time = fgets($this->updates_log);
        $this->current_start_time = date("Y-m-d", $time) . 'T' . date("H:i:s", $time);
    } else {
        // Create file
        $this->updates_log = fopen($this->config['start_times_path'].$filename, "w+");
        fwrite($this->updates_log, "1980-01-01T00:00:00\n");
    // fgets reads up to & includes the first newline, strip it
    return str_replace("\n", '', $this->previous_start_time);
private function set_previous_start_time()
    $file = $this->config['start_times_path'] . "previous_start_time_A.txt";
    $file_data = $this->current_start_time."\n";
    $file_data .= file_get_contents($file);
    file_put_contents($file, $file_data);
private function logging_start()
    $filename = "Log".date("m-d-y_h-i-s", time()).".txt";
    // See if file exists
        $this->log = fopen($this->config['logs_path'].$filename, "a");
    } else {
        // Create file
        $this->log = fopen($this->config['logs_path'].$filename, "w+");
private function log_data($data)
    $write_data = "\nInfo Message: [".date("m/d/y - h:i:s", time())."]\n------------------------------------------------\n";
    $write_data .= $data."\n";
    $write_data .= "\n------------------------------------------------\n";
    fwrite($this->log, $write_data);
        echo str_replace(array("\n"), array('<br />'), $write_data);
private function log_error($error)
    $write_data = "\nError Message: [".date("m/d/y - h:i:s", time())."]\n------------------------------------------------\n";
    $write_data .= $error."\n";
    $write_data .= "\n------------------------------------------------\n";
    fwrite($this->log, $write_data);
        echo str_replace(array("\n"), array('<br />'), $write_data);
private function logging_end()
    $this->scriptend = date("m-d-y_h-i-s", time());
    $this->log_data("Closing log file.\n
                     Start Time: {$this->scriptstart}\n
                     End Time: {$this->scriptend}");
// Load the class
$retshelper = new RETSHELPER;


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