
时间:2016-10-12 06:46:38

标签: swift xcode in-app-purchase nsnotificationcenter



NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(MasterViewController.handlePurchaseNotification(_:)),
name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: IAPHelper.IAPHelperPurchaseNotification),object: nil

所以这是上面的注释中提到的方法。现在我的第一个问题是,当收到ns通知时会自动调用吗?我认为第二行将产品ID定义为无法更改的变量,并且guard将其设置为某种类型。即在这种情况下它必须是一个字符串。 我很困惑的两行,本来以为它是一个for循环,但是看不到迭代,所以不确定这是做什么的。我假设最后一行是符合检查的动作。

func handlePurchaseNotification(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let productID = notification.object as? String else { return }

for (index, product) in products.enumerated() {
  guard product.productIdentifier == productID else { continue }

  tableView.reloadRows(at: [IndexPath(row: index, section: 0)], with: .fade)


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func handlePurchaseNotification(_ notification: Notification) {
// convert notification.object to string if you can, and call it productID. Otherwise return
guard let productID = notification.object as? String else { return }

// products.enumerated() would yield something like
// [(0, productA), (1, productB), (2, productC)]
// This array is iterated, with the index and product being set to the values from each tuple in turn

for (index, product) in products.enumerated() {
// check if the current product's productIdentifier is == to productID, otherwise keep searching
  guard product.productIdentifier == productID else { continue }

// if we get to here, it's implied the productIdentifier == productID

// reload the row with the corresponding index
  tableView.reloadRows(at: [IndexPath(row: index, section: 0)], with: .fade)

最后一行有点傻。 reloadRows(at:with:)Array<IndexPath>为参数。在此代码中,每次迭代都会生成一个新数组,只包含从该迭代生成的单个元素。生成包含所有IndexPath个实例的数组,然后在结束时只调用一次reloadRows(at:with:)会更有效。


func handlePurchaseNotification(_ notification: Notification) {
    guard let desiredID = notification.object as? String else { return }

    let staleRows = products.enumerated() // convert an array of products into an array tuples of indices and products
        .filter{ _, product in product.ID == desiredID } // filter to keep only products with the desired ID
        .map{ index, _ in IndexPath(row: index, section: 0) } // create an array of IndexPath instances from the indexes

    tableView.reloadRows(at: staleRows, with: .fade)