
时间:2016-10-11 17:47:59

标签: excel vba excel-vba

我一直在将不同工作簿中的工作表添加到一个工作表中,但是,当我将代码复制并粘贴到新工作簿中的新模型中时,代码会继续向我显示错误,尽管它在旧工作簿中工作。 在下面的代码中,如何激活工作表“Question3”并让“设置myRange = question3.Range(”A3“)不会给我一个错误,就像我复制并粘贴到我的新工作簿之前一样。 谢谢。

 Sub Main()
 Dim gender As String
   Call GetResponse(gender)
   Call NameGenderRange(gender)
   Call FormatOutputRange(gender)
   Call EnterOutput(gender)
 End Sub

Sub GetResponse(gender As String)

  Dim response As Variant '<-- since the user can respond in alphabets or     anything else
  Dim ErrorCheck As Boolean

      response = InputBox("please enter 1 for boys, or 2 for girls") '<--prompting user for input
      If IsNumeric(response) = False Then
        ErrorCheck = True  '<-- ensuring the input value is an integer
        MsgBox ("Please enter a valid entry") '<-- ensuring user inputs  only 1 or 2
      ElseIf response = 1 Then '<-- if logic to differentiate between the gender averages
        gender = "boys"
      ElseIf response = 2 Then
        gender = "girls"
        ErrorCheck = False
      End If  
    Loop Until response = 1 Or response = 2 '<-- continously prompting the user to enter a correct value
End Sub

Sub NameGenderRange(gender As String)
Dim myRange As Range '<-- selecting the appropriate column to calculate   the average
Dim question3 As Worksheet

  If gender = "boys" Then
    Set myRange = question3.Range("A3") '<-- selecting the column contaning  data for boys
    Set myRange = question3.Range("B3") '<-- slecting the column contaning data for girls
  End If
  With myRange
    Range(.Offset(1, 0), .End(xlDown)).Name = "average" '<--selecting the whole column and calling it "average"
  End With
End Sub

Sub FormatOutputRange(gender As String)
  With question3.Range("D9:E9") '<-- selecting the rows to display the "average"
    With .Font
      .Size = 12
      .Underline = True '<-- altering the font
      .Bold = True
      .TintAndShade = 0
      If gender = "boys" Then '<-- If logic to differentiate by colour
        .ColorIndex = 5
        .ColorIndex = 3
      End If
    End With
  End With
End Sub

 Sub EnterOutput(gender As String)
   question3.Range("D9").Value = "The average for " & gender & " is" '<-- naming the row to display the average
   question3.Range("E9").Formula = "=Average(average)" '<-- displaying the   average in cell E9
 End Sub

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