模板:函数模板特化:模板参数推导: - >任何人都可以告诉更多这个语句的例子吗?

时间:2010-10-22 11:36:21

标签: c++ templates

这是ISO C ++标准14.8.2.4 /第3版的声明:从类型中推导出模板参数

  A given type P can be composed from a number of other types, templates, 
  and non-type values:

    — A function type includes the types of each of the function parameters 
      and the return type.
    — A pointer to member type includes the type of the class object pointed 
      to and the type of the member pointed to.
    — A type that is a specialization of a class template (e.g., A<int>) 
      includes the types, templates, and non-type values referenced by the  
      template argument list of the specialization.
    — An array type includes the array element type and the value of the  
      array bound.

               In most cases, the types, templates, and non-type values that 
 are used to compose P participate in template argument deduction. That is,they
 may be used to determine the value of a template argument, and the value so 
 determined must be consistent with the values determined elsewhere. In certain  
 contexts, how ever, the value does not participate in type deduction, but 
 instead uses the values of template arguments that  were either deduced 
 elsewhere or explicitly specified. If a template parameter is used only in 
 nondeduced contexts and is not explicitly specified, template argument 
 deduction fails.

大家好,我尝试使用函数的地址推导模板参数 模板以及Deducing转换函数模板参数。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



typedef ptrdiff_t Size;    // For example.

template< class Type, Size n >
Size countOf( Type (&)[n] ) { return n; }



答案 1 :(得分:0)


#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

template <class R, class F, class S>
void function_pointer( R (*func)(F, S) );

template <class T, class Object>
void member_pointer( T Object::*);

template <class T, class U, template <class> class Alloc>
void a_vector(const std::vector<T, Alloc<U> >&);

template <class T, std::size_t N>
void array_ref(T (&)[N]);  //arrays decay to pointer when passed by value

template <class T, class U>
void types_must_agree(std::pair<T, U>, T (*) (U));

template <class T>
void non_deduced_context(typename std::pair<T, T>::first_type);

template <class T>
void non_deduced_context_deduced_from_another_argument(typename std::pair<T, T>::first_type, T);

int main()
    member_pointer(&std::pair<int, double>::first);
    char c[10];
    types_must_agree(std::pair<int, int>(), &isspace);
    non_deduced_context_deduced_from_another_argument(10, 20);