如何在Mac OS X下捕获/发布系统范围的键盘/鼠标事件?

时间:2008-12-30 06:04:55

标签: cocoa macos



我知道如何在Windows下执行此操作但不了解Mac OS X.

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)

我要告诉你的第一件事是,如果没有用户在可访问性控制面板中启用对辅助设备的支持,你 CAN NOT 就可以做到这一点。这是OSX内置的某种安全性。


//this method calls a carbon method to attach a global event handler
- (void)attachEventHandlers
    //create our event type spec for the keyup
    EventTypeSpec eventType;
    eventType.eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
    eventType.eventKind = kEventRawKeyUp;

    //create a callback for our event to fire in
    EventHandlerUPP handlerFunction = NewEventHandlerUPP(globalKeyPress);

    //install the event handler
    OSStatus err = InstallEventHandler(GetEventMonitorTarget(), handlerFunction, 1, &eventType, self, NULL);

    //error checking
    if( err )
        //TODO: need an alert sheet here
        NSLog(@"Error registering keyboard handler...%d", err);

    //create our event type spec for the mouse events
    EventTypeSpec eventTypeM;
    eventTypeM.eventClass = kEventClassMouse;
    eventTypeM.eventKind = kEventMouseUp;

    //create a callback for our event to fire in
    EventHandlerUPP handlerFunctionM = NewEventHandlerUPP(globalMousePress);

    //install the event handler
    OSStatus errM = InstallEventHandler(GetEventMonitorTarget(), handlerFunctionM, 1, &eventTypeM, self, NULL);

    //error checking
    if( errM )
        //TODO: need an alert sheet here
        NSLog(@"Error registering mouse handler...%d", err);


OSStatus globalKeyPress(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void *userData) 
    NSEvent *anEvent = [NSEvent eventWithEventRef:theEvent];
    NSEventType type = [anEvent type];
    WarStrokerApplication *application = (WarStrokerApplication*)userData;

    //is it a key up event?
    if( type == NSKeyUp)
        //which key is it?
        switch( [anEvent keyCode] )
            case NUMERIC_KEYPAD_PLUS: 
                //this is the character we are using for our toggle
                //call the handler function
                [application toggleKeyPressed];

                //Comment this line back in to figure out the keykode for a particular character                
                NSLog(@"Keypressed: %d, **%@**", [anEvent keyCode], [anEvent characters]);

    return CallNextEventHandler(nextHandler, theEvent);

答案 1 :(得分:4)

对于后一部分,发布事件,使用ApplicationServices / ApplicationServices.h中提供的CGEvent方法


#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>

int to(int x, int y)
    CGPoint newloc;
    CGEventRef eventRef;
    newloc.x = x;
    newloc.y = y;

    eventRef = CGEventCreateMouseEvent(NULL, kCGEventMouseMoved, newloc,
    //Apparently, a bug in xcode requires this next line
    CGEventSetType(eventRef, kCGEventMouseMoved);
    CGEventPost(kCGSessionEventTap, eventRef);

    return 0;

答案 2 :(得分:1)


我没有在10.5 Leopard下检查这个,但在10.4上它可以工作。