
时间:2016-10-09 17:47:05

标签: javascript combinations tic-tac-toe


游戏机制刚刚开始,我刚开始学习javascript(大约5天前)所以我可能不是最好看的代码和最有效的代码。另外注意我还没有完成,因为这段代码不是100%完成但我只是把我的代码放在任何想看的人身上,因为我只需要所有可能获胜的组合。如果您想在我工作的时候看着我并帮助我,我很乐意邀请​​您在 Gitlab 上看到我的代码(我知道它不是最有名的,但非常好)。

<!DOCTYPE html>
                    var s1="s1";
                    var s2="s2";
                    var s3="s3";
                    var s4="s4";
                    var s5="s5";
                    var s6="s6";
                    var s7="s7";
                    var s8="s8";
                    var s9="s9";
                    var turn=0;
                function gotClicked(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9) {
                    if (!(id1="s1" || id2="s2" || id3="s3" || id4="s4" || id5="s5" || id6="s6" || id7="s7" || id8="s8" || id9="s9")) {
                        switch(x1 || x2 || x3 || x4 || x5 || x6 || x7 || x8 || x9) {
                            case x1:
                                var x1=NA1;
                                if(turn=3) {
                                    if(s1=NA1 && s2=NA3 )
                        <p id="s1" onclick="document.getElementById('s1').innerHTML='x';var id1=x1;gotClicked();"><a href="#">N/A</a></p>

                        <p id="s2" onclick="document.getElementById('s2').innerHTML='x';var id2=x2;gotClicked();"><a href="#">N/A</a></p>

                        <p id="s3" onclick="document.getElementById('s3').innerHTML='x';var id3=x3;gotClicked();"><a href="#">N/A</a></p>
                        <p id="s4" onclick="document.getElementById('s4').innerHTML='x';var id4=x4;gotClicked();"><a href="#">N/A</a></p>

                        <p id="s5" onclick="document.getElementById('s5').innerHTML='x';var id5=x5;gotClicked();"><a href="#">N/A</a></p>

                        <p id="s6" onclick="document.getElementById('s6').innerHTML='x';var id6=x6;gotClicked();"><a href="#">N/A</a></p>
                        <p id="s7" onclick="document.getElementById('s7').innerHTML='x';var id7=x7;gotClicked();"><a href="#">N/A</a></p>

                        <p id="s8" onclick="document.getElementById('s8').innerHTML='x';var id8=x8;gotClicked();"><a href="#">N/A</a></p>

                        <p id="s9" onclick="document.getElementById('s9').innerHTML='x';var id9=x9;gotClicked();"><a href="#">N/A</a></p>


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • border-length不是有效的CSS,它应该是border-width
  • 您没有在此if声明中进行比较,而是分配:

    if (!(id1="s1" ...


  • 如果您使用数组而不是9个单独的变量,您的代码将会大大改进:它将减少几乎相同代码的重复。例如,使用它作为董事会的代表:

    var board = Array(9);

    ...当相应的方格接收到&#39; X&#39;时,将0或1放在特定的数组元素中。或者和&#39;。例如:

    board[0] = 1 
  • 使用数组表示,您可以将获胜配置列为该数组中的三个索引。例如,如果索引0,1和2的值都是1,那么玩家1(&#39; O&#39;)就赢了。所有这些演示文稿都可以列出如下:

    var wins = [
        [0, 1, 2],
        [3, 4, 5],
        [6, 7, 8],
        [0, 3, 6],
        [1, 4, 7],
        [2, 5, 8],
        [0, 4, 8],
        [2, 4, 6]


  • 最好不要在HTML onclick属性中编写JavaScript代码。首先,它会导致代码重复,但在发生错误时也更难调试。总的来说,将代码(JavaScript)与布局(HTML)分开会更好。


    Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('td a'), function (link, i) {
        link.addEventListener('click', gotClicked.bind(null, link, i));
    function gotClicked(link, i) {
        // From the `turn` value we can know who the current player is:  0 or 1.
        // We use the modulo operator to get the remainder when dividing by 2: 
        var player = turn % 2; // alternates between 0 and 1.
        // Use this 0 or 1 as index in the XO string and display it.
        // When player is 0 this gives 'X', when 1 it gives 'O':
        link.parentNode.textContent = 'XO'[player];
        // Also put the 0 or 1 in our array
        board[i] = player;
        // Player played, so now increment `turn`.


    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
        // your code that needs access to the document elements comes here
  • 点击事件处理程序应阻止点击启动导航。为此,您可以使用e.preventDefault(),但您必须在函数中获得e参数。

    function gotClicked(link,i,e){     e.preventDefault();     // ......等 }

  • 当您只想放置文字时,请不要使用innerHTML。为此,textContent更适合。


document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
  // *** Initialise board with "empty" cells -- we use -1 for that:
  var board = [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1];
  var wins = [
    [0, 1, 2],
    [3, 4, 5],
    [6, 7, 8],
    [0, 3, 6],
    [1, 4, 7],
    [2, 5, 8],
    [0, 4, 8],
    [2, 4, 6] ];
  var turn = 0;
  Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('td a'), function (link, i) {
    link.addEventListener('click', gotClicked.bind(null, link, i));

  function gotClicked(link, i, e) {
    // Prevent the click on the link to initiate a navigation
    // *** call function to perform move: will return true when game is over
    if (doMove(i, 'You won!')) return;
    // ***Let AI play a move.

  // ***Separate function to perform a particular move: can be used for 
  // both players
  function doMove(i, msg) {
    // *** Get td-element that corresponds to the given index
    var td = document.querySelectorAll('td')[i];
    // From the `turn` value we can know who the current player is:  0 or 1.
    // We use the modulo operator to get the remainder when dividing by 2: 
    var player = turn % 2;
    // Use this 0 or 1 as index in the XO string and display it.
    // When player is 0 this gives 'X', when 1 it gives 'O':
    td.textContent = 'XO'[player];
    // Also put the 0 or 1 in our array
    board[i] = player;
    // Player played, so now increment `turn`.
    // Now board has changed, check if there is a 3-in-a-row for this player,
    // *** and return it as the result of this function
    if (isWinFor(player)) {
        // *** Show appropriate message
        return true; // signify end of game
    // *** Detect a draw
    if (turn == 9) {
        alert("It's a draw");
        return true; // signify end of game

  // *** Modified completely
  function randomAi() {
    // ***Pick random number among the free cells. Make sure it is integer.
    var randomPick = Math.floor(Math.random()*(9-turn));
    // ***Find out its position on the board
    for (var i in board) {
        if (board[i] !== -1) continue; // used cell -- skip it
        if (randomPick == 0) break; // found it
    // ***Perform this AI move
    doMove(i, 'You lost');

  function isWinFor(player) {
    // Player is 0 or 1.
    // Iterate over all the 8 potential wins
    for (var win of wins) {
      // `win` is a triplet of indices, which when they contain the player's value
      // constitute a winning position. Let's count how many of those three
      // have the player's value (0 or 1)
      var count = 0;
      for (var index of win) {
        // Is the value on the board the value that corresponds to the player?
        if (board[index] !== player) break; // don't bother looking further.
      // If we have a count of 3 here, it is a winning position.
      if (count == 3) {
        // Don't try other wins: one is enough :-)
        // ***Remove all hyperlinked cells -- no move should be played anymore
        Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('td a'), function (link, i) {
          link.parentNode.innerHTML = ''; // remove link
        return true;
  text-align: center
/* ***Fix the size of the board */
td { width: 30px; height: 30px }
      <a href="#">N/A</a>
      <a href="#">N/A</a>
      <a href="#">N/A</a>
      <a href="#">N/A</a>
      <a href="#">N/A</a>
      <a href="#">N/A</a>
      <a href="#">N/A</a>
      <a href="#">N/A</a>
      <a href="#">N/A</a>



Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('td a'), function (link, i) {
    link.addEventListener('click', gotClicked.bind(null, link, i));


document.querySelectorAll('td a')


Array.from(  )



function (link, i) {   }


link.addEventListener('click',   );


gotClicked.bind(null, link, i)


答案 1 :(得分:0)

您可以创建所有可能的获胜组合的数组;创建一个数组来存储点击元素id的数字;将click事件附加到p循环中的每个for..of元素;使用Array.prototype.some()Array.prototype.every()Array.prototype.indexOf()检查包含id的点击元素数字部分的数组中的每个元素是否在包含一组可能的获胜组合和元素{的数组中{1}}等于.innerHTML;利用"x"为最后setTimeout()时间留出时间,然后将"x"元素<p>重置为.innerHTML,设置包含{{{}的点击元素数字部分的数组1}}到<a href='#'>N/A</a> id