I just started to use Firebase with JavaScript, I've read the doc on Firebase's site, but it talks just about the immediate reference of a node which invokes on('child_added',function(){}
I'm trying to find a particular node to listen for.
But it seems that it can't invoke the handler startListening
when data is changed.
Here is my code
var myFire = new Firebase('https://myProject.firebaseio.com/chat');
var myConversation = "notAssigned";
myFire.once("value", function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
var user = i.val();
if (user == "10") myConversation = childSnapshot.child("messages").ref();
var textInput = document.querySelector('#text');
var postButton = document.querySelector('#post');
postButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var msgUser = "10";
var msgText = textInput.value;
var date = js_dd_mm_yyyy_hh_mm_ss (); //function that returns actual date
myConversation.push({content:msgText,date:date, status:"1", type:"text", user:msgUser});
textInput.value = "";
/** Function to add a data listener **/
alert (myConversation.key());
var startListening = function() {
myConversation.on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
alert("here i am");
alert (snapshot.content);
// Begin listening for data
I think that I fail to manage references, although when I invoke push data is actually loaded, that is, when I look at Database in Firebase's console, the push method has successful pushed new node.