我使用notnoop库发送APNS推送。我的服务器基于java构建并托管在tomcat / apache webserver(一个静态IP)上。我在app商店有2个iphone应用程序。两者都有应用程序ID和证书。当我尝试从我们的服务器发送推送时,它只向该应用程序发送推送,该证书首次初始化。假设我有2个应用程序,AppA和AppB,他们有2个不同的应用程序ID,AppIDA和AppIDB,他们有自己的证书(.p12)CertiA和CertiB。 在我重新启动我们的tomcat服务器后,如果一个推送发起让我们说AppA,它将成功传递给设备。如果针对另一个App AppB启动了另一个推送,它将无法传送到设备。我不明白为什么会这样。这两个证书我单独测试,两者都工作正常。以下是java代码。
此代码每次为每个App AppA和AppB创建新实例。
import com.notnoop.apns.APNS;
import com.notnoop.apns.ApnsService;
import com.notnoop.apns.ApnsServiceBuilder;
//This is the class to send the PUSH
public class APNSConnectionImpl extends MessagingConnection {
//APNS Builder, using notnoop library
ApnsServiceBuilder apnsServiceBuilder = null;
//APNS Service, using notnoop library
ApnsService apnsService = null;
// This function is use to send PUSH
// Parameters:
// deviceAndPaylodiOS : List of Devices and Payload
// appRegistrationKey : Name of the certificate, It could be AppA Certificate or //AppB Certificate. The certificate comes at runtime and both certificates copy and //past in a specific folder lat say /var/apncertificate/AppACertificate.p.12 and /var/apncertificate/AppBCertificate.p.12
public HashMap<String, String> sendMessagePool(Map<String, String> deviceAndPaylodiOS, String appRegistrationKey)
throws ApplicationException {
if (deviceAndPaylodiOS == null || deviceAndPaylodiOS.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// Sending Push to all devices,
deviceAndPaylodiOS.forEach((key, value)->{
apnsService.push(key, value);
if (apnsService != null) {
apnsService = null;
apnsServiceBuilder = null;
return null;
private void initializeApnsServices(String appRegistrationKey) throws ApplicationException{
if (apnsServiceBuilder != null) {
apnsServiceBuilder = null;
apnsServiceBuilder = APNS.newService();
try {
String certPath = "/var/apnscertificates/"+ appRegistrationKey;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new QuinchyApplicationException("APNS certificate problem");
if (apnsService != null) {
apnsService = null;
apnsService = apnsServiceBuilder.build();