很抱歉代码块的长度,但我很茫然。变量currentProcess保存添加到数组的最后一个结构的索引。我已经包含了print语句来证明currentProcess的值在添加元素时正在递增。然而,当我将此变量传递给函数printCurrent()时,它传递值0.我包含了整个程序,因为我不知道这个错误可能来自哪里,任何帮助都是值得赞赏的。提前致谢。 (空白开关盒块的道歉,这是一项正在进行的工作)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SIZE 10
typedef struct {
int pCount;
float pAccul;
int pAddress;
typedef struct {
int id;
char status[10];
pState state;
char priority;
//function prototypes
int addProcess(PCB*, PCB, int*);
PCB getPcb(PCB);
void printCurrent(PCB[], int);
int main()
PCB process;
PCB pArray[SIZE];
PCB* pcbPtr;
char option = ' ';
int i;
int currentProcess;
int* cpPtr;
for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
pArray[i].id = 0;
}//end for
cpPtr = ¤tProcess;
pcbPtr = pArray;
//simple menu with 4 options
while(option != '0')
printf("\n1) Add Process\n");
printf("\n2) Delete Process\n");
printf("\n3) Display PCB\n");
printf("\n0) Quit\n");
scanf("%1s", &option);
case '1':
addProcess(pcbPtr, process, cpPtr);
printf("\nCHECK CHECK %d CHECK CHECK\n", currentProcess);//ERROR CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
case '2':
case '3':
printCurrent(pArray, currentProcess);
case '0':
printf("Error! Choose From Available Options!!");
}//end main switch/case
}//end main while
}//end main
int addProcess(PCB* ptr, PCB newSt, int* currentProcess)
int i;
for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
if((ptr+i)->id == 0)
ptr[i] = getPcb(newSt);
*currentProcess = i;
printf("%d", *currentProcess);//ERROR CHECK!!!
return 0;
}//end if
}//end for
return 1;
}//end addProcess()
PCB getPcb(PCB new)
printf("\nEnter Id\n");
scanf("%d", &new.id);
printf("\nEnter Status\n");
scanf("%s", new.status);
printf("\nEnter Process Counter Value\n");
scanf("%d", &new.state.pCount);
printf("\nEnter Acculumator Value\n");
scanf("%f", &new.state.pAccul);
printf("\nEnter Process Address (Unsigned Int)\n");
scanf("%d", &new.state.pAddress);
printf("\nEnter Priority (l/h)\n");
scanf("%1s", &new.priority);
return new;
}//end getPcb()
void printCurrent(PCB array[], int currentProcess)
printf("!!!!!!!!%d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", currentProcess);//!!!!!!!!!!
printf("\nProcess ID: %d\n", array[currentProcess].id);
printf("Status: %s\n", array[currentProcess].status);
printf("Process Counter: %d\n", array[currentProcess].state.pCount);
printf("Acculumator Value: %.2f\n", array[currentProcess].state.pAccul);
printf("Process Address: %d\n", array[currentProcess].state.pAddress);
printf("Priority: %c\n", array[currentProcess].priority);
}//end printCurrent()
答案 0 :(得分:-1)
M.M是对的。 {scanf("%1s", &option);}
//function prototypes
int addProcess(PCB* arr, int*); //you don't need newSt
PCB getPcb();
void printCurrent(PCB[], int);
case '1':
// address of first element of the array is passed
// this way, you are letting addProcess know the location
// of pArray on main()'s stack so that it can fill it
addProcess(&pArray, ¤tProcess);
int addProcess(PCB* ptr, int* currentProcess)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
if(ptr[i].id == 0)
ptr[i] = getPcb();
// getPcb() will initialize and return
// a new PCB which is assigned to the
// appropriate location of array
*currentProcess = i;
printf("%d", *currentProcess);//ERROR CHECK!!!
return 0;
// the function is anyway returning an int
// why not return "i"?
}//end if
}//end for
return 1;
}//end addProcess()