
时间:2016-10-07 23:46:34

标签: java arrays shopping-cart

在本练习中,您将完成一个实现购物车作为项目数组的类。文件Item.java包含名为Item的类的定义,该类对要购买的项进行建模。商品具有名称,价格和数量(购买数量)。 ShoppingCart.java文件将购物车实现为Item对象的数组。

  1. 通过执行以下操作完成ShoppingCart类:将实例变量cart声明为Items数组,并将构造函数中的cart实例化为包含容量Items的数组。湾填写increaseSize方法的代码。您的代码应与文本清单7.8中的代码类似,但不是将大小加倍,只需将其增加3个元素即可。 C。填写addToCart方法的代码。此方法应将项目添加到购物车并更新totalPrice实例变量(请注意此变量会考虑数量)。 d。编译你的课程。

  2. 编写一个模拟购物的程序。只要用户想购物,程序就应该有一个循环。每次循环读取用户想要添加到购物车的商品的名称,价格和数量。将商品添加到购物车后,应打印购物车内容。在循环之后打印“请付款...”消息,其中包含购物车中商品的总价。

    package Shopping;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    public class Item
        private String name;
        private double price;
        private int quantity;
        // ----------------------------------------------------- --
        // Create a new item with the given attributes.
        // ----------------------------------------------------- --
        public Item (String itemName, double itemPrice, int numPurchased)
            name = itemName;
            price = itemPrice;
            quantity = numPurchased;
        // ----------------------------------------------------- --
        // Return a string with the information about the item
        // ----------------------------------------------------- --
        public String toString ()
            NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
            return (name + "\t" + fmt.format(price) + "\t" + quantity + "\t"
                    + fmt.format(price*quantity));
        // -----------------------------------------------
        // Returns the unit price of the item
        // -----------------------------------------------
        public double getPrice()
            return price;
        // -----------------------------------------------
        // Returns the name of the item
        // -----------------------------------------------
        public String getName()
            return name;
        // -----------------------------------------------
        // Returns the quantity of the item
        // -----------------------------------------------
        public int getQuantity()
            return quantity;
    package Shopping;
    import Shopping.Item;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    public class ShoppingCart
        private int itemCount; // total number of items in the cart
        private double totalPrice; // total price of items in the cart
        private int capacity; // current cart capacity
        Item[] cart; // declare an instance variable cart for an array of Item
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Creates an empty shopping cart with a capacity of 5 items.
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        public ShoppingCart()
            capacity = 5;
            itemCount = 0;
            totalPrice = 0.0;
            cart = new Item[capacity];
        // -----------------------------------------------------
        // Adds an item to the shopping cart.
        // -----------------------------------------------------
        public void addToCart(String itemName, double price, int quantity)
            if (itemCount > 5)
                System.out.println("Now the shopping cart is full.");
                addToCart(itemName, price, quantity);
                totalPrice = totalPrice + (price *  quantity);
            itemCount = itemCount+1;
        // -----------------------------------------------------
        // Returns the contents of the cart together with
        // summary information.
        // -----------------------------------------------------
        public String toString()
            NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
            String contents = "\nShopping Cart\n";
            contents += "\nItem\t\tUnit Price\tQuantity\tTotal\n";
            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
                contents += cart[i].toString() + "\n";
            contents += "\nTotal Price: " + fmt.format(totalPrice);
            contents += "\n";
            return contents;
        // -----------------------------------------------------
        // Increases the capacity of the shopping cart by 3
        // -----------------------------------------------------
        private void increaseSize()
            capacity = capacity + 3;
  3. 线程“main”java.lang.StackOverflowError中的异常     在Shopping.ShoppingCart.addToCart(ShoppingCart.java:39) 是我收到的错误

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



您还需要修改&#39; if&#39; else { cart[itemCount] = new Item(itemName, price, quantity); totalPrice += (price * quantity); itemCount++; // Same thing as itemCount = itemCount + 1 } 中的条件,因为现在它会将项目放在数组槽addToCart()中,但您的数组索引会停在capacity。解决它:

capacity - 1