
时间:2016-10-07 16:43:31

标签: arduino ros




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由于变量@echo off :Main cls echo Press 1 or 2! choice /c 12 /N >nul if errorlevel 2 goto :Option2 if errorlevel 1 goto :Option1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :Option2 cls echo You pressed the number 2! pause >nul goto :Main :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :Option1 cls echo You pressed the number 1! pause >nul goto :Main 是静态变量,因此只能在ISR的范围内查看,这就是我将值存储在ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) { // Holds next delay period. unsigned int new_first_step_delay; // Remember the last step delay used when accelrating. static int last_accel_delay; // Counting steps when moving. static unsigned int step_count = 0; // Keep track of remainder from new_step-delay calculation to incrase accurancy static unsigned int rest = 0; OCR1A = profile.first_step_delay; switch (profile.run_state) { case STOP: profile.moved_steps = step_count; // Stop the timer, No clock source break; case ACCEL: digitalWrite(step_pin,!digitalRead(step_pin)); step_count++; profile.accel_count++; // Do something // Chech if we should start decelration. if (step_count >= profile.decel_start) { profile.accel_count = profile.decel_length; profile.run_state = DECEL; } // Chech if we hitted max speed. else if (new_first_step_delay <= profile.min_time_delay) { last_accel_delay = new_first_step_delay; new_first_step_delay = profile.min_time_delay; rest = 0; profile.run_state = RUN; } break; case RUN: digitalWrite(step_pin,!digitalRead(step_pin)); step_count++; new_first_step_delay = profile.min_time_delay; // Do something if (step_count >= profile.decel_start) { profile.run_state = DECEL; } break; case DECEL: digitalWrite(step_pin,!digitalRead(step_pin)); step_count++; profile.accel_count++; // Do something if(profile.accel_count >= 0) { digitalWrite(en_pin,!digitalRead(en_pin)); profile.moved_steps = step_count; moved_to_position=true; profile.run_state = STOP; } break; } profile.first_step_delay = new_first_step_delay; if(moved_to_position==true) { moved_to_position = false; } } 中的原因,这样我就可以在范围之外使用它;

step_count是struct profile.moved_steps = step_count的实例化,它被实例化为全局变量,可以在任何地方读取。




typedef struct 
 volatile unsigned char run_state : 3; // Determining the state of the speed profile
 volatile unsigned char dir: 1; // Determining the direction the motor has to move - Start being CCW 
 volatile unsigned int first_step_delay; // Period time for the next timer_delay, determines the acceleration rate. 
 volatile unsigned int decel_start; //  Determines at which step the deceleration should begin. 
 volatile signed int decel_length; // Set the deceleration length
 volatile signed int min_time_delay; //minium time required time_delay for achieving the wanted speed.
 volatile signed int accel_count; // counter used when computing step_delay for acceleration/decelleration. 
 volatile unsigned int moved_steps; // Used by ros to publish current tipper position
 volatile unsigned int current_step_position; // contains the current step_position
 volatile unsigned int step_counter; //used for debug purpose


两个线程之间切换(一个global_state = state或false)。 当一个ros节点向它所订阅的主题发送消息时,global_state的状态变为true,并且在电机移动之后,global_state将返回false状态并等待外部消息。



似乎计算没有任何影响。它不断返回电机步进的步数而不是百分比? - 我很不确定为什么会这样。

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status_step_count.data = global_state;
chatter.publish( &status_step_count);