
时间:2016-10-07 15:21:17

标签: python


def menu():

Display the menu with the options that The Goddamn Batman can do.
print(chr(27) + "[2J" + chr(27) + "[;H")
print("Hi, I'm The Goddamn Batman. There is nothing I can't do. What can I do you for?")
print("1) Present yourself to The Goddamn Batman.")
print("2) Tell me your age. I'm going to show you a neat trick.")
print("q) Quit.")


def Age():
Ask the user's age and calculate for how many seconds the user has lived

age = input("How old are you? ")
    if choice == int:
        print ("Ah, %s, that is old." % age)
    result = (input * (int)31 556 926)
    return result
    print("You know what? Your age actually makes ",result, "seconds.")

        print("That is not a valid choice. Please write a number.")

以前的功能,打印1(名称)和打印q(退出一切),工作正常。例如,print 1看起来像这样:

def myNameIs():
    Read the users name and say hello to The Goddamn Batman.
    name = input("What is your name? ")
    print("\nThe Goddamn Batman says:\n")
    print("Hello %s - you're something special." % name)
    print("What can I do for you?")


所以,澄清一下,我的问题是函数def myNameIs():作为Cygwin中的菜单选项响应。函数def Age():没有。我不知道为什么。




#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Marvin with a simple menu to start up with.
Marvin doesnt do anything, just presents a menu with some choices.
You should add functinoality to Marvin.


def meImage():
    Store my ascii image in a separat variabel as a raw string
    return r"""
       _==/          i     i          \==_
     /XX/            |\___/|            \XX\
   /XXXX\            |XXXXX|            /XXXX\
  |XXXXXX\_         _XXXXXXX_         _/XXXXXX|
  |XXX|       \XXX/^^\XXXXX/^^\XXX/       |XXX|
    \XX\       \X/    \XXX/    \X/       /XX/
       "\       "      \X/      "      /"

def menu():
    Display the menu with the options that The Goddamn Batman can do.
    print(chr(27) + "[2J" + chr(27) + "[;H")
    print("Hi, I'm The Goddamn Batman. There is nothing I can't do. What can I do for you?")
    print("1) Present yourself to The Goddamn Batman.")
    print("2) Tell me your age. I'm going to show you a neat trick.")
    print("q) Quit.")

def myNameIs():
    Read the users name and say hello to The Goddamn Batman.
    name = input("What is your name? ")
    print("\nThe Goddamn Batman says:\n")
    print("Hello %s - you're something special." % name)
    print("What can I do for you?")

def Age():
    Ask the user's age and calculate for how many seconds the user has lived

    age = input("How old are you? ")
        if choice == int:
            print ("Ah, %s, that is old." % age)
        result = (input * (int)31 556 926)
        return result
        print("You know what? Your age actually makes ",result, "seconds.")

            print("That is not a valid choice. Please write a number.")

def main():
    This is the main method, I call it main by convention.
    Its an eternal loop, until q is pressed.
    It should check the choice done by the user and call a appropriate
    while True:
        choice = input("--> ")

        if choice == "q":
            print("Bye, bye - and welcome back anytime!")

        elif choice == "1":

            print("That is not a valid choice. You can only choose from the menu.")

        input("\nPress enter to continue...")

if __name__ == "__main__":

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


1)在python中int()是一个带参数的函数,它不会像(int)31 556 926一样投射值。 2)整数值中没有空格
5)使用int而不是isinstance(choice, int)检查==,因为您要检查变量的类型,而不是int阶级本身。

def Age():
    Ask the user's age and calculate for how many seconds the user has lived

    age = input("How old are you? ")
    print("Ah, %s, that is old." % age)
    result = int(input) * 31556926  # Fixed this line
    print("You know what? Your age actually makes ",result, "seconds.")
    return result   # Moved this line down


menu_funcs = {'1': myNameIs, '2': Age} # map the options to functions
while True:
    choice = input("Enter an option: ")
    if choice == 'q':
        return # exit
    if choice in menu_funcs:
       menu_funcs[val]() # call the function
       print("That is not a valid choice. You can only choose from the menu.")