检测某个单元格值的任何变化 - 通过公式计算发生任何变化。
遇到一些问题 - 我认为目前的主要问题是我不确定如何分配之前的值“PrevVal” - 我以前使用Workbook_Open()
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
' PrevVal = Sheet2.Range("F2").Value
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetCalculate(ByVal Sh As Object)
' if sheetname begins 'Report'
If Sh.Name Like "Report_*" Then
' if the monitored cell value changes (if it differs from the old pre-set value)
If Range("F2").Value <> PrevVal Then
' Get the last row on the current sheet (from col AE )...
Dim intLastRow As Long
intLastRow = Sh.Cells(Sh.Rows.Count, "AE").End(xlUp).Row
' Add our value to the next row...
Sh.Cells(intLastRow + 1, "AE") = Range("F2").Value
Sh.Cells(intLastRow + 1, "AD") = Date
PrevVal = Range("F2").Value
End If
End If
End Sub