Makefile错误:boost / asio.hpp:没有这样的文件或目录(Windows)

时间:2016-10-06 17:08:30

标签: c++ linux boost makefile

我有一个C ++程序,可以在Linux上编译好。但是当我尝试在Windows上编译它时,我得到了:fatal error: boost/asio.hpp: No such file or directory 我不明白这是怎么可能的,因为我有更多的提升包括(<boost/thread.hpp><boost/locale.hpp>),他们工作正常。我还检查了我的提升库,thread.hpplocale.hppasio.hpp都在那里。

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get install aptitude
aptitude search boost                                         



#include "../include/ConnectionHandler.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/locale.hpp>

 //A method used to read messages from the console (stdin) and send them to the server using a ConnectionHandler 
void sendMessage(ConnectionHandler *connectionHandler){ // handles stdin
    if (connectionHandler->isConnected()){
        while (1){
            const short bufsize = 1024;
            char buf[bufsize];
            std::cin.getline(buf, bufsize);
            std::string line(buf);
            if (!connectionHandler->sendLine(line)) { break; }
            if (line=="QUIT"){
                if (!connectionHandler->isConnected()) { break; }

//A method used to read messages from the socket (using the ConnectionHandler)
void recieveMessage(ConnectionHandler *connectionHandler){ // handles socket
    while (1){
        std::string answer;
        if (!connectionHandler->getLine(answer)) {
            std::cout << "Disconnected.\nExiting...\n" << std::endl;
        int len=answer.length();
        std::cout << answer << std::endl << std::endl; // double line drops so it will be easier to notice between messages
        if (answer == "SYSMSG QUIT ACCEPTED") {
            std::cout << "Disconnected.\nExiting...\n" << std::endl;

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if (argc < 3) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " host port" << std::endl << std::endl;
        return -1;
    std::string host = argv[1];
    unsigned short port_ = atoi(argv[2]);
    ConnectionHandler *connectionHandler_= new ConnectionHandler(host,port_);
    if (!(connectionHandler_)->connect()) {
        std::cerr << "Cannot connect to " << host << ":" << port_ << std::endl;
        delete connectionHandler_;
        return 1;
    boost::thread sender(&sendMessage,connectionHandler_); // a different thread to handle stdin
    boost::thread reciever(&recieveMessage,connectionHandler_); // a different thread to handle the socket
    delete connectionHandler_;



#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
using boost::asio::ip::tcp;

class ConnectionHandler {
    const std::string host_;
    const short port_;
    boost::asio::io_service io_service_;   // Provides core I/O functionality
    tcp::socket socket_;
    bool isConnected_;

    ConnectionHandler(std::string host, short port);
    virtual ~ConnectionHandler();

    bool connect();
    bool getBytes(char bytes[], unsigned int bytesToRead);
    bool sendBytes(const char bytes[], int bytesToWrite);
    bool getLine(std::string& line);
    bool sendLine(std::string& line);
    bool getFrameAscii(std::string& frame, char delimiter);
    bool sendFrameAscii(const std::string& frame, char delimiter);
    void close();
    bool isConnected();



#include "../include/ConnectionHandler.h"

using boost::asio::ip::tcp;
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::string;

ConnectionHandler::ConnectionHandler(string host, short port): host_(host), port_(port), io_service_(), socket_(io_service_), isConnected_(false){}

ConnectionHandler::~ConnectionHandler() { close(); }

bool ConnectionHandler::connect() {
    std::cout << "Starting connect to " << host_ << ":" << port_ << std::endl;
    try {
        tcp::endpoint endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(host_), port_); // the server endpoint
        boost::system::error_code error;
        socket_.connect(endpoint, error);
        if (error) { throw boost::system::system_error(error); }
            std::cout << "Connection to " << host_ << ":" << port_ << " Successfully made!" << std::endl;
            isConnected_ = true;
    catch (std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << "Connection failed (Error: " << e.what() << ')' << std::endl;
        return false;
    return true;

bool ConnectionHandler::getBytes(char bytes[], unsigned int bytesToRead) {
    size_t tmp = 0;
    boost::system::error_code error;
    try {
        while (!error && bytesToRead > tmp ) {
            tmp += socket_.read_some(boost::asio::buffer(bytes+tmp, bytesToRead-tmp), error);
        if(error) { throw boost::system::system_error(error); }
    catch (std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << "recv failed (Error: " << e.what() << ')' << std::endl;
        return false;
    return true;

bool ConnectionHandler::sendBytes(const char bytes[], int bytesToWrite) {
    int tmp = 0;
    boost::system::error_code error;
    try {
        while (!error && bytesToWrite > tmp ) {
            tmp += socket_.write_some(boost::asio::buffer(bytes + tmp, bytesToWrite - tmp), error);
        if(error) { throw boost::system::system_error(error); }
    catch (std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << "recv failed (Error: " << e.what() << ')' << std::endl;
        return false;
    return true;

bool ConnectionHandler::getLine(std::string& line) { return getFrameAscii(line, '\n'); }

bool ConnectionHandler::sendLine(std::string& line) { return sendFrameAscii(line, '\n'); }

bool ConnectionHandler::getFrameAscii(std::string& frame, char delimiter) {
    char ch;
        if(!getBytes(&ch, 1)) { return false; }
        frame.append(1, ch);
    }while (delimiter != ch);
    return true;

bool ConnectionHandler::sendFrameAscii(const std::string& frame, char delimiter) {
    bool result=sendBytes(frame.c_str(),frame.length());
    if(!result) return false;
    return sendBytes(&delimiter,1);

// Close down the connection properly.
void ConnectionHandler::close() {
        isConnected_ = false;
    catch (...) { std::cout << "closing failed: connection already closed" << std::endl; }

bool ConnectionHandler::isConnected(){ return isConnected_; }                   


# All Targets
all: client

# Tool invocations
# Executable "client" depends on the files Client.o, ConnectionHandler.o.
client: bin/Client.o bin/ConnectionHandler.o
    @echo 'Building target: client'
    @echo 'Invoking: C++ Linker'
    g++ -o bin/client bin/Client.o bin/ConnectionHandler.o -lboost_system -lboost_locale -lboost_thread
    @echo 'Finished building target: client'
    @echo ' '

# Depends on the source and header files
bin/Client.o: src/Client.cpp
    g++ -g -Wall -c -Linclude -I/usr/local/boost/1.57.0/include/boost -o bin/Client.o src/Client.cpp

# Depends on the source and header files 
bin/ConnectionHandler.o: src/ConnectionHandler.cpp
    g++ -g -Wall -Weffc++ -c -Linclude -o bin/ConnectionHandler.o src/ConnectionHandler.cpp

.PHONY: clean
#Clean the build directory
    rm -f bin/*                    


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