Perl调试器 - 错误中断(异常)?

时间:2016-10-06 14:02:05

标签: perl debugging


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Number::Format qw(:subs); # sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Number::Format'

my $tstr = "";
my $numFormatter = new Number::Format();

for (my $ix=0; $ix<20; $ix++) {
  $tstr = $tstr . int(rand(10));
  my $ftstr = $numFormatter->format_number($tstr, 2, 1);
  print "ix: $ix ; in: $tstr ; out: $ftstr\n";

如果我运行它,则会失败并显示错误。如果我在Perl调试器中使用perl -d运行它,它也会失败,并显示错误:

$ perl -d

Loading DB routines from version 1.39_10
Editor support available.

Enter h or 'h h' for help, or 'man perldebug' for more help.

main::(  my $tstr = "";
  DB<1> c
ix: 0 ; in: 6 ; out: 6.00
ix: 1 ; in: 63 ; out: 63.00
ix: 2 ; in: 637 ; out: 637.00
ix: 3 ; in: 6379 ; out: 6,379.00
ix: 4 ; in: 63790 ; out: 63,790.00
ix: 5 ; in: 637906 ; out: 637,906.00
ix: 6 ; in: 6379062 ; out: 6,379,062.00
ix: 7 ; in: 63790624 ; out: 63,790,624.00
ix: 8 ; in: 637906246 ; out: 637,906,246.00
ix: 9 ; in: 6379062467 ; out: 6,379,062,467.00
ix: 10 ; in: 63790624671 ; out: 63,790,624,671.00
ix: 11 ; in: 637906246715 ; out: 637,906,246,715.00
ix: 12 ; in: 6379062467152 ; out: 6,379,062,467,152.00
ix: 13 ; in: 63790624671522 ; out: 63,790,624,671,522.00
round() overflow. Try smaller precision or use Math::BigFloat at line 11.
 at /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/Number/ line 535.
    Number::Format::round('Number::Format=HASH(0x9d0b6cc)', 637906246715226, 2) called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/Number/ line 601
    Number::Format::format_number('Number::Format=HASH(0x9d0b6cc)', 637906246715226, 2, 1) called at line 11
Debugged program terminated.  Use q to quit or R to restart,
use o inhibit_exit to avoid stopping after program termination,
h q, h R or h o to get additional info.
  DB<1> p $ix         


...但是当它失败时,它不会在失败的行上“停止”,如同{C}程序的gdb所说的那样 - 程序再次终止,因此我没有上下文变量再检查一下。

当然,像这样的循环可能会运行数千次,这就是为什么在有问题的行设置断点并手动执行c ontinue在这里没有多大帮助...


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Number::Format qw(:subs); # sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Number::Format'

my $tstr = "";
my $numFormatter = new Number::Format();

for (my $ix=0; $ix<20; $ix++) {
  $tstr = $tstr . int(rand(10));
  my $ftstr = eval { $numFormatter->format_number($tstr, 2, 1); };
  $DB::single = 1 if $@;
  print "ix: $ix ; in: $tstr ; out: $ftstr\n";


% perl -d

Loading DB routines from version 1.49
Editor support available.

Enter h or 'h h' for help, or 'man perldebug' for more help.

main::(  my $tstr = "";

  DB<1> r
ix: 0 ; in: 7 ; out: 7.00
ix: 1 ; in: 71 ; out: 71.00
ix: 2 ; in: 715 ; out: 715.00
ix: 3 ; in: 7153 ; out: 7,153.00
ix: 4 ; in: 71537 ; out: 71,537.00
ix: 5 ; in: 715379 ; out: 715,379.00
ix: 6 ; in: 7153794 ; out: 7,153,794.00
ix: 7 ; in: 71537941 ; out: 71,537,941.00
ix: 8 ; in: 715379417 ; out: 715,379,417.00
ix: 9 ; in: 7153794174 ; out: 7,153,794,174.00
ix: 10 ; in: 71537941740 ; out: 71,537,941,740.00
ix: 11 ; in: 715379417408 ; out: 715,379,417,408.00
ix: 12 ; in: 7153794174086 ; out: 7,153,794,174,086.00
ix: 13 ; in: 71537941740864 ; out: 71,537,941,740,864.00
main::(   print "ix: $ix ; in: $tstr ; out: $tstr\n";

  DB<1> print $tstr




  1. 防止异常致命(例如捕获异常)
  2. 在代码中的某个位置停止调试器,无需重复步骤
  3. 要捕获异常,请使用react-native-twitter-signin构造。这会将异常存储在$@变量中。如果$@不是空字符串,则抛出异常。请注意,上面的代码虽然是惯用的,但并不完全正确;如果抛出的异常是字符串0,则会被忽略(因为if 0将为false)。 Perl中的异常处理很复杂。 eval BLOCK进行了很好的讨论。


    % perl -d
    Loading DB routines from version 1.49
    Editor support available.
    Enter h or 'h h' for help, or 'man perldebug' for more help.
    main::(  my $tstr = "";
      DB<1> b 11 $@ ne ''
      DB<2> r
    [... output as above ...]
    main::(   my $ftstr = eval { $numFormatter->format_number($tstr, 2, 1); };
      DB<2> p $tstr

    有关详情,请参阅set a breakpoint with a condition

答案 1 :(得分:5)

使用eval{}$DB::single = 1 if $@;捕获骰子是一个很好的技巧,但是如果你想在库中找到问题的根源,你需要在抛出它的地方设置一个断点。错误。


  DB<1> b Carp::croak
  DB<2> c
166:    sub croak   { die shortmess @_ }
  DB<3> T
@ = DB::DB called from file '/opt/local/lib/perl5/5.22/' line 166
. = Carp::croak('round() overflow. Try smaller precision or use Math::BigFloat') 
    called from file '/opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.22/Number/' line 535
$ = Number::Format::round(ref(Number::Format), 637906246715227, 2)
    called from file '/opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.22/Number/' line 601
$ = Number::Format::format_number(ref(Number::Format), 637906246715227, 2, 1)
    called from file '' line 12