
时间:2016-10-06 11:01:19

标签: c++ emacs formatting clang clang-format

一位同事为我提供了一个我们正在研究的C ++项目的clang格式样式文件。我安装了clang-format.el,以便能够从emacs格式化缓冲区。重新格式化按预期工作。但是,Emacs默认的c-mode缩进仍然完全不同。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  1. 将项目中相当数量的C ++文件连接成单个文件(例如cat *.cpp > single.cpp

  2. 将clang格式应用于single.cpp

  3. 在Emacs中打开single.cpp

  4. 使用CC模式的guess功能:M-x c-guess-no-install然后M-x c-guess-view

答案 1 :(得分:0)


(use-package clang-format
  :after (s)
  (defun get-clang-format-option (config-str field is-num)
    "Retrieve a config option from a clang-format config.

CONFIG-STR is a string containing the entire clang-format config.
FIELD is specific option, e.g. `IndentWidth'.  IS-NUM is a
boolean that should be set to 1 if the option is numeric,
otherwise assumed alphabetic."
    (if is-num
        (let ((primary-match (s-match (concat "^" field ":[ \t]*[0-9]+") config-str)))
          (if primary-match
              (string-to-number (car (s-match "[0-9]+" (car primary-match))))
      (let ((primary-match (s-match (concat "^" field ":[ \t]*[A-Za-z]+") config-str)))
        (if primary-match
            (car (s-match "[A-Za-z]+$" (car primary-match)))
  :hook (c-mode-common . (lambda ()
                           (let* ((clang-format-config
                                   (shell-command-to-string "clang-format -dump-config"))
                                  (c-offset (get-clang-format-option clang-format-config "IndentWidth" t))
                                  (tabs-str (get-clang-format-option clang-format-config "UseTab" nil))
                                   (get-clang-format-option clang-format-config "BasedOnStyle" nil)))
                               (if (> c-offset 0)
                                   (setq-local c-basic-offset c-offset)
                                 (if (not (equal "" base-style))
                                     (cond ((or (equal "LLVM" base-style)
                                                (equal "Google" base-style)
                                                (equal "Chromium" base-style)
                                                (equal "Mozilla" base-style))
                                            (setq-local c-basic-offset 2))
                                           ((equal "WebKit" base-style)
                                            (setq-local c-basic-offset 4)))))
                               (if (not (equal "" tabs-str))
                                   (if (not (string-equal "Never" tabs-str))
                                       (setq-local indent-tabs-mode t)
                                     (setq-local indent-tabs-mode nil))
                                 (if (not (equal "" base-style))
                                     (cond ((or (equal "LLVM" base-style)
                                                (equal "Google" base-style)
                                                (equal "Chromium" base-style)
                                                (equal "Mozilla" base-style)
                                                (equal "WebKit" base-style))
                                            (setq-local indent-tabs-mode nil))))))))))


代码查找“ IndentWidth”和“ UseTab”。如果找到“ UseTab”并且未将其设置为“ Never”,则将indent-tabs-mode设置为t。否则,我将其设置为nil。 “ IndentWidth”的值将转到c-basic-offset。如果找不到这些字段,但是找到“ BasedOnStyle”,则根据该样式设置适当的值。我没有包含Microsoft样式,因为我的clang-format版本不会为我提供配置转储(大概是在更高版本中)。 “ IndentWidth”和“ UseTab”将覆盖“ BasedOnStyle”的行为,该行为与clang格式的行为一致。最后,请注意,c-basic-offsetindent-tabs-mode被设置为缓冲区局部变量,因此在处理具有不同配置的多个文件时,此设置可以按预期工作。