整个场景是我在我的opencart商店中添加了facebook登录扩展,一切正常,当新用户点击登录时,使用facebook添加电子邮件和密码并点击登录然后是一个确认登录对话框,其中有两个按钮“取消”并且“登录”如果用户点击登录,它会将用户带到我的商店,但是当用户点击“取消”时,它应该让用户返回到我的商店的登录页面,但它会给出错误"Fatal error : uncaught exception with a message serialization of closure is not allowed
"$_SESSION["HA::STORE"][$key] = serialize($value);
public function set( $key, $value)
$key = strtolower( $key );
$_SESSION["HA::STORE"][$key] = serialize($value);
我试过这个 的var_dump(连载($值));它返回一个字符串 我该如何序列化?我已经搜索过但没找到任何有用的解决方案
function login()
Hybrid_Logger::info( "Enter Hybrid_Provider_Adapter::login( {$this->id} ) " );
if( ! $this->adapter ){
throw new Exception( "Hybrid_Provider_Adapter::login() should not directly used." );
// clear all unneeded params
foreach( Hybrid_Auth::$config["providers"] as $idpid => $params ){
Hybrid_Auth::storage()->delete( "hauth_session.{$idpid}.hauth_return_to" );
Hybrid_Auth::storage()->delete( "hauth_session.{$idpid}.hauth_endpoint" );
Hybrid_Auth::storage()->delete( "hauth_session.{$idpid}.id_provider_params" );
// make a fresh start
# get hybridauth base url
$HYBRID_AUTH_URL_BASE = Hybrid_Auth::$config["base_url"];
# we make use of session_id() as storage hash to identify the current user
# using session_regenerate_id() will be a problem, but ..
$this->params["hauth_token"] = session_id();
# set request timestamp
$this->params["hauth_time"] = time();
# for default HybridAuth endpoint url hauth_login_start_url
# auth.start required the IDp ID
# auth.time optional login request timestamp
$this->params["login_start"] = $HYBRID_AUTH_URL_BASE . ( strpos( $HYBRID_AUTH_URL_BASE, '?' ) ? '&' : '?' ) . "hauth.start={$this->id}&hauth.time={$this->params["hauth_time"]}";
# for default HybridAuth endpoint url hauth_login_done_url
# auth.done required the IDp ID
$this->params["login_done"] = $HYBRID_AUTH_URL_BASE . ( strpos( $HYBRID_AUTH_URL_BASE, '?' ) ? '&' : '?' ) . "hauth.done={$this->id}";
Hybrid_Auth::storage()->set( "hauth_session.{$this->id}.hauth_return_to" , $this->params["hauth_return_to"] );
Hybrid_Auth::storage()->set( "hauth_session.{$this->id}.hauth_endpoint" , $this->params["login_done"] );
Hybrid_Auth::storage()->set( "hauth_session.{$this->id}.id_provider_params" , $this->params );
// store config to be used by the end point
Hybrid_Auth::storage()->config( "CONFIG", Hybrid_Auth::$config );
// move on
Hybrid_Logger::debug( "Hybrid_Provider_Adapter::login( {$this->id} ), redirect the user to login_start URL." );
Hybrid_Auth::redirect( $this->params["login_start"] );
Hybrid_Auth::storage()->set( "hauth_session.{$this->id}.hauth_return_to" , $this->params["hauth_return_to"] );
Hybrid_Auth::storage()->set( "hauth_session.{$this->id}.hauth_endpoint" , $this->params["login_done"] );
Hybrid_Auth::storage()->set( "hauth_session.{$this->id}.id_provider_params" , $this->params );
答案 0 :(得分:2)
public function set( $key, $value)
if (is_object($value)) {
try {
$reflection = new ReflectionFunction($value);
if ($reflection->isClosure()) {
//Trigger a E_USER_NOTICE if you want to avoid silently failing
trigger_error("You cannot pass a closure as the second parameter of set()");
return; // Do nothing else
} catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
// Catch the exception thrown if $value is not a closure
$key = strtolower( $key );
$_SESSION["HA::STORE"][$key] = serialize($value);