从此图片中First Image
从红线向下,使用完全相同的颜色,我完全想要重新着色与第一张图像中的色阶相对应的图像,因此Second Image
public void createOutImmage(){
imgout = new BufferedImage(imwidth, imheight, 1);
for (int ix = 0; ix < imwidth; ix++){
for (int iy = 0; iy < imheight; iy++){
int rbval = img.getRGB(ix, iy);
double hei = getHeight(rbval);
if(hei > 50){
imgout.setRGB(ix, iy, rbval);
else {
* Getting height from coded color (RGB)
public double getHeight(int rgb){
double hx =0.;
Color tcol = new Color(rgb);
int ered = tcol.getRed();
int eblue = tcol.getBlue();
int egreen = tcol.getGreen();
if( ered > 248){ // range 180 -390
hx = 180.+210.*(258-(double)egreen)/255.;
return hx;
if(ered <= 248 && ered > 7){ //range 81 -180
hx = 81.+ 99 * ((double)ered/250.);
if( ered <= 7 ){
if(egreen >= 249 ) // using blue value to calculate height
// range 23 -81
hx = 23. + 58. *((double)255 - eblue)/255.;
else //using green to calculate height
hx = 24.* ((double)egreen-20.)/230.;
return hx;
并且“if(hei&gt; 50){”作为“hei”是颜色的相应高度,因为我可以更改该值,因此低于该值的任何颜色高度将自动变为紫色以模拟海上升等。