根据多个下拉列表选择获取数据并检索结果PHP / Jquery

时间:2016-10-05 19:19:09

标签: php jquery ajax mysqli


让我们说在我的网站上你可以建立你的三明治。 为此我有2张桌子。

enter image description here

你将在checkout.php中构建所有内容 enter image description here

我怎样才能让jquery / ajax给我单价并根据我的三明治的数量和大小给出总数? 我知道我必须加入表格,但它如何与ajax一起使用? 我参与了这个工作,我只需要知道如何用ajax显示这一切。

零件工作: 按钮+和 - 将更改$value即数量。 按钮x删除。 我不知道怎么做的零件: 选择将一起工作的选项下拉菜单,并给出总价和单价。 你会怎么做?

这是我用过的一个例子,你可以帮助我。 :)

这是我在其他帖子My complex post



这就是我所做的...... 这是我的cart.php

    function cart(){
    global $conn;

    $fabric_options = '';
    $query2 = "SELECT almofadas.A_id, almofadas.tecido, almofadas.id_price, valores_almofadas.id_price, valores_almofadas.icms_7, valores_almofadas.icms_12
    FROM almofadas 
    INNER JOIN valores_almofadas
    ON almofadas.id_price=valores_almofadas.id_price";
    $result = mysqli_query($conn,$query2);
    while($rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
      $fabric_options .= '<option value="'.$id_price.'">'.$tecido.'</option>';


foreach ($_SESSION as $name => $value) {
     if($value > 0){
     if(substr($name, 0, 8 ) == "product_"){
     $length = strlen($name) -8;
     $item_id = substr($name,8 , $length);

     $query = "SELECT * 
               FROM gallery2 
               WHERE gallery2.id =".escape_string($item_id). "";
               $run_item = mysqli_query($conn,$query);
               while($rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run_item)){ 
                 $vari   = $rows['variante'];
                 $num    = $rows['title'];
                 $id     = $rows['id'];

  // these are my buttons                  
$btn_add ='<button type="button" class="btn btn-success actions plus" data-action="plus" product_id="'.$id.'"><i class="fa fa-plus fa-lg" aria-hidden="true" add_btn></i></button>';

$btn_remove ='<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning actions less" data-action="remove" product_id="'.$id.'"><i class="fa fa-minus fa-lg" aria-hidden="true" remove_btn></i></button>';

$btn_delete ='<button type="button" class="btn btn-default actions" data-action="delete" product_id="'.$id.'" onclick="deleteRow(this)"><i class="fa fa-times fa-lg" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>';

     if($rows['variante'] < 1){
        $vari = "-".$rows['variante'];

  $product = '
   <td style="width:100px; "><img src="../'.$rows['image'].'" style="width:90%;border: 1px solid black;"></td>
   <td style="width:15%;">
     <select id="" class=" fabric select form-control selectpicker" required=""  >
    '. $fabric_options . '  

     <select  id="size" class="select form-control selectpicker" required style="width:80%;" onchange="saveChoice()" >
       <option value="50">50x50</option>
       <option value="40">45x45</option>

    <td class="product'.$id.'">'.$value.'</td> // this is the amount of items for each row
    <td class="'.$id.'">R$:'.$price.'</td>
    <td>$ ' .$value * $price.'</td>
    '.$btn_add.' '.$btn_remove.' '.$btn_delete.'
           echo $product;  



  var action = $(this).attr('data-action'); //gets the button action
  var id = $(this).attr('product_id'); //id of the products
  console.log("triggered action " + action + " for product " + id); //debugging
    url: 'cart_functions.php',
    type : 'GET',
    data: {action:action,prod_id:id},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data)
      console.log("ajax call returned the following: " + JSON.stringify(data)); //debugging
      if (data.result == "success") {
        if (action == "plus" || action == "remove")
          console.log("identified product td for " + id + ": " + $(".product" + id).length); //debugging
          $(".product" + id).text(data.val);//update the UI with the new total of each item
         //rest of the script

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