假设我必须并行运行一些(大多数是独立的)昂贵的任务。通常,这可以使用fork / join框架轻松完成。
ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public int expensiveComputation(int x) {
int result = x;
// do stuff using different ForkJoinPool!
return result;
public abstract class A {
public abstract run(int x);
public class A1 extends A {
public A1(int x) {
public void run() {
// do stuff
// Only 1 thread will run this for a given value of x
map.putIfAbsent(x, expensiveComputation(x));
// do stuff
public class A2 extends A {
public A2(int x) {
public void run() {
// do stuff
// Only 1 thread will run this for a given value of x
map.putIfAbsent(x, expensiveComputation(x));
// do stuff
public static void main(String[] args) {
LinkedList<A> tasks = new LinkedList<>();
tasks.add(new A1(0));
tasks.add(new A2(0));
// More tasks
ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool(parallelism);
pool.submit(() -> tasks.parallelStream().forEach((x -> {
是否可以在这些任务中使用“父”池?在上面的示例中,父池是main方法中的池。 当然,我想通过长链方法调用或使用全局变量将其作为参数传递。理想情况下,我想将我的程序限制为父池使用的线程数,而不做任何此类技巧。