
时间:2016-10-04 12:21:18

标签: cassandra interpreter apache-zeppelin

我在本地计算机上安装了 zeppelin ,它运行正常,但我无法使用 cassandra解释器 当我点击笔记本时,

@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    rem Configure paths
    set "copyFrom=c:\somewhere"
    set "copyTo=c:\anotherPlace"

    rem Generate two lists, one with files and one with folders
    dir /b /a-d "%copyFrom%\*" > "%temp%\copyFromFiles.txt"
    dir /b /ad  "%copyTo%\*"   > "%temp%\copyToFolders.txt"

    rem Assign each list as input to two streams and start processing    
    9< "%temp%\copyFromFiles.txt" 8< "%temp%\copyToFolders.txt" (
        call :matchFromWithTo

    rem Remove generated lists
    del "%temp%\copyFromFiles.txt"
    del "%temp%\copyToFolders.txt"

    rem End
    goto :eof

    rem Read file from stream 9 and leave if nothing read
    <&9 set /p "file="   || goto :eof 
    rem Read folder from stream 8 and leave if nothing read
    <&8 set /p "folder=" || goto :eof

    rem Do the copy (debug: we will only echo the command)
    echo copy "%copyFrom%\%file%" "%copyTo%\%folder%"

    rem Keep reading until all files or folders are processed
    goto :matchFromWithTo


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