
时间:2016-10-04 00:09:56

标签: java if-statement


import java.util.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class lab3
    public static final char E = 'E';
    public static final int ZERO = 0;
    public static final double ECONOMY_DAILY = 25.5;
    public static final double FULL_DAILY = 39.4;
    public static final double ECONOMY_WEEKLY = 120.5;
    public static final double FULL_WEEKLY = 216.25;
    public static void main (String[] args)
        Scanner Keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
        Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
        System.out.println("Enter the color of the vehicle:");
        String color = Keyboard.next();

        System.out.println ("Economy or Full:");
        String Type = Keyboard.next();
        char FirstTypeLetter = Type.toUpperCase()
        System.out.println("For how many days?");
        int Days = Keyboard.nextInt();
        int Weeks = Days/7;
        int DaysLeftover = Days%7;
        switch (FirstTypeLetter)
            case 'E':
            double Rate1 = Weeks * ECONOMY_WEEKLY;
            double Rate2 = (Weeks * ECONOMY_WEEKLY) + (Days * ECONOMY_DAILY);
            double Rate3 = (Days * ECONOMY_DAILY);
            if ((Rate1 > Rate2)&(Rate1>Rate3))
                                System.out.println("This is the best rate for a" + " " + color + " " + Type + " vehicle for" + " " + Days + "days:" + Rate1);
                                if ((Rate2>Rate1)&(Rate2>Rate3))
                                    System.out.println("This is the best rate for a" + " " + color + " " + Type + " vehicle for" + " " + Days + "days:" + Rate2);

                                        else if ((Rate3>Rate2) & (Rate3>Rate1))
                                            System.out.println("This is the best rate for a" + " " + color + " " + Type + " vehicle for" + " " + Days + "days:" + Rate3);
    switch (FirstTypeLetter)
            case 'F':
            double FullRate1 = Weeks * FULL_WEEKLY;
            double FullRate2 = (Weeks * FULL_WEEKLY) + (Days * FULL_DAILY);
            double FullRate3 = (Days * ECONOMY_DAILY);
            if ((Rate1 > Rate2) & (Rate1 > Rate3))
                System.out.println("This is the best rate for a" + " " + color + " " + Type + " vehicle for" + " " + Days + "days:" + FullRate1);
            if ((FullRate2 > FullRate1) & (FullRate2 > FullRate3))
                System.out.println("This is the best rate for a" + " " + color + " " + Type + " vehicle for" + " " + Days + "days:" + FullRate2);
            else if ((FullRate3 > FullRate1) & (FullRate3 > FullRate2))
                System.out.println("This is the best rate for a" + " " + color + " " + Type + " vehicle for" + " " + Days + "days:" + FullRate3);
            System.out.println("Try Again!");

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


在您的case 'E'中,您有另一个使用相同变量的开关参数,然后检查case 'F'



if (FirstTypeLetter == 'E' && Rate1 > Rate2 && Rate1>Rate3)

答案 1 :(得分:0)

问题是您错误地格式化了switch语句。 它应该是这样的:

// typedef can be used anywhere in the decl-specifier-seq
long unsigned typedef int long ullong;

Here is a good example of switch statements in Java