//Gets the users play of rock paper scissors
System.out.println("Your play:");
//try adding in.nextLine(); here to flush buffer
userPlay = in.nextLine();
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class final5
public static void main(String[] args)
//Intitalizing all variables
String userPlay;
String computerGuess = "";
int numGames = 0;
int userWins = 0;
int computerWins = 0;
int computerRandom; //Makes the computer have random guess
String response;
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
Random r = new Random();
System.out.println("Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors");
System.out.println("Number of rounds:");
numGames = in.nextInt();
//Checks to make sure num of games is valid/odd
while ( numGames % 2 == 0 )
System.out.println("Please ensure your number is odd, and try again:");
numGames = in.nextInt();
System.out.println("To play, please use the following inputs: (Rock = R, Paper = p, Scissors = s)");
for (int i = 1; i <= numGames; i++)
//Gets the users play of rock paper scissors
System.out.println("Your play:");
userPlay = in.nextLine();
while (!userPlay.equalsIgnoreCase("R") && !userPlay.equalsIgnoreCase("P") && !userPlay.equalsIgnoreCase("S"))
System.out.println("Sorry, that is invalid. Please enter a a valid entry: Rock (R), Paper (P), Scissors (s)");
userPlay = in.nextLine();
//We can intialize the userplay to all cap to make the code easier to read lower
userPlay = userPlay.toUpperCase();
computerRandom = r.nextInt(3)+1;
//Grabs a random number from random generator and italizes it to play rock, paper, or scissors
if (computerRandom == 1) computerGuess = "R";
else if (computerRandom == 2) computerGuess = "P";
else if (computerRandom == 3) computerGuess = "S";
if (userPlay.equals(computerGuess))
System.out.println("You guys both tied, try again!");
//Both tie no win for either
if (userPlay.equals("R"))
if (computerGuess.equals("S"))
System.out.println("You won, computer had scissors.");
//If user is rock and beats scirssors
if (userPlay.equals("S"))
if (computerGuess.equals("P"))
System.out.println("You win, computer had paper!");
else if (computerGuess.equals("P"))
System.out.println("You lost, computer had paper.");
else if (userPlay.equals("P"))
if (computerGuess.equals("S"))
System.out.println("You lost, computer had scissors.");
else if (computerGuess.equals("R"))
System.out.println("You win, computer had rock.");
else if (userPlay.equals("S"))
if (computerGuess.equals("P"))
System.out.println("You win, computer had paper.");
else if (computerGuess.equals("R"))
System.out.println("You lose, computer had rock.");
}//end of for loop
//Gives total wins/loses and dermines winner
if(userWins > computerWins)
System.out.println("Your total wins: " +userWins );
System.out.println("Total Computer Wins: " + computerWins );
System.out.println("You have won the computer, congrats!");
if(userWins < computerWins)
System.out.println("Your total wins: " +userWins );
System.out.println("Total Computer Wins: " + computerWins );
System.out.println("Magically the computer won, nice try!");
}//end of main code
}//end of program