然而,问题是修改主搜索作为" currying功能"因此,当特定于算法的合并过程(例如,深度优先合并或广度优先合并)作为参数传递时,搜索将使用该特定类型的搜索。回归
;;; -- Non-curried version of generic search algorithm
;;; -- Can be customized for depth-first and breadth-first search
;;; -- You must convert it to a curried version so that
;;; - the function accepts 1 algorithm specific parameter and returns a function
;;; - that accepts 3 problem-specific parameters and returns a function
;;; - that accepths 1 instance specific parameter and performs the search
;;; -- The 5 parameters are described below
;;; Input:
;;; merge-queue
;;; -- algorithm specific
;;; -- procedure that takes a list of new paths and a queue
;;; and returns a new queue
;;; extend
;;; -- problem-specific
;;; -- procedure that takes a state and a list of visited states,
;;; and returns a list of states that are reachable in one move
;;; from the given state
;;; goal?
;;; -- problem-specific
;;; -- predicate that takes a state and returns true if the
;;; state is a goal state, false otherwise
;;; print-path
;;; -- problem-specific
;;; -- procedure that takes a state and prints out a state nicely
;;; init-state
;;; -- problem instance-specific
;;; -- an initial state to start the search from
;;; -- When succeeded, a path from the initial state to a goal state
;;; -- When failed, #f
;;Either this or search2 needs to be rewritten into a curried version
;;To accept either depth-first-merge or breadth-first merge as merge procedures into merge-queue
(define search
(lambda (merge-queue init-config extend goal? print-state)
(lambda (queue)
(lambda (p) (print-path p print-state))
(cond ((null? queue) #f)
((goal? (caar queue))
(print-state (caar queue))
(let ((ans (reverse (car queue))))
(for-each (lambda (x) (print-state x) (newline)) ans)
(let ((successors (extend (caar queue))))
(print-state (caar queue)) (newline)
(cond ((null? successors)
(helper (cdr queue)))
(for-each (lambda (x) (print-state x) (newline))
(merge-queue (cdr queue)
(extend-path successors (car queue))))))))))))
(list (list (config->state init-config ))))))
(define search2
(lambda (merge-queue extend goal? print-path init-state)
(lambda (queue visited)
((null? queue) #f)
((goal? (caar queue))
(print-path (car queue))
(car queue)))
(let ((successors (extend (caar queue) visited)))
((null? successors)
(search-helper (cdr queue) visited))
(let ((new-paths (extend-path successors (car queue))))
(merge-queue queue new-paths)
(append successors visited)))))))))))
(list (list init-state)) ; initial queue
(list init-state))))) ; initial visited
(define extend-path
(lambda (successors path)
(if (null? successors)
(cons (cons (car successors) path)
(extend-path (cdr successors) path)))))
;; merge new extended paths to queue for depth first search
;; - uncomment and define your merge for depth first search
(define depth-first-merge
(lambda (queue paths)
(append! paths queue)))
;; merge new extended paths to queue for breadth first search
;; - uncomment and define your merge for breadth first search
(define breadth-first-merge
(lambda (queue paths)
(append! queue paths)))
;; customize the generic search for depth first search
;; - uncomment and define your depth-first-search in terms of your
;; curried version of search and depth-first-merge
;; Curry Methods are helpful to this.
(define depth-first-search (search depth-first-merge))
(lambda (extend goal? print-path)
(search (depth-first-merge extend goal? print-path))))
;; customize the generic search for breadth first search
;; - uncomment and define your breadth-first-search in terms of your
;; curried version of search and breadth-first-merge
(define breadth-first-search (search breadth-first-merge))
(lambda (extend goal? print-path)
(search (breadth-first-merge extend goal? print-path))))
;; load algorithm specific code for search
(load "search.ss")
;;; Problem specific code for solving the old British coin problems
;;; using the curried version of the simple search procedure.
;;; The old British coin problem was discussed in the lecture.
;;; To solve the problem, load this file and run
;;; (coin-depth-first amount)
;;; or
;;; (coin-breadth-first amount)
;;; where, amount is replaced with some number, e.g., 48.
;;; Here, a state is represented as follows:
;;; (amount (coin1 coin2 ...))
;;; The car of the state represents how much change you need to pay further.
;;; The cadr of the state represents the combination of coins you used
;;; to pay so far. For example,
;;; (48 ())
;;; is the initial state for the amount of 48 cents and
;;; (0 (24 24)
;;; can be one of the goal states using two 24-cent coins.
;; There are 7 kinds of old British coins
(define old-british-coins '(120 30 24 12 6 3 1))
;; Or, you can do the same for US coins
(define us-coins '(100 50 25 10 5 1))
;; Here, we will do the old British coins
(define *coins* old-british-coins)
;; Is a state the goal state?
(define goal?
(lambda (state)
(zero? (car state))))
;; returns children of a state
(define extend
(lambda (state visited)
(let ((coins (applicable-coins state visited *coins*)))
(lambda (coin)
(list (- (car state) coin)
(append (cadr state) (list coin))))
;; find all applicable coins from a state
(define applicable-coins
(lambda (state visited coins)
((null? coins) '())
((<= (car coins) (car state))
(if (visited? state visited (car coins))
(applicable-coins state visited (cdr coins))
(cons (car coins) (applicable-coins state visited (cdr coins)))))
(else (applicable-coins state visited (cdr coins))))))
;; see if a state has been visited before
(define visited?
(lambda (state visited coin)
((null? visited) #f)
((= (- (car state) coin) (caar visited)) #t)
(else (visited? state (cdr visited) coin)))))
;; pretty-print a state
(define pretty-print-path
(lambda (path)
(pretty-print-state (car path))))
(define pretty-print-state
(lambda (state)
(let ((change (car state))
(coins (cadr state))
(total (apply + (cadr state))))
"===> Total of ~a paid with ~a, with remainder of ~a <===~%"
total coins change))))
;; customize the generic depth-first-search for coin problem
(define coin-depth-first-search
(depth-first-search extend goal? pretty-print-path))
;; instance of a coin problem using depth-first search
(define coin-depth-first
(lambda (amount)
(coin-depth-first-search (list amount '()))))
;; customize the generic breadth-first-search for coin problem
(define coin-breadth-first-search
(breadth-first-search extend goal? pretty-print-path))
;; instance of a coin problem with breadth-first search
(define coin-breadth-first
(lambda (amount)
(coin-breadth-first-search (list amount '()))))
答案 0 :(得分:1)
咖喱函数意味着重新定义它,使得它采用少于当前定义的参数并返回 new 函数,该函数接受其余参数并执行工作第一个。例如,您可以讨论以下双参数求和函数:
(define add
(lambda (a b)
(+ a b)))
(add 7 10) ;; => 17
(define add-to
(lambda (a)
(lambda (b)
(+ a b))))
((add-to 7) 10) ;; => 17
(define add-to-7 (add-to 7)) ;; we give a name to the function that add 7 to its argument
(add-to-7 8) ;; => 15
(add-to-7 9) ;; => 16
(define search2
(lambda (merge-queue extend goal? print-path init-state)
...body of search2...
(define search2
(lambda (merge-queue)
(lambda (extend goal? print-path)
(lambda (init-state)
...body of search2...
(define depth-first-search (search2 depth-first-merge))
(define coin-depth-first (depth-first-search coin-extend coin-goal? coin-print-path))
(coin-depth-first 100)