基本上我有两个类(Customer,EmpClass),我多次尝试找到一种方法,一个员工(EmpClass的对象)可以执行客户类对象可用的功能,退款,退出和所以代表一个客户上下班,以后在查询时我可以告诉哪个员工已经为特定客户执行了哪些操作。 并提前感谢:)
class Customer(object):
''' this class contains all Customer related Information and Functions'''
BankName = "SBH"
def __init__(self, Cname,CacountNumber, Cbalance):
self.Cname = Cname
self.CacountNumber = CacountNumber
self.Cbalance = Cbalance
def Deposit(self, DepositAmount):
self.Cbalance = self.Cbalance + DeposetAmount
def WithDraw(self, WithDrawAmount):
if WithDrawAmount > self.Cbalance:
raise InSuffetiantFunds
self.Cbalance = self.Cbalance - WithDrawAmount
def C_Info(self):
print "Bank Name :", Customer.BankName
print "Customer Name :", self.Cname
print "Customer Acount Number : ", self.CacountNumber
print "Customer Balance :", self.Cbalance
class EmpClass(Customer):
''' this class contains all Employee related Information and Functions'''
BankName = "SBH"
def __init__(self, EmpName,EmpId,):
self.EmpName = EmpName
self.EmpId = EmpId
Customer.__init__(self, Cname,CacountNumber, Cbalance)
def E_Info(self):
print "Bank Name :", EmpClass.BankName
print "Employee Name:", self.EmpName
print "Employee Id : ", self.EmpId
答案 0 :(得分:0)
var marker = L.marker(latlng)
.bindTooltip("Test Label",
permanent: true,
direction: 'right'
如果您在python3,则不再需要将参数传递给class EmpClass(Customer):
def __init__(self, EmpName, EmpId, *args, **kwargs):
self.EmpName = EmpName
self.EmpId = EmpId
super(EmpClass, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
and **kwargs