
时间:2016-10-02 00:36:05

标签: sorting merge plagiarism-detection

我现在是罗格斯大学的学生。我之前已经使用过数据结构,现在我已经分配了一个程序,它必须添加/乘以具有单链表的多项式。它非常简单,现在我的问题是我必须使用排序技术(赋值本身不需要为了完成它而必需的东西)并且我选择使用合并排序,因为它是最有效的(如果写得正确则最简单) )。


 * Sorts the polynomial in order of degree from the <strong>highest to the lowest</strong> respectively.
 * <br><br><strong>Note</strong>:<br>Utilizes merge sort technique.
 * @param p The polynomial to be resorted.
 * @return The front of the node.
private void sort() {
    if (poly == null)

    poly = sort(poly);

 * Recursively splits a node into two parts, left and right. It continues this process until
 * the nodes are paired in two parts and then merges them in descending order.
 * @param node The node to be split into left and right parts.
 * @return The sorted node.
private static Node sort(Node node) {
    // If the linked list is empty or only has one element it is already sorted.
    if (node == null || node.next == null)
        return node;

    // Find the middle of the linked list.
    Node middle = getMiddle(node), middleNext = middle.next;

    // Split the node in half.
    middle.next = null;

    // Merge the left and right half.
    return merge(sort(node), sort(middleNext));

 * Compares the left and right side of each half. 
 * @param left 
 * @param right
 * @return
private static Node merge(Node left, Node right) {
    if (left == null)
        return right;
    else if (right == null)
        return left;
    System.out.println(left.term +", "+right.term);

    if (left.term.degree < right.term.degree) {
        left.next = merge(left.next, right);
        return left;
    } else {
        right.next = merge(left, right.next);
        return right;

 * Iterates the linked list until the middle node is found.
 * @param node The node to be iterated.
 * @return The middle node of the linked list.
private static Node getMiddle(Node node) {
    if (node == null)
        return null;

    Node slow, fast;
    slow = fast = node;

    // Iterate two nodes concurrently
    while (fast.next != null && fast.next.next != null) {
        // Faster node reaches the end of the linked list two times faster than the slower node.
        // Eliminates the need for a counter and re-iterating.
        slow = slow.next; 
        fast = fast.next.next;

    return slow;


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