
时间:2016-09-27 09:42:03

标签: windows kernel driver code-signing driver-signing


我的Windows应用程序包含一个加载相当简单的驱动程序的服务。此驱动程序包含嵌入式SHA1和SHA256签名,并且根据MS Kernel Signing doc中描述的用于签署没有CAT文件的驱动程序的KMCS要求,包括两者的交叉签名证书链。

驱动程序在大多数Windows安装中都可以正常加载,但在极少数情况下无法加载,主要是在Windows 7 x64和Windows 10 x64上。错误是0x241(577): Windows无法验证此文件的数字签名。最近的硬件或软件更改可能安装了一个未正确签名或损坏的文件,或者可能是来自未知来源的恶意软件。


在两周的大部分时间里,我一直试图弄清楚这个问题可能是什么原因。正如您所期望的那样,此错误仅出现在用户的计算机上。我已经安装了4台带有Windows 7 x64的虚拟机和另外4台带有Windows 10 x64的虚拟机,这些虚拟机具有各种配置和不同级别的更新。我甚至在其中一个Windows 10虚拟机中完全复制了用户的设置 - 我花了一整天的时间用正确的语言安装完整的Windows版本,并将所有软件安装到精确的版本中。试图重现这个问题。不过没有这样的运气:安装我的应用程序时,驱动程序加载完全正常。



我正在使用StartCom Class 3代码签名证书。我从Microsoft Cross-Certificates for Kernel Mode Code Signing页面下载了交叉签名的StartCom证书。


signtool.exe sign /v /ac "MS_xs_st.crt" /d "Driver description" /du "https://webpage/" /f my_certificate.pfx /t /p %1 driver.sys
signtool.exe sign /v /ac "MS_xs_st.crt" /d "Driver description" /du "https://webpage/" /f my_certificate.pfx /fd sha256 /tr /td sha256 /as /p %1 driver.sys


可以注意到,在SHA1签名(带/ as)之后添加SHA256签名,它还使用SHA256时间戳服务器。它是双重签名的兼容旧版操作系统,虽然我必须说它无法在Vista x64中加载,大概是因为我的证书使用SHA256作为签名算法。值得注意的是,驱动程序在Windows XP x64上加载正常。还值得一提的是,无法加载的所有用户都会在检查文件属性的“数字签名”选项卡时报告两个签名都已正确验证。我可以在没有Vista x64兼容性的情况下生活,但是Windows 7和Windows 10的问题非常令人担忧,迫使我将应用程序保持在beta测试阶段。


  • 在Windows 7 x64中验证失败的3个用户。其中一个没有安装所有更新,继续安装了大约200个更新,然后验证通过,问题解决了。我建议更新其他2个有相同问题的用户,但我还没有收到任何反馈,所以我不知道问题是否已修复,我甚至不知道他们的Windows是否是最新的与否。
  • 在Windows 10 x64上无法加载驱动程序的3个用户。所有这些都比Windows 7用户响应更快,我能够发现所有这些都安装了所有更新。使用Windows 10 Anniversary Edition安装工具包安装的三个用户中的两个。
  • 在Windows 2003 R2 x86上无法加载驱动程序的1个用户。我还使用此操作系统创建了一个虚拟机,但无法重现该问题。

每次驱动程序加载失败时,都会在安全事件类别中生成一个审核失败事件,其中包含以下文本: *代码完整性确定文件的图像哈希无效。由于未经授权的修改,文件可能已损坏,或者无效的哈希可能表示潜在的磁盘设备错误。

文件名:\ Device \ HarddiskVolumeX \ Program Files(x86)\ path \ to \ driver.sys *

我在Vista x64中得到了完全相同的错误,并且启用代码完整性详细日志会导致很多关于加载所有.CAT文件的消息,而没有任何其他感兴趣的内容。当然,在Vista x64中,代码完整性操作日志包含有关未验证文件的错误,与上面的审核错误类似。


signtool.exe verify /v /kp driver.sys


Verifying: driver.sys
Signature Index: 0 (Primary Signature)
Hash of file (sha1): EE2FE2A16395DC66ACCB5264742987D99ECF5A66

Signing Certificate Chain:
    Issued to: StartCom Certification Authority
    Issued by: StartCom Certification Authority
    Expires:   Wed Sep 17 22:46:36 2036
    SHA1 hash: 3E2BF7F2031B96F38CE6C4D8A85D3E2D58476A0F

        Issued to: StartCom Class 3 Object CA
        Issued by: StartCom Certification Authority
        Expires:   Mon Dec 16 04:00:05 2030
        SHA1 hash: E181101EE744817E49B6F97466E14DFA0809BD46

            Issued to: My company
            Issued by: StartCom Class 3 Object CA
            Expires:   Sun Aug 04 16:18:18 2019
            SHA1 hash: 62...E9

The signature is timestamped: Sun Sep 25 12:49:52 2016
Timestamp Verified by:
    Issued to: Thawte Timestamping CA
    Issued by: Thawte Timestamping CA
    Expires:   Fri Jan 01 02:59:59 2021
    SHA1 hash: BE36A4562FB2EE05DBB3D32323ADF445084ED656

        Issued to: Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G2
        Issued by: Thawte Timestamping CA
        Expires:   Thu Dec 31 02:59:59 2020
        SHA1 hash: 6C07453FFDDA08B83707C09B82FB3D15F35336B1

            Issued to: Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G4
            Issued by: Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G2
            Expires:   Wed Dec 30 02:59:59 2020
            SHA1 hash: 65439929B67973EB192D6FF243E6767ADF0834E4

Cross Certificate Chain:
    Issued to: Microsoft Code Verification Root
    Issued by: Microsoft Code Verification Root
    Expires:   Sat Nov 01 16:54:03 2025
    SHA1 hash: 8FBE4D070EF8AB1BCCAF2A9D5CCAE7282A2C66B3

        Issued to: StartCom Certification Authority
        Issued by: Microsoft Code Verification Root
        Expires:   Thu Apr 15 23:23:19 2021
        SHA1 hash: E6069E048DEA8D817AFC4188B1BEF1D888D0AF17

            Issued to: StartCom Class 3 Object CA
            Issued by: StartCom Certification Authority
            Expires:   Mon Dec 16 04:00:05 2030
            SHA1 hash: E181101EE744817E49B6F97466E14DFA0809BD46

                Issued to: My company
                Issued by: StartCom Class 3 Object CA
                Expires:   Sun Aug 04 16:18:18 2019
                SHA1 hash: 62...E9

Successfully verified: driver.sys

Number of files successfully Verified: 1
Number of warnings: 0
Number of errors: 0


signtool.exe verify /v /pa /all driver.sys


Verifying: driver.sys
Signature Index: 0 (Primary Signature)
Hash of file (sha1): EE2FE2A16395DC66ACCB5264742987D99ECF5A66

Signing Certificate Chain:
    Issued to: StartCom Certification Authority
    Issued by: StartCom Certification Authority
    Expires:   Wed Sep 17 22:46:36 2036
    SHA1 hash: 3E2BF7F2031B96F38CE6C4D8A85D3E2D58476A0F

        Issued to: StartCom Class 3 Object CA
        Issued by: StartCom Certification Authority
        Expires:   Mon Dec 16 04:00:05 2030
        SHA1 hash: E181101EE744817E49B6F97466E14DFA0809BD46

            Issued to: My company
            Issued by: StartCom Class 3 Object CA
            Expires:   Sun Aug 04 16:18:18 2019
            SHA1 hash: 62...E9

The signature is timestamped: Sun Sep 25 12:49:52 2016
Timestamp Verified by:
    Issued to: Thawte Timestamping CA
    Issued by: Thawte Timestamping CA
    Expires:   Fri Jan 01 02:59:59 2021
    SHA1 hash: BE36A4562FB2EE05DBB3D32323ADF445084ED656

        Issued to: Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G2
        Issued by: Thawte Timestamping CA
        Expires:   Thu Dec 31 02:59:59 2020
        SHA1 hash: 6C07453FFDDA08B83707C09B82FB3D15F35336B1

            Issued to: Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G4
            Issued by: Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G2
            Expires:   Wed Dec 30 02:59:59 2020
            SHA1 hash: 65439929B67973EB192D6FF243E6767ADF0834E4

Signature Index: 1
Hash of file (sha256): 79E9A2EF552906EA10F56FF7B2F95A1999B52902BCD9B78DD076157B563E900B

Signing Certificate Chain:
    Issued to: StartCom Certification Authority
    Issued by: StartCom Certification Authority
    Expires:   Wed Sep 17 22:46:36 2036
    SHA1 hash: 3E2BF7F2031B96F38CE6C4D8A85D3E2D58476A0F

        Issued to: StartCom Class 3 Object CA
        Issued by: StartCom Certification Authority
        Expires:   Mon Dec 16 04:00:05 2030
        SHA1 hash: E181101EE744817E49B6F97466E14DFA0809BD46

            Issued to: My company
            Issued by: StartCom Class 3 Object CA
            Expires:   Sun Aug 04 16:18:18 2019
            SHA1 hash: 62...E9

The signature is timestamped: Sun Sep 25 12:49:53 2016
Timestamp Verified by:
    Issued to: UTN-USERFirst-Object
    Issued by: UTN-USERFirst-Object
    Expires:   Tue Jul 09 21:40:36 2019
    SHA1 hash: E12DFB4B41D7D9C32B30514BAC1D81D8385E2D46

        Issued to: COMODO SHA-256 Time Stamping Signer
        Issued by: UTN-USERFirst-Object
        Expires:   Tue Jul 09 21:40:36 2019
        SHA1 hash: 36527D4FA26A68F9EB4596F1D99ABB2C0EA76DFA

Successfully verified: driver.sys

Number of signatures successfully Verified: 2
Number of warnings: 0
Number of errors: 0


signtool.exe verify /v /all driver.sys


Verifying: driver.sys
Signature Index: 0 (Primary Signature)
Hash of file (sha1): EE2FE2A16395DC66ACCB5264742987D99ECF5A66

Signing Certificate Chain:
    Issued to: StartCom Certification Authority
    Issued by: StartCom Certification Authority
    Expires:   Wed Sep 17 22:46:36 2036
    SHA1 hash: 3E2BF7F2031B96F38CE6C4D8A85D3E2D58476A0F

        Issued to: StartCom Class 3 Object CA
        Issued by: StartCom Certification Authority
        Expires:   Mon Dec 16 04:00:05 2030
        SHA1 hash: E181101EE744817E49B6F97466E14DFA0809BD46

            Issued to: My company
            Issued by: StartCom Class 3 Object CA
            Expires:   Sun Aug 04 16:18:18 2019
            SHA1 hash: 62...E9

The signature is timestamped: Sun Sep 25 12:49:52 2016
Timestamp Verified by:
    Issued to: Thawte Timestamping CA
    Issued by: Thawte Timestamping CA
    Expires:   Fri Jan 01 02:59:59 2021
    SHA1 hash: BE36A4562FB2EE05DBB3D32323ADF445084ED656

        Issued to: Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G2
        Issued by: Thawte Timestamping CA
        Expires:   Thu Dec 31 02:59:59 2020
        SHA1 hash: 6C07453FFDDA08B83707C09B82FB3D15F35336B1

            Issued to: Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G4
            Issued by: Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G2
            Expires:   Wed Dec 30 02:59:59 2020
            SHA1 hash: 65439929B67973EB192D6FF243E6767ADF0834E4

SignTool Error: A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root
        certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.
Signature Index: 1
Hash of file (sha256): 79E9A2EF552906EA10F56FF7B2F95A1999B52902BCD9B78DD076157B563E900B

Signing Certificate Chain:
    Issued to: StartCom Certification Authority
    Issued by: StartCom Certification Authority
    Expires:   Wed Sep 17 22:46:36 2036
    SHA1 hash: 3E2BF7F2031B96F38CE6C4D8A85D3E2D58476A0F

        Issued to: StartCom Class 3 Object CA
        Issued by: StartCom Certification Authority
        Expires:   Mon Dec 16 04:00:05 2030
        SHA1 hash: E181101EE744817E49B6F97466E14DFA0809BD46

            Issued to: My company
            Issued by: StartCom Class 3 Object CA
            Expires:   Sun Aug 04 16:18:18 2019
            SHA1 hash: 62...E9

The signature is timestamped: Sun Sep 25 12:49:53 2016
Timestamp Verified by:
    Issued to: UTN-USERFirst-Object
    Issued by: UTN-USERFirst-Object
    Expires:   Tue Jul 09 21:40:36 2019
    SHA1 hash: E12DFB4B41D7D9C32B30514BAC1D81D8385E2D46

        Issued to: COMODO SHA-256 Time Stamping Signer
        Issued by: UTN-USERFirst-Object
        Expires:   Tue Jul 09 21:40:36 2019
        SHA1 hash: 36527D4FA26A68F9EB4596F1D99ABB2C0EA76DFA

SignTool Error: A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root
        certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.

Number of signatures successfully Verified: 0
Number of warnings: 0
Number of errors: 2

我使用VS 2015附带的8.1 ​​Windows工具包中的signtool.exe,其版本为6.3.9600.17298。对于它的价值,驱动程序是使用WDK 7.1.0(7600.13685.1)编译的。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

正如Martin Drab上面所说,问题是双重的。顺便说一句,感谢Martin,你的评论帮助我解决了问题,通过设置启用了安全启动的虚拟机,我能够重现Windows 10问题。

对于早于Windows 10的操作系统,似乎可以通过安装所有最新更新来解决问题。如果PC自2015年11月1日之前(当发布新的Microsoft代码验证根证书时)未更新,则它无法验证,因为内核无法识别根证书。

对于Windows 10,有一个新的Kernel Mode Code Signining Policy,它指定Windows 10 Anniversary Edition的所有全新安装都不会验证未由Microsoft Dev Portal(需要EV证书)签名的任何内核代码,除非它与2015年7月29日之前签发的交叉签名证书签署或禁用安全启动。

这个问题很少发生的原因是,大多数人都没有Windows 7的机器,这些机器在很长时间内都没有更新过,而且在编写本文时,大多数拥有Windows 10的机器都不是&# 39;使用全新安装的周年纪念版。

Windows 10唯一真正的解决方案是获得EV证书。