)文件的目标文件/目录。是否有一种无头痛的方法呢? .lnk spec [PDF]是我的头脑。
我的最终目标是在Windows XP和Vista上找到"(My) Videos"
文件夹。在XP上,默认情况下,它位于%HOMEPATH%\My Documents\My Videos
文件夹的"My Videos"
答案 0 :(得分:36)
import sys
import win32com.client
shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut("t:\\test.lnk")
shortcut.Targetpath = "t:\\ftemp"
读取快捷方式的目标import sys
import win32com.client
shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut("t:\\test.lnk")
答案 1 :(得分:9)
基本上直接调用Windows API。以下是谷歌搜索后发现的一个很好的例子:
import os, sys
import pythoncom
from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon
shortcut = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance (
desktop_path = shell.SHGetFolderPath (0, shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, 0)
shortcut_path = os.path.join (desktop_path, "python.lnk")
persist_file = shortcut.QueryInterface (pythoncom.IID_IPersistFile)
persist_file.Load (shortcut_path)
shortcut.SetDescription ("Updated Python %s" % sys.version)
mydocs_path = shell.SHGetFolderPath (0, shellcon.CSIDL_PERSONAL, 0, 0)
shortcut.SetWorkingDirectory (mydocs_path)
persist_file.Save (shortcut_path, 0)
您可以搜索“python ishelllink”以获取其他示例。
答案 2 :(得分:9)
import ctypes
shell32 = ctypes.windll.shell32
# allocate MAX_PATH bytes in buffer
video_folder_path = ctypes.create_string_buffer(260)
# If you want a Unicode path, use SHGetFolderPathW instead
if shell32.SHGetFolderPathA(None, 0xE, None, 0, video_folder_path) >= 0:
# success, video_folder_path now contains the correct path
# error
答案 3 :(得分:6)
import struct
path = 'myfile.txt.lnk'
target = ''
with open(path, 'rb') as stream:
content = stream.read()
# skip first 20 bytes (HeaderSize and LinkCLSID)
# read the LinkFlags structure (4 bytes)
lflags = struct.unpack('I', content[0x14:0x18])[0]
position = 0x18
# if the HasLinkTargetIDList bit is set then skip the stored IDList
# structure and header
if (lflags & 0x01) == 1:
position = struct.unpack('H', content[0x4C:0x4E])[0] + 0x4E
last_pos = position
position += 0x04
# get how long the file information is (LinkInfoSize)
length = struct.unpack('I', content[last_pos:position])[0]
# skip 12 bytes (LinkInfoHeaderSize, LinkInfoFlags, and VolumeIDOffset)
position += 0x0C
# go to the LocalBasePath position
lbpos = struct.unpack('I', content[position:position+0x04])[0]
position = last_pos + lbpos
# read the string at the given position of the determined length
size= (length + last_pos) - position - 0x02
temp = struct.unpack('c' * size, content[position:position+size])
target = ''.join([chr(ord(a)) for a in temp])
答案 4 :(得分:2)
就像Jared的回答一样,我也无法使用win32com模块。所以Jared使用MS-SHLLINK的二进制结构让我成为了那里的一部分。我需要在Windows和Linux上读取快捷方式,其中快捷方式由Windows在samba共享上创建。 Jared的实现并不适合我,我想只是因为我在快捷方式格式上遇到了一些不同的变化。但是,它给了我我需要的开始(感谢贾里德)。
# Link Format from MS: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd871305.aspx
# Need to be able to read shortcut target from .lnk file on linux or windows.
# Original inspiration from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/397125/reading-the-target-of-a-lnk-file-in-python
from pathlib import Path, PureWindowsPath
import struct, sys, warnings
if sys.hexversion < 0x03040000:
warnings.warn("'{}' module requires python3.4 version or above".format(__file__), ImportWarning)
# doc says class id =
# 00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
# requiredCLSID = b'\x00\x02\x14\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x46'
# Actually Getting:
requiredCLSID = b'\x01\x14\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x46' # puzzling
class ShortCutError(RuntimeError):
class MSShortcut():
interface to Microsoft Shortcut Objects. Purpose:
- I need to be able to get the target from a samba shared on a linux machine
- Also need to get access from a Windows machine.
- Need to support several forms of the shortcut, as they seem be created differently depending on the
creating machine.
- Included some 'flag' types in external interface to help test differences in shortcut types
scPath (str): path to shortcut
- There are some omitted object properties in the implementation.
Only implemented / tested enough to recover the shortcut target information. Recognized omissions:
- LinkTargetIDList
- VolumeId structure (if captured later, should be a separate class object to hold info)
- Only captured environment block from extra data
- I don't know how or when some of the shortcut information is used, only captured what I recognized,
so there may be bugs related to use of the information
- NO shortcut update support (though might be nice)
- Implementation requires python 3.4 or greater
- Tested only with Unicode data on a 64bit little endian machine, did not consider potential endian issues
Not Debugged:
- localBasePath - didn't check if parsed correctly or not.
- commonPathSuffix
- commonNetworkRelativeLink
def __init__(self, scPath):
Parse and keep shortcut properties on creation
self.scPath = Path(scPath)
self._clsid = None
self._lnkFlags = None
self._lnkInfoFlags = None
self._localBasePath = None
self._commonPathSuffix = None
self._commonNetworkRelativeLink = None
self._name = None
self._relativePath = None
self._workingDir = None
self._commandLineArgs = None
self._iconLocation = None
self._envTarget = None
def clsid(self):
return self._clsid
def lnkFlags(self):
return self._lnkFlags
def lnkInfoFlags(self):
return self._lnkInfoFlags
def localBasePath(self):
return self._localBasePath
def commonPathSuffix(self):
return self._commonPathSuffix
def commonNetworkRelativeLink(self):
return self._commonNetworkRelativeLink
def name(self):
return self._name
def relativePath(self):
return self._relativePath
def workingDir(self):
return self._workingDir
def commandLineArgs(self):
return self._commandLineArgs
def iconLocation(self):
return self._iconLocation
def envTarget(self):
return self._envTarget
def targetPath(self):
woAnchor (bool): remove the anchor (\\server\path or drive:) from returned path.
a libpath PureWindowsPath object for combined workingDir/relative path
or the envTarget
ShortCutError when no target path found in Shortcut
target = None
if self.workingDir:
target = PureWindowsPath(self.workingDir)
if self.relativePath:
target = target / PureWindowsPath(self.relativePath)
else: target = None
if not target and self.envTarget:
target = PureWindowsPath(self.envTarget)
if not target:
raise ShortCutError("Unable to retrieve target path from MS Shortcut: shortcut = {}"
return target
def targetPathWOAnchor(self):
tp = self.targetPath
return tp.relative_to(tp.anchor)
def _ParseLnkFile(self, lnkPath):
with lnkPath.open('rb') as f:
content = f.read()
# verify size (4 bytes)
hdrSize = struct.unpack('I', content[0x00:0x04])[0]
if hdrSize != 0x4C:
raise ShortCutError("MS Shortcut HeaderSize = {}, but required to be = {}: shortcut = {}"
.format(hdrSize, 0x4C, str(lnkPath)))
# verify LinkCLSID id (16 bytes)
self._clsid = bytes(struct.unpack('B'*16, content[0x04:0x14]))
if self._clsid != requiredCLSID:
raise ShortCutError("MS Shortcut ClassID = {}, but required to be = {}: shortcut = {}"
.format(self._clsid, requiredCLSID, str(lnkPath)))
# read the LinkFlags structure (4 bytes)
self._lnkFlags = struct.unpack('I', content[0x14:0x18])[0]
#logger.debug("lnkFlags=0x%0.8x" % self._lnkFlags)
position = 0x4C
# if HasLinkTargetIDList bit, then position to skip the stored IDList structure and header
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x01):
idListSize = struct.unpack('H', content[position:position+0x02])[0]
position += idListSize + 2
# if HasLinkInfo, then process the linkinfo structure
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x02):
(linkInfoSize, linkInfoHdrSize, self._linkInfoFlags,
volIdOffset, localBasePathOffset,
cmnNetRelativeLinkOffset, cmnPathSuffixOffset) = struct.unpack('IIIIIII', content[position:position+28])
# check for optional offsets
localBasePathOffsetUnicode = None
cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode = None
if linkInfoHdrSize >= 0x24:
(localBasePathOffsetUnicode, cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode) = struct.unpack('II', content[position+28:position+36])
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % linkInfoSize)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % linkInfoHdrSize)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % self._linkInfoFlags)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % volIdOffset)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % localBasePathOffset)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % cmnNetRelativeLinkOffset)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % cmnPathSuffixOffset)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % localBasePathOffsetUnicode)
#logger.debug("0x%0.8X" % cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode)
# if info has a localBasePath
if (self._linkInfoFlags & 0x01):
bpPosition = position + localBasePathOffset
# not debugged - don't know if this works or not
self._localBasePath = UnpackZ('z', content[bpPosition:])[0].decode('ascii')
#logger.debug("localBasePath: {}".format(self._localBasePath))
if localBasePathOffsetUnicode:
bpPosition = position + localBasePathOffsetUnicode
self._localBasePath = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', content[bpPosition:])[0]
self._localBasePath = self._localBasePath.decode('utf-16')
#logger.debug("localBasePathUnicode: {}".format(self._localBasePath))
# get common Path Suffix
cmnSuffixPosition = position + cmnPathSuffixOffset
self._commonPathSuffix = UnpackZ('z', content[cmnSuffixPosition:])[0].decode('ascii')
#logger.debug("commonPathSuffix: {}".format(self._commonPathSuffix))
if cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode:
cmnSuffixPosition = position + cmnPathSuffixOffsetUnicode
self._commonPathSuffix = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', content[cmnSuffixPosition:])[0]
self._commonPathSuffix = self._commonPathSuffix.decode('utf-16')
#logger.debug("commonPathSuffix: {}".format(self._commonPathSuffix))
# check for CommonNetworkRelativeLink
if (self._linkInfoFlags & 0x02):
relPosition = position + cmnNetRelativeLinkOffset
self._commonNetworkRelativeLink = CommonNetworkRelativeLink(content, relPosition)
position += linkInfoSize
# If HasName
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x04):
(position, self._name) = self.readStringObj(content, position)
#logger.debug("name: {}".format(self._name))
# get relative path string
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x08):
(position, self._relativePath) = self.readStringObj(content, position)
# get working dir string
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x10):
(position, self._workingDir) = self.readStringObj(content, position)
# get command line arguments
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x20):
(position, self._commandLineArgs) = self.readStringObj(content, position)
# get icon location
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x40):
(position, self._iconLocation) = self.readStringObj(content, position)
# look for environment properties
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x200):
while True:
size = struct.unpack('I', content[position:position+4])[0]
#logger.debug("blksize=%d" % size)
if size==0: break
signature = struct.unpack('I', content[position+4:position+8])[0]
#logger.debug("signature=0x%0.8x" % signature)
# EnvironmentVariableDataBlock
if signature == 0xA0000001:
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x80): # unicode
self._envTarget = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', content[position+268:])[0]
self._envTarget = self._envTarget.decode('utf-16')
self._envTarget = UnpackZ('z', content[position+8:])[0].decode('ascii')
position += size
def readStringObj(self, scContent, position):
tuple: (newPosition, string)
strg = ''
size = struct.unpack('H', scContent[position:position+2])[0]
if (self._lnkFlags & 0x80): # unicode
size *= 2
strg = struct.unpack(str(size)+'s', scContent[position+2:position+2+size])[0]
strg = strg.decode('utf-16')
strg = struct.unpack(str(size)+'s', scContent[position+2:position+2+size])[0].decode('ascii')
position += size + 2 # 2 bytes to account for CountCharacters field
return (position, strg)
class CommonNetworkRelativeLink():
def __init__(self, scContent, linkContentPos):
self._networkProviderType = None
self._deviceName = None
self._netName = None
(linkSize, flags, netNameOffset,
devNameOffset, self._networkProviderType) = struct.unpack('IIIII', scContent[linkContentPos:linkContentPos+20])
#logger.debug("netnameOffset = {}".format(netNameOffset))
if netNameOffset > 0x014:
(netNameOffsetUnicode, devNameOffsetUnicode) = struct.unpack('II', scContent[linkContentPos+20:linkContentPos+28])
#logger.debug("netnameOffsetUnicode = {}".format(netNameOffsetUnicode))
self._netName = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', scContent[linkContentPos+netNameOffsetUnicode:])[0]
self._netName = self._netName.decode('utf-16')
self._deviceName = UnpackUnicodeZ('z', scContent[linkContentPos+devNameOffsetUnicode:])[0]
self._deviceName = self._deviceName.decode('utf-16')
self._netName = UnpackZ('z', scContent[linkContentPos+netNameOffset:])[0].decode('ascii')
self._deviceName = UnpackZ('z', scContent[linkContentPos+devNameOffset:])[0].decode('ascii')
def deviceName(self):
return self._deviceName
def netName(self):
return self._netName
def networkProviderType(self):
return self._networkProviderType
def UnpackZ (fmt, buf) :
Unpack Null Terminated String
while True :
pos = fmt.find ('z')
if pos < 0 :
z_start = struct.calcsize (fmt[:pos])
z_len = buf[z_start:].find(b'\0')
fmt = '%s%dsx%s' % (fmt[:pos], z_len, fmt[pos+1:])
#logger.debug("fmt='{}', len={}".format(fmt, z_len))
fmtlen = struct.calcsize(fmt)
return struct.unpack (fmt, buf[0:fmtlen])
def UnpackUnicodeZ (fmt, buf) :
Unpack Null Terminated String
while True :
pos = fmt.find ('z')
if pos < 0 :
z_start = struct.calcsize (fmt[:pos])
# look for null bytes by pairs
z_len = 0
for i in range(z_start,len(buf),2):
if buf[i:i+2] == b'\0\0':
z_len = i-z_start
fmt = '%s%dsxx%s' % (fmt[:pos], z_len, fmt[pos+1:])
# logger.debug("fmt='{}', len={}".format(fmt, z_len))
fmtlen = struct.calcsize(fmt)
return struct.unpack (fmt, buf[0:fmtlen])
我希望这对其他人也有帮助。 感谢
答案 5 :(得分:0)
我知道这是一个老问题,但是我需要在C#for .NET Core中执行相同的操作。我修改了Jared的答案以使用BinaryFileReader类。我希望这可以帮助需要此类东西的其他人。
public static string GetLnkTargetPath(string filepath)
using (var br = new BinaryReader(System.IO.File.OpenRead(filepath)))
// skip the first 20 bytes (HeaderSize and LinkCLSID)
// read the LinkFlags structure (4 bytes)
uint lflags = br.ReadUInt32();
// if the HasLinkTargetIDList bit is set then skip the stored IDList
// structure and header
if ((lflags & 0x01) == 1)
var skip = br.ReadUInt16(); // this counts of how far we need to skip ahead
// get the number of bytes the path contains
var length = br.ReadUInt32();
// skip 12 bytes (LinkInfoHeaderSize, LinkInfoFlgas, and VolumeIDOffset)
// Find the location of the LocalBasePath position
var lbpos = br.ReadUInt32();
// Skip to the path position
// (subtract the length of the read (4 bytes), the length of the skip (12 bytes), and
// the length of the lbpos read (4 bytes) from the lbpos)
br.ReadBytes((int)lbpos - 0x14);
var size = length - lbpos - 0x02;
var bytePath = br.ReadBytes((int)size);
var path = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytePath, 0, bytePath.Length);
return path;
答案 6 :(得分:0)
打开“ .exe”文件很容易。同样在这里,我们将为此使用os
import os
path = "C:\\Users\\hello\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\Shortcuts\\OneNote for Windows 10.lnk"
答案 7 :(得分:0)
我真的不喜欢任何可用的答案,因为我不想继续导入越来越多的库,并且“ shell”选项在我的测试机器上参差不齐。我选择读入“ .lnk”,然后使用正则表达式读出路径。为了我的目的,我正在寻找最近打开的pdf文件,然后阅读这些文件的内容:
# Example file path to the shortcut
shortcut = "shortcutFileName.lnk"
# Open the lnk file using the ISO-8859-1 encoder to avoid errors for special characters
lnkFile = open(shortcut, 'r', encoding = "ISO-8859-1")
# Use a regular expression to parse out the pdf file on C:\
filePath = re.findall("C:.*?pdf", pdfFile.read(), flags=re.DOTALL)
# Close File
# Read the pdf at the lnk Target
pdfFile = open(tmpFilePath[0], 'rb')
答案 8 :(得分:0)
这项工作可以在没有任何模块的情况下进行,这样做将返回一个 b 字符串,其中包含快捷方式文件的目标。基本上,您所做的是以读取二进制模式(rb
with open('programs.lnk - Copy','rb') as f:
我目前使用的是 python 3.9.2,如果您遇到此问题,请告诉我,我会尝试修复它。