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in" ThisDocument"代码窗格放置此(注释)代码:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Document_Open()
Dim lastNameRng As Range
Set lastNameRng = GetLastname(ActiveDocument, "lastname") '<--| set 'lastNameRng' range to the one in the active document containing "lastname"
If lastNameRng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub '<--| exit if active document doesn't contain "lastname"
With UserForm2 '<--| change "UserForm2" to your actual userform name
With .TextBox1 '<--| change "TextBox1" to your actual TextBox name
.Value = "lastname" '<--| default value
.SetFocus '<--| make textbox the active control
.SelStart = 0 '<--| set the textbox selected text start from the beginning of the textbox text
.SelLength = Len(.Text) '<--| set the textbox selected text length as the textbox text one
End With
.Show '<--| show the userform and let the user input its text
lastNameRng.Text = .TextBox1.Value '<--| change "lastname" to the validated user input in TextBox1 (change "TextBox1" to your actual TextBox name)
End With
Unload UserForm2
End Sub
Private Function GetLastname(doc As Document, strng As String) As Range
Dim myRange As Range
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Content '<--| set 'myRange' to passd dcoument entire content
myRange.Find.Execute FindText:=strng, MatchCase:=True, MatchWholeWord:=True, Forward:=True '<--| set 'myRange' to the one containing passed string in the passed document
If myRange.Find.Found = True Then Set GetLastname = myRange '<--| if 'myRange' has been actually set the return it
End Function
Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() '<--| change "CommandButton1" to your actual "Done" button name
If Not ValidateInput(Me.TextBox1) Then Exit Sub '<--| exit if invalid input in TextBox1 (change "TextBox1" to your actual textbox name)
End Sub
Function ValidateInput(tb As MSForms.TextBox) As Boolean
With tb '<--| reference passed textbox
If Trim(.Value) = "" Then '<--| if its content is empty...
MsgBox "You must enter a last name !", vbExclamation + vbInformation '<--| inform the user
.SetFocus '<--| make textbox the active control
.Value = "lastname" '<--| set the "default" textbox text
.SelStart = 0 '<--| set the textbox selected text start from the beginning of the textbox text
.SelLength = Len(.Text) '<--| set the textbox selected text length as the textbox text one
ValidateInput = True
End If
End With
End Function
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then '<--| don't let the user close the userform by clicking the white cross at its top left
MsgBox "Click the 'Done' button to close the form"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub