class Car:
def __init__(self,x,y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
然后我需要在dict _cars
temp = Car(0,0)
self._cars[temp] = fuel
class SuperDuperManager:
"""A class responsible for keeping track of all cars in the system.
=== Private Attributes ===
@type _cars: dict[str, Car]
A map of unique string identifiers to the corresponding Car.
For example, _cars['a01'] would be a Car object corresponding to
the id 'a01'.
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize a new SuperDuperManager.
There are no cars in the system when first created.
@type self: SuperDuperManager
@rtype: None
self._cars = {}
def add_car(self, id_, fuel):
"""Add a new car to the system.
The new car is identified by the string <id_>, and has initial amount
of fuel <fuel>.
Do nothing if there is already a car with the given id.
@type self: SuperDuperManager
@type id_: str
@type fuel: int
@rtype: None
# Check to make sure the identifier isn't already used.
if id_ not in self._cars:
# TODO: Add the new car.
if self._cars[id_] = fuel
def move_car(self, id_, new_x, new_y):
"""Move the car with the given id.
The car called <id_> should be moved to position (<new_x>, <new_y>).
Do nothing if there is no car with the given id,
or if the corresponding car does not have enough fuel.
@type self: SuperDuperManager
@type id_: str
@type new_x: int
@type new_y: int
@rtype: None
if id_ in self._cars:
# TODO: Move the car with id <id_>.
if self._cars[id_] >= (new_x + new_y):
remaining_fuel = self._cars[id] - (new_x + new_y)
self._cars[id_] = Car(new_x, new_y, remaining_fuel)
def get_car_position(self, id_):
"""Return the position of the car with the given id.
Return a tuple of the (x, y) position of the car with id <id_>.
Return None if there is no car with the given id.
@type self: SuperDuperManager
@type id_: str
@rtype: (int, int) | None
if id_ in self._cars:
# TODO: Get the position of the car with id <id_>.
return (self._cars[id_].x, self._cars[id_].y)
def get_car_fuel(self, id_):
"""Return the amount of fuel of the car with the given id.
Return None if there is no car with the given id.
@type self: SuperDuperManager
@type id_: str
@rtype: int | None
if id_ in self._cars:
# TODO: Get the amount of fuel of the car with id <id_>.
return (self._cars[id_].fuel)
def dispatch(self, x, y):
"""Move a car to the given location.
Choose a car to move based on the following criteria:
(1) Only consider cars that *can* move to the location.
(Ignore ones that don't have enough fuel.)
(2) After (1), choose the car that would move the *least* distance to
get to the location.
(3) If there is a tie in (2), pick the car whose id comes first
alphabetically. Use < to compare the strings.
(4) If no cars can move to the given location, do nothing.
@type self: SuperDuperManager
@type x: int
@type y: int
@rtype: None
# TODO: Implement this method!
class Car:
"""A car in the Super system.
def __init__(self, x, y, fuel):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.fuel = fuel