在angular1.5 x上下文中,ES6控制器的茉莉花单元测试失败,但有例外

时间:2016-09-23 22:32:13

标签: angularjs unit-testing ecmascript-6 karma-jasmine angular-mock

我有角度1.5控制器的ES6类。我正在尝试使用jasmine / karma和angular-mocks编写相同的单元测试。但是,我不知道如何为$ inject注入我的依赖项(如$ filter)添加单元测试。我该如何测试,最初this.users是一个数组。另外我想知道如何测试生命周期钩子,如$ inject和$ destroy。


作为TypeError:无法读取属性'用户'未定义的         在对象。 (测试context.js:35022:37)

Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module undefined due to:
Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'fn' is not a function, got undefined
    at test-context.js:141:13
    at assertArg (test-context.js:1965:12)
    at assertArgFn (test-context.js:1975:4)
    at Function.annotate (test-context.js:4039:6)
    at Function.angular.injector.$$annotate (test-context.js:34574:37)
    at injectionArgs (test-context.js:4752:37)
    at Object.invoke (test-context.js:4783:19)
    at test-context.js:4697:46
    at forEach (test-context.js:394:21)
    at loadModules (test-context.js:4674:6)
    at test-context.js:141:13
    at forEach (test-context.js:394:21)
    at loadModules (test-context.js:4674:6)
    at test-context.js:4713:16
    at Object.createInjector [as injector] (test-context.js:4596:20)
    at Object.workFn (test-context.js:34913:53)
    at window.inject.angular.mock.inject (test-context.js:34893:43)
    at Object.<anonymous> (test-context.js:35013:14)
TypeError: Cannot read property 'users' of undefined
    at Object.<anonymous> (test-context.js:35022:37)

Chrome 53.0.2785(Mac OS X 10.10.5):执行3 of 3(1失败)

这是ES6 Class

class UsersCtrl {
    constructor($filter) {
        this.i18n = $filter('i18n');
        this.users = [];
//Life cycle Hooks: Initialization
$onInit() {
    this.users = [
        {name: this.i18n('USERS')}
//Life cycle Hooks: Destroy
  $onDestroy() {

  UsersCtrl.$inject = ['$filter'];

 angular.module('app', []).controller('UsersCtrl',UsersCtrl);

export default UsersCtrl;


Import UsersCtrl from './users-controller.js';

describe("given a new Users Page", () => {

var UserController;

beforeEach(() => {
    angular.mock.module('app', []);

describe("when initialising  has completed", () => {

    beforeEach(() => {
        inject(($rootScope, $controller, $filter) => {
            const scope = $rootScope.$new();
            const filter = $filter
            UserController = $controller("UsersCtrl", { $scope: scope, $filter: filter});

    it("then users array for tab content should be empty initially", () => {
        const expectedActive = [];       


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