OpenCv 3.1.0 undefined对imread的引用

时间:2016-09-23 14:33:34

标签: opencv undefined-reference


#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

using namespace std;

using namespace cv;

int main( int argc, const char** argv )
    Mat img = imread("MyPicture.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED); //read the image  data in the file "MyPic.JPG" and store it in 'img'

    if (img.empty()) //check whether the image is loaded or not
        cout << "Error : Image cannot be loaded..!!" << endl;
        //system("pause"); //wait for a key press
        return -1;

    namedWindow("MyWindow", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); //create a window with the name "MyWindow"
    imshow("MyWindow", img); //display the image which is stored in the 'img' in the "MyWindow" window

    waitKey(0); //wait infinite time for a keypress

    destroyWindow("MyWindow"); //destroy the window with the name, "MyWindow"

    return 0;

我正在使用Codeblocks和g ++编译器。此外,我已将opencv_world310d.libdebugopencv_world310.lib关联到release。 另外,我已经在searchdirectory编译器和链接器中给出了路径。 任何提示?

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