public class Employee
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool performance { get; set; }
public List<Skills> Skills { get; set; }
public class Skills
public int Id { get; set; }
public string skills { get; set; }
public int Rate { get; set; }
public int statistics { get; set; }
我有2个静态方法,其中1st static负责添加技能列表。现在,对于每个员工,我想设置性能属性值,第二个静态方法将与技能列表一起使用。
我有一些逻辑,通过它我知道何时返回false到性能属性以及何时将Rate和Statictics设置为 0但我唯一没有得到的是如何在不调用我的第二个静态方法的情况下返回技能列表和相关的真或假值 两次。
public static List<Employee> ReturnEmployeeList(List<EmployeesModel> employeesModel)
var list = new List<Employee>();
foreach (var item in employeesModel)
new Employee
EmployeeId = item.EmployeeId,
Version = item.Name,
performance=????, // i want to set this value based on value return by 2nd static method
Skills = ReturnSkillList(item.SkillModels)
return list;
private static List<Skills> ReturnSkillList(List<SkillModels> skillModel)
var list = new List<Skills>();
//Here i have some logic in which i know when to set Rate and statictics to 0 and return false for performance properties
return list;
答案 0 :(得分:4)
我有一种感觉,如果你要显示你的代码背后的逻辑,就有可能将它重构为一个不需要多值返回类型的状态 - 但我会回答假设这是不相关的
bool performance;
Skills = ReturnSkillList(item.SkillModels, out performance);
private static List<Skills> ReturnSkillList(List<SkillModels> skillModel, out bool perf)
Tuple<List<Skills, bool> temp = ReturnSkillList(item.SkillModels, out performance);
Skills = temp.Item1;
performance = temp.Item2;
private static Tuple<List<Skills>, bool> ReturnSkillList(List<SkillModels> skillModel, out bool perf)
答案 1 :(得分:3)
private static Tuple<bool, List<Skills>> ReturnSkillList(List<SkillModels> skillModel)
var list = new List<Skills>();
var performance = false;
// your logic here
return new Tuple<bool, List<Skills>>(performance, list);
答案 2 :(得分:1)
为什么不将Tuple<bool, List<Skills>>
var performanceAndSkills = ReturnPerformanceAndSkills(item.SkillModels);
list.Add(new MockList
EmployeeId = item.EmployeeId,
Version = item.Name,
performance = performanceAndSkills.Item1,
Skills = performanceAndSkills.Item2,
private static Tuple<bool, List<Skills> ReturnPerformanceAndSkills(List<SkillModel> skills) {}