如何在假日范围列表中的MS Excel 2010 Workday函数中传递MS Access表列值。
我想在假期列表中的MS Excel 2010 Workday函数中使用上面的日期列表。
按照上述Workday函数的语法,我正在寻找 工作日(任何日期,添加一天,排除上面列出的MS访问表列日期)。
任何人都可以在工作日函数中帮助如何在holiday_array中传递MS Access Table列日期值吗?
注意:代码需要在MS Access VBA环境中实现。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
只要 将数组 传递给Excel函数,就可以从Access VBA调用它。
General usage of function described here
Public Sub TestWorkdayFunction()
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim startDate As Date
Dim numDays As Long
Dim arrDates As Variant
Dim nextDate As Date
Dim strDates As String
' Array of Holidays
arrDates = Array("1/1/2016", "3/25/2016", "3/28/2016")
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Debug.Print "Loading Array of Holidays From Preset List"
startDate = #12/30/2015#
Debug.Print startDate
numDays = 1
nextDate = xlApp.WorksheetFunction.WorkDay(startDate, numDays, arrDates)
Debug.Print "Next Work Day after " & numDays & ": " & Format(nextDate, "Long Date")
numDays = 2
nextDate = xlApp.WorksheetFunction.WorkDay(startDate, numDays, arrDates)
Debug.Print "Next Work Day after " & numDays & ": " & Format(nextDate, "Long Date")
Debug.Print "Loading Array of Holidays From Recordset"
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT date_val FROM Table2", dbOpenSnapshot, dbReadOnly)
With rs
While Not .EOF
' Build comma separated list of dates (in Serial Date format)
' You could build date list with text format, enclosing in double quotes
strDates = strDates & DateSerial(Year(!date_val), Month(!date_val), Day(!date_val)) & ","
End With
startDate = #3/24/2016#
Debug.Print startDate
' Remove Last comma
strDates = Left$(strDates, Len(strDates) - 1)
' Build Array of Holiday Dates
arrDates = Split(strDates, ",")
numDays = 1
nextDate = xlApp.WorksheetFunction.WorkDay(startDate, numDays, arrDates)
Debug.Print "Next Work Day after " & numDays & ": " & Format(nextDate, "Long Date")
numDays = 5
nextDate = xlApp.WorksheetFunction.WorkDay(startDate, numDays, arrDates)
Debug.Print "Next Work Day after " & numDays & ": " & Format(nextDate, "Long Date")
Set rs = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
End Sub
Loading Array of Holidays From Preset List
Next Work Day after 1: Thursday, December 31, 2015
Next Work Day after 2: Monday, January 04, 2016
Loading Array of Holidays From Recordset
Next Work Day after 1: Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Next Work Day after 5: Monday, April 04, 2016