
时间:2016-09-22 20:40:09

标签: loops powershell rename-item-cmdlet

我是Powershell的新手,我在一个需要帮助的循环中遇到问题。我试图重命名一些在循环中作为进程的一部分创建的文件。 我测试了循环的代码OUTSIDE,它工作正常。但是,当我试图把它放在循环中时,似乎没有任何事情发生。

我需要重命名的文件位于以下位置...... (1)“\ MYSERVER \ MYCOMPANY \ MYFOLDER \ MyPrintouts \ EstimateImport \ ImportPrintout.txt” (2)“\ MYSERVER \ MYCOMPANY \ MYFOLDER \ MyPrintouts \ PostEntries \ ImportPostEntries.txt”


#File location
$ImportPrintout = “\\MYSERVER\MYCOMPANY\MYFOLDER\MyPrintouts\EstimateImport\ImportPrintout.txt”
$ImportPostEntries = “\MYSERVER\MYCOMPANY\MYFOLDER\ MyPrintouts\PostEntries\ImportPostEntries.txt”

#Find and rename the import printouts
Get-ChildItem $ImportPrintout -Filter "ImportPrintout.txt" | ForEach-Object {          
            Rename-Item $_.FullName "$BackupFolder$($_.BaseName -replace " ", "_" -replace '\..*?$')$(Get-Date -Format "MMddyyyy-HHmmss").txt"}

Get-ChildItem $ImportPostEntries -Filter "ImportPostEntires.txt" | ForEach-Object {          
            Rename-Item $_.FullName "$BackupFolder$($_.BaseName -replace " ", "_" -replace '\..*?$')$(Get-Date -Format "MMddyyyy-HHmmss").txt"}


#Define actions after an Event is Detected
$action = {$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $watcher.Path -Filter $watcher.Filter #-Recurse
        foreach ($file in $files)
        #Define variables for log file
        $changeType = $Event.SourceEventArgs.ChangeType #Your event trigger "Created"
        $fileDate = $file.LastWriteTime #Date/Time Estimate was created
        #logline contains = Date/Time of import, Created, Date/Time Created, filename
        $logline = "$(Get-Date), $changeType, $fileDate, $file"

        #Actions to take ==============================================================
        #Write details to the log
        Add-Content "“\\MYSERVER\MYCOMPANY\MYFOLDER\EstimateImportLog.txt" -value $logline
        #Copy the estimate to the "ToBeProcessed" folder
        Copy-Item $file.FullName -Destination $copyTo
        #Move the estimate to the "EstimateHistory" folder
        Move-Item $file.FullName -Destination $moveTo -Force
        #Run the powershell script that launches the .bat file that launches the macro
        Invoke-Expression "& '\\MYSERVER\MYCOMPANY\MYFOLDER\PSscriptToRunBATfile.ps1'"
        #Pause the script for 30 seconds to allow the estimate to finish posting
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
        Invoke-Expression "& '“\\MYSERVER\MYCOMPANY\MYFOLDER\RenameFiles.ps1'"


1 个答案:

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如果循环失败,您可能会遇到错误。将$ ErrorActionPreference设置为Continue或将其设置为Stop并将try / catch块包装在copy-item和move-item周围以检测和处理错误。 这可能还解决了copy-item / move-item更改文件名失败的问题,它在尝试执行该操作并失败时遇到错误。