- >这可能与前一末端和后一扫描段开始时的不同相角有关。我试图解决问题(参见下面的代码) - 到目前为止都没有成功。您将在此处看到这种声音的频谱图:
spectrogram of concatenated sound which is perceived with several 'soft' clicks
2)当我产生声音时,除了这些柔和的声音之外,有时会有更明显的咔哒声。这在频谱图中清晰可见。 - >在这里,我不确定问题是什么,以及如何避免它。
spectrogram of concatenated sound with additional distinct click
clear all;
close all;
%% define stimulus parameters
soundDuration = 1200; % duration of sound
sf = 44100; % sampling rate
ampl = 0.05; % 0.05; % ampl
segmentDuration = 25; % duration of one standard segment in ms
nSegments = soundDuration/segmentDuration; % number of segments of which the sound should consist of
t = 0:1/sf:(0.025-1/sf); % time vector for segment
%% generate sound consisting of n sweep-segments
complexSound = [];
for iSeg = 1:nSegments
f1 = 1000:10:3000;
f1 = randsample(f1,1); % start freq in Hz for current sweep segment
f2 = 1500:10:4500;
f2 = randsample(f2,1); % end freq in Hz for current sweep segment
if iSeg == 1
sweep = ampl * chirp(t,f1,segmentDuration/1000,f2,'logarithmic'); % generate sweep-segment withou considering the phase
sweep = ampl * chirp(t+1/sf,f1,segmentDuration/1000,f2,'logarithmic',ph); % the current sweep starts with a t+1/sf later and with the phase angle with which the previous sweep ended
ph = -90+360*(f2*t(end)+1/sf); % calculate the phase at the time point at which the current sweep ends and from that calculate the starting phase for the next sweep
sweep = sweep';
complexSound = [complexSound; sweep]; % concatenate sweep segments to form the complex sound
stim = complexSound;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
%% clear
clear all;
close all;
%% define stimulus parameters
soundDuration = 1.2; % duration of sound in seconds
sf = 44100; % sampling rate
ampl = 0.05; % 0.05; % ampl
segmentDuration = 0.025; % duration of one standard segment in s
nSegments = round(soundDuration/segmentDuration); % number of segments of which the sound should consist of
samples_per_segment = floor(sf * segmentDuration);
%% generate sound consisting of n sweep-segments
modulator = zeros(1, nSegments * samples_per_segment);
first_idx = 1;
for iSeg = 1:nSegments
f1 = 1000:10:3000;
f1 = randsample(f1,1); % start freq in Hz for current sweep segment
f2 = 1500:10:4500;
f2 = randsample(f2,1); % end freq in Hz for current sweep segment
modulator(first_idx:first_idx + samples_per_segment-1) = logspace(log10(f1), log10(f2), samples_per_segment); % we add the logarithmic progression from f1 to f2 here
first_idx = first_idx + samples_per_segment;
%% create final sound
stim = fmmod(modulator, 1, sf, 1); % here we abuse the frequency modulation function of matlab.
% we basically tell it to create a 1Hz
% sinewave and modulate it by the vector
% we created in the previous step. the
% last argument tells it basically that
% if i give it a 1, it should increase
% the frequency by 1Hz, if i give it a
% 100, it should increase the freq by
% 100Hz and so on...
stim = ampl .* stim; % multiply by the amplitude
%% plot...
spectrogram(stim,1000,[],[],sf,'yaxis'); % this provides a nice tf plot....
%% play
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我从Dik J. Hermes那里得到了另一个解决这个问题的方法,我也将分享。这里的优点是,人们不依赖于fmmod功能(上述解决方案所需),只能在商业工具箱中使用。
原始代码(本页顶部)的问题是阶段的管理不正确。下面的代码首先计算瞬时频率insFreq(t)。如果stim(t)= a * sin(phi(t)),则instFreq = phi'(t)/ 2 * pi,或phi(t)= 2 * pi *积分(instFreq)。 instFreq(t)在for循环中计算。在for循环之后,通过积分instFreq并乘以2 * pi来计算phi(t)。以这种方式,人们注意信号刺激本身是连续的并且不包含相位跳跃。由于瞬时频率的突然变化,刺激的时间导数在从一个段到另一个段的过渡处不是连续的。这将导致一些小的基本点击,这是无法避免的(至少不使用此处使用的参数(f1,f2,段持续时间)。
clear all;
close all;
% define stimulus parameters
soundDuration = 1.2; % duration of sound
sf = 44100; % sampling rate
dt = 1/sf;
ampl = 0.05; % 0.05; % ampl
segmentDuration = 0.025; % duration of one segment in s
nSegments = round(soundDuration/segmentDuration); % number of segments of which the sound should consist of
tSegment = 0:dt:(segmentDuration-dt); % time vector for segment
% generate sound consisting of n sweep-segments
complexSound = [];
logInstFreq = [];
startFreqArray = 1000:10:3000;
endFreqArray = 1500:10:4500;
p = tSegment/tSegment(end);
for iSeg = 1:nSegments
f1 = randsample(startFreqArray,1); % start freq in Hz for current sweep segment
f2 = randsample(endFreqArray,1); % end freq in Hz for current sweep segment
logf1 = log10(f1);
logf2 = log10(f2);
logInstFreq = [logInstFreq (logf2-logf1)*p+logf1];
instFreq = 10.^logInstFreq;
phi = 2*pi*cumsum(instFreq)*dt;
stim = ampl*sin(phi);
t = 0:dt:(length(instFreq)-1)*dt;
plot(t, instFreq)
audiowrite('sound.wav', stim, sf);