我遇到在wsgi / Apache托管时在Windows上运行ptyhon中的多个进程的问题。通过从命令提示符运行它,在Flask自托管环境中运行它时,相同的代码可以正常工作。
# Start the processer
print("Before creating Process")
p = Process(target=self.worker, args=(task_reader, result_writer, pipeline_location_chunks[process_number],))
print("Before starting process")
#p= Process(target=self.Testworker)
def worker(self, task_reader, result_writer, pipeline_locations):
"""This is the method run by each sub-process. When initialized it loads its share of
classifier pipelines into memory and sends True back to the start function to inform
that it is ready for classification tasks"""
# Load the pipelines in a dictionary with category number as key
print("In Worker method")
pipelines = {}
for pipeline_location in pipeline_locations:
category = int(pipeline_location.strip('.p'))
pipelines[category] = pickle.load(open(self.pipeline_dir + pipeline_location, 'rb+'))
# Inform the start function that this process's pipelines are done loading
print("before sending")
# Wait for tasks. If a new task (sent by the classify function) is received,
# run each pipeline's decision function and append it to a list of results
# to send back to the classify function
while True:
# Get tasks (if any) from this process's task queue. If there are none, this process's
# flow blocks here until there is a task available
new_task = task_reader.recv()
print("after receiving")
results = []
for category, pipeline in pipelines.items():
result = pipeline.decision_function(new_task)
tup = (category, result[0])
# Send the list of results back to the classify function
环境详情: 烧瓶0.11 Python 3.5 Apache 2.4.23(64位)