
时间:2016-09-21 23:26:45

标签: java arrays object




import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.File;

public class Testing {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
    //error checking for commandline input
      if(args.length != 1){
         System.out.println("Please enter at least one input file into the argument.");
         //terminates the program if more than 1 is entered
      //make an array of bird objects
      final Integer SIZE = 9;
      HawaiiNativeForestBirds array[] = new HawaiiNativeForestBirds[SIZE];
      //output array of Nature objects to the screen (should be "null" for all elements)
      System.out.println("Hawai'i Native Forest Birds ");
      System.out.println("index   element ");
      for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
         System.out.println("  " + i + "       " + array[i] );
         //read from file and store data from file in your Nature array of objects
         //by initializing each array element using the constructor
         File file = new File(args[0]);
         Scanner inputFromFile = null;
         array[0] = new HawaiiNativeForestBirds("'akiapola'au"," hemignathus munroi"," yellow", 800);
         array[1] = new HawaiiNativeForestBirds("akepa"," loxxops coccineus"," red", 9301);
         array[2] = new HawaiiNativeForestBirds("hawai'i creeper"," oreomystis mana"," yellow green", 2501);
         array[3] = new HawaiiNativeForestBirds("i'iwi"," vestiara conccinea"," red green", 2501);
         array[4] = new HawaiiNativeForestBirds("apapane"," himatione sanguinea"," white red", 5001);
         array[5] = new HawaiiNativeForestBirds("hawai'ian amakihi"," hemignathus virens"," yellow brown", 3001);
         array[6] = new HawaiiNativeForestBirds("hawaii'an hawk"," buteo  solitarius"," white gray", 1100);
         array[7] = new HawaiiNativeForestBirds("puaiohi"," myadestes palmeri"," brown", 125);
         array[8] = new HawaiiNativeForestBirds("anianiau"," magumma parva"," light yellow", 2000);
         //use toString() to display the array again with data from input file
         System.out.println("index        name       Scientific Name       Color          Population");
         for(int x=0;x<SIZE;x++){
            System.out.println("  " + i + "     " + array[i]);
      }//end of main() method
   }// end of class LastnameFirstname08


   * Class HawaiianTheme stores and displays the data for each HawaiianTheme object
class HawaiiNativeForestBirds {
      // data fields that store each object's data
   private String name;
   private String scientificname;
   private String color;
   private Integer population;
       //constructor - used to initialize the three data fields
    * Stores the name,scientific name, color and population of the Hawaiian Birds
    *  This is a Constructor, which is used to Create EAch Object & Initialize DAta Fields.
    * @param 
    * @param 
    * @param 
    * @param    
   public HawaiiNativeForestBirds(String birdName, String scientificName,String birdColor, Integer birdPopulation) {
      name = birdName;
      scientificname = scientificName;
      color = birdColor;
      population = birdPopulation; 
   }//end of constructor
      //toString() method - returns a String with the 4 data fields
   public String toString() {
      String output = name +"     "+ scientificname + "     "+ color +"     "+ population;
      return output;
   }//end of toString()      
}//end of class HawaiianTheme



编辑2:我终于修复了我的输出。我初衷了什么,现在如何从文件读取并存储到数组? ; _; 输出:

Hawai'i Native Forest Birds 
index   element 
  0       null
  1       null
  2       null
  3       null
  4       null
  5       null
  6       null
  7       null
  8       null
  9       null

index        name       Scientific Name       Color          Population
  0     'akiapola'au      hemignathus munroi      yellow     800
  1     akepa      loxxops coccineus      red     9301
  2     hawai'i creeper      oreomystis mana      yellow green     2501
  3     i'iwi      vestiara conccinea      red green     2501
  4     apapane      himatione sanguinea      white red     5001
  5     hawai'ian amakihi      hemignathus virens      yellow brown     3001
  6     oma'o      myadester obscurus      gray     17001
  7     hawaii'an hawk      buteo  solitarius      white gray     1100
  8     puaiohi      myadestes palmeri      brown     125
  9     anianiau      magumma parva      light yellow     2000


1.在没有初始化元素的情况下显示HawaiiNativeForestBirds数组array []:





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


创建一个HawaiiNativeForestBirds java类

class HawaiiNativeForestBirds {
private String name;
private String scientificname;
private String color;
private Integer population;
public HawaiiNativeForestBirds(){

  public HawaiiNativeForestBirds(String name, String scientificname,
        String color, Integer population) {
    this.name = name;
    this.scientificname = scientificname;
    this.color = color;
    this.population = population;

  public String getName() {
    return name;
public void setName(String name) {
    this.name = name;
public String getScientificname() {
    return scientificname;
public void setScientificname(String scientificname) {
    this.scientificname = scientificname;
public String getColor() {
    return color;
public void setColor(String color) {
    this.color = color;
public Integer getPopulation() {
    return population;
public void setPopulation(Integer population) {
    this.population = population;

  public String toString() {
  String output = name +"     "+ scientificname + "     "+ color +"     "+        population;
  return output;



puaiohi,myadestes palmeri,brown,125
puaiohi,magumma parva,yellow,2000


 public class Testing {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

    String csvFile = "birds.csv";
    String line = "";
    String cvsSplitBy = ",";

    List<HawaiiNativeForestBirds>  listofBirds = new ArrayList<HawaiiNativeForestBirds>();
    try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csvFile))) {

        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

            // use comma as separator
            String[] bird = line.split(cvsSplitBy);
            HawaiiNativeForestBirds Hawaiinbird= new HawaiiNativeForestBirds(bird[0],bird[1],bird[2],Integer.valueOf(bird[3]));

    } catch (IOException e) {
// First display null values
 HawaiiNativeForestBirds[]  hbirds=new        HawaiiNativeForestBirds[listofBirds.size()];
    System.out.println("index   " + "element   ");  
    int i=0;
    for (HawaiiNativeForestBirds hbird:hbirds){
        System.out.println(i+"   "+hbird);
    // Now display actual values
    hbirds= listofBirds.toArray(new HawaiiNativeForestBirds[listofBirds.size()]);

    System.out.println("index   " + "name   "+ "Scientific Name    "+ "Color   " + "Population   ");        
    for (HawaiiNativeForestBirds hbird:hbirds){
        System.out.println(i+"   "+hbird.toString());


答案 1 :(得分:0)


//Create String array and use for loop to fill temp array with words from txt file
temp[i] = scan.next()
for(int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
i = i + 3;
HawaiiNativeForestBirds[i - (3*i/4)] = new HawaiiNativeForestBirds(temp[(i-4)+4], temp[(i-4)+5], temp[(i-4)+6], temp[(i-4)+7)];

else {
HawaiiNativeForestBirds[i] = new HawaiiNativeForestBirds(temp[i],temp[i+1], temp[i+2], temp[i+3]);