如何使用consolibytes quickbooks-php和quickbooks web连接器防止在quickbooks中无限创建条目

时间:2016-09-21 14:01:17

标签: php soap quickbooks

我已按照the tutorial设置quickbooks-php,以便在基于桌面的安装上使用quickbooks Web连接器。




     * Example integration with an application
     * The idea behind the action queue is basically just that you want to add an 
     * action/ID pair to the queue whenever something happens in your application 
     * that you need to tell QuickBooks about. 
     * @author Keith Palmer <keith@consolibyte.com>
     * @package QuickBooks
     * @subpackage Documentation

    // Error reporting for easier debugging
    ini_set('display_errors', true);
    error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);

    // Require the queueuing class
    require_once '../../QuickBooks.php';

    $user = 'r2g';
    $pass = '******';
    $map = array(
        QUICKBOOKS_ADD_CUSTOMER => array( '_quickbooks_customer_add_request', '_quickbooks_customer_add_response' )
    $errmap = array(
        3070 => '_quickbooks_error_stringtoolong',              // Whenever a string is too long to fit in a field, call this function: _quickbooks_error_stringtolong()
        // 'CustomerAdd' => '_quickbooks_error_customeradd',    // Whenever an error occurs while trying to perform an 'AddCustomer' action, call this function: _quickbooks_error_customeradd()
        // '*' => '_quickbooks_error_catchall',                 // Using a key value of '*' will catch any errors which were not caught by another error handler
        // ... more error handlers here ...
    $hooks = array(
        // There are many hooks defined which allow you to run your own functions/methods when certain events happen within the framework
        // QuickBooks_WebConnector_Handlers::HOOK_LOGINSUCCESS => '_quickbooks_hook_loginsuccess',  // Run this function whenever a successful login occurs

    $log_level = QUICKBOOKS_LOG_DEBUG;
    $soap_options = array();
    $handler_options = array(
        'deny_concurrent_logins' => false, 
        'deny_reallyfast_logins' => false, 

    $driver_options = array();
    $callback_options = array();

    $dsn = 'mysqli://root:******@localhost/quick_books_integration';

    $Server = new QuickBooks_WebConnector_Server(
    $response = $Server->handle(true, true);

    if (!QuickBooks_Utilities::initialized($dsn))
            QuickBooks_Utilities::createUser($dsn, $user, $pass);

            // QuickBooks queueing class
            $Queue = new QuickBooks_WebConnector_Queue($dsn);

            // Queue it up!

    function _quickbooks_customer_add_request(

            $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <?qbxml version="2.0"?>
                    <QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
                        <CustomerAddRq requestID="' . $requestID . '">
                                <Name>Unifreight CFS Mombasa (' . mt_rand() . ')</Name>
                                <FirstName>Michael </FirstName>
                                    <Addr1>Unifreight CFS</Addr1>
                                    <Addr2>Makupa Causeway</Addr2>
                                    <Country>United States</Country>
                                <Contact>Keith Palmer</Contact>

            return $xml;

    function _quickbooks_customer_add_response(



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