
时间:2010-10-18 10:53:04

标签: javascript jquery jquery-plugins

我想用jquery创建简单的插件。 还建议我在编写jQuery插件时进行标准练习。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)


   $.fn.yourplugin = function() {

答案 1 :(得分:2)


(function($) {
    if (!$.myExample) { // check your plugin namespace does not already exist
        $.extend({  //  this will allow you to add your plugin to the jQuery lib
            myExample: function(elm, command, args) {
                //  keep in mind, right here you might want to do a class or data check to determine which direction this call is going
                //  for example, upon init the plugin on an element you may add the plugin name as a class, 
                //      this way, when it's recalled, you can see it alrady has that class and might be calling a command,
                //          thus make an if statemnt to push the process through
                return elm.each(function(index){
                    // do work to each element as its passed through
                    // be sure to use something like
                    //    return elm.each(function(e) { dor work });
                    // as your final statement in order to maintain "chainability"
        $.fn.extend({   //  this gives the chainability functionality seen with $ funcs like: $("#eleID").css("color", "red") <--returns original element object
            myExample: function(command) {
                return $.myExample($(this), command, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
        $.myExample.props = {   //  Here you can establish specific properties to your plugin, prehaps even make them "Over-writable"
            key1: "value",
            key2: "value"
        $.myExample.methods = { //  Here you can establish specific methods/functions for your plguin to carry out and maintain your namespace as well
            key1: function(param) {
                /*  do work */
            key2: function(param) {
                /*  do work */
        //  This next part is not seen in many plugins but useful depending on what you're creating
        $.myExample.init = function(param) {    //  If you have an initialize method to apply, namespace it in here and calll on initializing your plugin
            var key = "value",
                key2 = {
                    subKey: "value"
                /  run any number of initializing functions here
                /  I prefer to make my param a value that can be a
                /   string with a possible object
                /   the string for holding a base configuration
                /   the object for any change in properties or base values for that config
        $.myExample.defaults = {    //  establish base properties here that can be over-written via .props, but their values should never truly change
            key1: "value",
            key2: {
                prop1: {
                    subKey1: "value",
                    subKey2: "value"
                prop2: {
                    subKey1: "value"
            key3: function(param) {


答案 2 :(得分:1)

Summary and Best Practices while writing a jQuery Plugin

  // $('p').greenify() turns all text in p elements green.
  $.fn.greenify = function() {
    this.css( "color", "green" ); // set text color
    return this; // for chaining;