ORACLE SQL - 连接重叠的时间范围

时间:2016-09-19 14:35:29

标签: sql oracle


 ║ Emp# ║ StartDate ║ EndDate ║
 ║    1 ║ 1Jan      ║ 15Jan   ║
 ║    1 ║ 3Jan      ║ 5Jan    ║
 ║    1 ║ 10Jan     ║ 20Jan   ║
 ║    1 ║ 23Jan     ║ 25Jan   ║
 ║    1 ║ 24Jan     ║ 27Jan   ║


 ║ Emp# ║ StartDate ║ EndDate ║
 ║    1 ║ 1Jan      ║ 20Jan   ║
 ║    1 ║ 23Jan     ║ 27Jan   ║

我尝试使用Self-Joins进行此操作,但我需要X重叠的X自连接。我希望找到解决方案的任何方向。 非常感谢你提前!

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  1. 确定小组的开始位置。为此,请将existscase一起使用。
  2. 为这些日期分配一个标志。
  3. 累积该标志,以便所有重叠的时间段具有相同的值。
  4. 将此用于聚合
  5. 这种方法效果很好,但是当两个时间段具有相同的开始日期以开始重叠时段时需要稍微调整一下。所以:

    select emp#, min(startdate) as startdate, max(enddate) as enddate
    from (select t.*,
                 sum(OverlapFlag) over (partition by Emp# order by startdate) as grp
          from (select t.*,
                       (case when exists (select 1
                                          from t2
                                          where t2.Emp# = t.Emp# and
                                                t2.startdate < t.startdate and
                                                t2.enddate + 1 >= t.startdate
                             then 0 else 1
                        end) as OverlapFlag
                from t
               ) t
         ) t
    group by emp#, grp;

答案 1 :(得分:0)



create or replace package mypackage as
  type type_mytable is table of mytable%rowtype;
  function get_ranges return type_mytable pipelined;
end mypackage;


create or replace package body mypackage as
  function get_ranges return type_mytable pipelined as
    v_current mytable%rowtype;
    for rec in
       select *
       from mytable
       order by emp#, startdate
    ) loop
      if rec.emp# = v_current.emp# and rec.startdate between v_current.startdate 
                                                         and v_current.enddate + 1 then
        if rec.enddate >  v_current.enddate then
          v_current.enddate := rec.enddate;
        end if;
        if v_current.emp# is not null then
          pipe row(v_current);
        end if;
        v_current := rec;
      end if;
    end loop;
    pipe row(v_current);
  end get_ranges;
end mypackage;


select * from table(mypackage.get_ranges) where emp# = 1;

答案 2 :(得分:0)




     inputs ( emp#, startdate, enddate ) as (
       select 1, date '2016-01-01', date '2016-01-15' from dual union all
       select 1, date '2016-01-03', date '2016-01-05' from dual union all
       select 1, date '2016-01-10', date '2016-01-20' from dual union all
       select 1, date '2016-01-23', date '2016-01-25' from dual union all
       select 1, date '2016-01-24', date '2016-01-27' from dual union all
       select 2, date '2016-01-31', date '2016-02-28' from dual union all
       select 2, date '2016-03-15', date '2016-03-18' from dual union all
       select 2, date '2016-03-19', date '2016-03-19' from dual union all
       select 2, date '2016-03-20', date '2016-03-20' from dual
     m ( emp#, startdate, mdate ) as (
         select     emp#, startdate,
                    1 + max(enddate) over (partition by emp# order by startdate 
                             rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding)
         from       inputs
         union all
         select     emp#, NULL, 1 + max(enddate) 
           from     inputs 
           group by emp#
     n ( emp#, startdate, mdate ) as (
         select emp#, startdate, mdate 
         from   m 
         where  startdate > mdate or startdate is null or mdate is null
     f ( emp#, startdate, enddate ) as (
         select emp#, startdate,
                lead(mdate) over (partition by emp# order by startdate) - 1
         from   n
select * from f where startdate is not null

OUTPUT(对于inputs CTE中的数据):

------ ---------- ----------
     1 01/01/2016 20/01/2016
     1 23/01/2016 27/01/2016
     2 31/01/2016 28/02/2016
     2 15/03/2016 20/03/2016