Collosus Hello World示例

时间:2016-09-19 12:25:58

标签: scala maven colossus



<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

正如您所看到的,我包含了Colossus的依赖项。但是在下面的代码中,我在构建未找到的内容时遇到错误:object core。除了巨像之外,其他导入语句也有类似的错误。

import colossus._
import core._
import service._
import protocols.http._
import UrlParsing._
import HttpMethod._

class HelloService(context: ServerContext) extends HttpService(context) {
  def handle = {
    case request @ Get on Root / "hello" => {
      Callback.successful(request.ok("Hello World!"))

class HelloInitializer(worker: WorkerRef) extends Initializer(worker) {

  def onConnect = context => new HelloService(context)


object Main extends App {

  implicit val io = IOSystem()

  Server.start("hello-world", 9000){ worker => new HelloInitializer(worker) }



Compiling 1 Scala source to /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/target/classes...
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:2: not found: object core
[ERROR] import core._
[ERROR]        ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:3: not found: object service
[ERROR] import service._
[ERROR]        ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:4: not found: object protocols
[ERROR] import protocols.http._
[ERROR]        ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:5: not found: object UrlParsing
[ERROR] import UrlParsing._
[ERROR]        ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:6: not found: object HttpMethod
[ERROR] import HttpMethod._
[ERROR]        ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:8: not found: type HttpService
[ERROR] class HelloService(context: ServerContext) extends HttpService(context) {
[ERROR]                                                    ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:8: not found: type ServerContext
[ERROR] class HelloService(context: ServerContext) extends HttpService(context) {
[ERROR]                             ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:9: missing parameter type for expanded function
The argument types of an anonymous function must be fully known. (SLS 8.5)
Expected type was: ?
[ERROR]   def handle = {
[ERROR]                ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:10: not found: value on
[ERROR]     case request @ Get on Root / "hello" => {
[ERROR]                        ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:10: not found: value Get
[ERROR]     case request @ Get on Root / "hello" => {
[ERROR]                    ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:10: not found: value /
[ERROR]     case request @ Get on Root / "hello" => {
[ERROR]                                ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:10: not found: value Root
[ERROR]     case request @ Get on Root / "hello" => {
[ERROR]                           ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:11: not found: value Callback
[ERROR]       Callback.successful(request.ok("Hello World!"))
[ERROR]       ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:16: not found: type Initializer
[ERROR] class HelloInitializer(worker: WorkerRef) extends Initializer(worker) {
[ERROR]                                                   ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:16: not found: type WorkerRef
[ERROR] class HelloInitializer(worker: WorkerRef) extends Initializer(worker) {
[ERROR]                                ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:25: not found: value IOSystem
[ERROR]   implicit val io = IOSystem()
[ERROR]                     ^
[ERROR] /bighome/saygin/workspace/deneme/src/myapp.scala:27: not found: value Server
[ERROR]   Server.start("hello-world", 9000){ worker => new HelloInitializer(worker) }
[ERROR]   ^
[ERROR] 17 errors found
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 45:26 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-09-19T13:50:18+03:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 24M/514M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal (default-sbt-compile) on project deneme: Scala compilation failed: CompileFailed -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]


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