
时间:2010-10-17 20:42:12

标签: iphone objective-c cocoa-touch ios



alt text

我和vocaro's categories玩了一下但是它们不能与png一起使用并且与gif有问题。此外,图像也不会被裁剪。




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

此方法可以执行您想要的操作,并且是易用的UIImage类别。我调整大小然后裁剪,你可以很容易地切换代码,如果你想要裁剪然后调整大小。函数中的边界检查纯粹是说明性的。您可能想要做一些不同的事情,例如将crop crop相对于outputImage维度居中,但这应该让您足够接近以进行您需要的任何其他更改。

@implementation UIImage( resizeAndCropExample )

- (UIImage *) resizeToSize:(CGSize) newSize thenCropWithRect:(CGRect) cropRect {
    CGContextRef                context;
    CGImageRef                  imageRef;
    CGSize                      inputSize;
    UIImage                     *outputImage = nil;
    CGFloat                     scaleFactor, width;

    // resize, maintaining aspect ratio:

    inputSize = self.size;
    scaleFactor = newSize.height / inputSize.height;
    width = roundf( inputSize.width * scaleFactor );

    if ( width > newSize.width ) {
        scaleFactor = newSize.width / inputSize.width;
        newSize.height = roundf( inputSize.height * scaleFactor );
    } else {
        newSize.width = width;

    UIGraphicsBeginImageContext( newSize );

    context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();

    // added 2016.07.29, flip image vertically before drawing:
    CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, newSize.height);
    CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1, -1);
    CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, newSize.width, newSize.height, self.CGImage);

//  // alternate way to draw
//  [self drawInRect: CGRectMake( 0, 0, newSize.width, newSize.height )];


    outputImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();


    inputSize = newSize;

    // constrain crop rect to legitimate bounds
    if ( cropRect.origin.x >= inputSize.width || cropRect.origin.y >= inputSize.height ) return outputImage;
    if ( cropRect.origin.x + cropRect.size.width >= inputSize.width ) cropRect.size.width = inputSize.width - cropRect.origin.x;
    if ( cropRect.origin.y + cropRect.size.height >= inputSize.height ) cropRect.size.height = inputSize.height - cropRect.origin.y;

    // crop
    if ( ( imageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect( outputImage.CGImage, cropRect ) ) ) {
        outputImage = [[[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage: imageRef] autorelease];
        CGImageRelease( imageRef );

    return outputImage;


答案 1 :(得分:2)


+ (UIImage*)resizeImage:(UIImage*)image toFitInSize:(CGSize)toSize
    UIImage *result = image;
    CGSize sourceSize = image.size;
    CGSize targetSize = toSize;

    BOOL needsRedraw = NO;

    // Check if width of source image is greater than width of target image
    // Calculate the percentage of change in width required and update it in toSize accordingly.

    if (sourceSize.width > toSize.width) {

        CGFloat ratioChange = (sourceSize.width - toSize.width) * 100 / sourceSize.width;

        toSize.height = sourceSize.height - (sourceSize.height * ratioChange / 100);

        needsRedraw = YES;

    // Now we need to make sure that if we chnage the height of image in same proportion
    // Calculate the percentage of change in width required and update it in target size variable.
    // Also we need to again change the height of the target image in the same proportion which we
    /// have calculated for the change.

    if (toSize.height < targetSize.height) {

        CGFloat ratioChange = (targetSize.height - toSize.height) * 100 / targetSize.height;

        toSize.height = targetSize.height;
        toSize.width = toSize.width + (toSize.width * ratioChange / 100);

        needsRedraw = YES;

    // To redraw the image

    if (needsRedraw) {
        [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, toSize.width, toSize.height)];
        result = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

    // Return the result

    return result;


答案 2 :(得分:0)

对图库中的预览图像执行相同的任务。对于固定的裁切区域(用于SwiftUI的图像和用于Kotiln的Canvas Rect),我要裁切图像的中心内容-通过最大程度地裁切图像侧面。 (请参见下面的说明)



func getImageCropped(srcImage : UIImage, sizeToCrop : CGSize) -> UIImage{

                let ratioImage = Double(srcImage.cgImage!.width )  / Double(srcImage.cgImage!.height )
                let ratioCrop  = Double(sizeToCrop.width)          / Double(sizeToCrop.height)

                let cropRect: CGRect = {
                    if(ratioCrop > 1.0){
                        // crop LAND  -> fit image HORIZONTALLY

                        let widthRatio = CGFloat(srcImage.cgImage!.width) / CGFloat(sizeToCrop.width)

                        var cropWidth  = Int(sizeToCrop.width  * widthRatio)
                        var cropHeight = Int(sizeToCrop.height * widthRatio)
                        var cropX      = 0
                        var cropY      = srcImage.cgImage!.height / 2 - cropHeight / 2

                        // [L1] [L2]        : OK

                        if(ratioImage > 1.0) {
                            // image LAND

                             // [L3]        : OK

                            if(cropHeight > srcImage.cgImage!.height) {

                                // [L4]     : Crop-Area exceeds Image-Area > change crop orientation to PORTrait

                                let heightRatio = CGFloat(srcImage.cgImage!.height) / CGFloat(sizeToCrop.height)

                                cropWidth  = Int(sizeToCrop.width  * heightRatio)
                                cropHeight = Int(sizeToCrop.height * heightRatio)
                                cropX      = srcImage.cgImage!.width / 2 - cropWidth / 2
                                cropY      = 0

                        return CGRect(x: cropX, y: cropY, width: cropWidth, height: cropHeight)
                    else if(ratioCrop < 1.0){
                        // crop PORT  -> fit image VERTICALLY

                        let heightRatio = CGFloat(srcImage.cgImage!.height) / CGFloat(sizeToCrop.height)

                        var cropWidth  = Int(sizeToCrop.width  * heightRatio)
                        var cropHeight = Int(sizeToCrop.height * heightRatio)
                        var cropX      = srcImage.cgImage!.width / 2 - cropWidth / 2
                        var cropY      = 0

                        // [P1] [P2]        : OK

                        if(ratioImage < 1.0) {
        //                  // image  PORT

                            // [P3]        : OK

                            if(cropWidth > srcImage.cgImage!.width) {

                                // [L4]     : Crop-Area exceeds Image-Area > change crop orientation to LANDscape

                                let widthRatio = CGFloat(srcImage.cgImage!.width) / CGFloat(sizeToCrop.width)

                                cropWidth  = Int(sizeToCrop.width  * widthRatio)
                                cropHeight = Int(sizeToCrop.height  * widthRatio)
                                cropX      = 0
                                cropY      = srcImage.cgImage!.height / 2 - cropHeight / 2
                        return CGRect(x: cropX, y: cropY, width: cropWidth, height: cropHeight)
                    else {
                        // CROP CENTER SQUARE

                        var fitSide = 0

                        var cropX = 0
                        var cropY = 0

                        if (ratioImage > 1.0){
                            // crop LAND  -> fit image HORIZONTALLY     !!!!!!
                            fitSide = srcImage.cgImage!.height
                            cropX = srcImage.cgImage!.width / 2 - fitSide / 2
                        else if (ratioImage < 1.0){
                            // crop PORT  -> fit image VERTICALLY
                            fitSide = srcImage.cgImage!.width
                            cropY = srcImage.cgImage!.height / 2 - fitSide / 2
                            // ImageAre and GropArea are square both
                            fitSide = srcImage.cgImage!.width

                        return CGRect(x: cropX, y: cropY, width: fitSide, height: fitSide)


                let imageRef = srcImage.cgImage!.cropping(to: cropRect)

                let cropped : UIImage = UIImage(cgImage: imageRef!, scale: 0, orientation: srcImage.imageOrientation)

                return cropped



data class RectCrop(val x: Int, val y: Int, val width: Int, val height: Int)    

fun getImageCroppedShort(srcBitmap: Bitmap, sizeToCrop: Size):Bitmap {

            val ratioImage = srcBitmap.width.toFloat()  / srcBitmap.height.toFloat()
            val ratioCrop  = sizeToCrop.width.toFloat() / sizeToCrop.height.toFloat()

    //    1. choose fit size
            val cropRect: RectCrop =

                if(ratioCrop > 1.0){
    //              crop  LAND

                    val widthRatio = srcBitmap.width.toFloat() / sizeToCrop.width.toFloat()

                    var cropWidth = (sizeToCrop.width  * widthRatio).toInt()
                    var cropHeight= (sizeToCrop.height * widthRatio).toInt()
                    var cropX          = 0
                    var cropY     = srcBitmap.height / 2 - cropHeight / 2

                    if(ratioImage > 1.0) {
    //                  image LAND

                        if(cropHeight > srcBitmap.height) {

                            val heightRatio = srcBitmap.height.toFloat() / sizeToCrop.height.toFloat()

                            cropWidth  = (sizeToCrop.width  * heightRatio).toInt()
                            cropHeight = (sizeToCrop.height * heightRatio).toInt()
                            cropX      = srcBitmap.width / 2 - cropWidth / 2
                            cropY      = 0

                    RectCrop(cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight)
                else if(ratioCrop < 1.0){
    //              crop  PORT

                    val heightRatio = srcBitmap.height.toFloat() / sizeToCrop.height.toFloat()

                    var cropWidth = (sizeToCrop.width  * heightRatio).toInt()
                    var cropHeight= (sizeToCrop.height * heightRatio).toInt()
                    var cropX     = srcBitmap.width / 2 - cropWidth / 2
                    var cropY          = 0

                    if(ratioImage < 1.0) {
    //                  image  PORT

                        if(cropWidth > srcBitmap.width) {

                            val widthRatio = srcBitmap.width.toFloat() / sizeToCrop.width.toFloat()

                            cropWidth  = (sizeToCrop.width  * widthRatio).toInt()
                            cropHeight = (sizeToCrop.height * widthRatio).toInt()
                            cropX      = 0
                            cropY      = srcBitmap.height / 2 - cropHeight / 2

                    RectCrop(cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight)
                else {
                    // CROP CENTER SQUARE

                    var fitSide = 0

                    var cropX = 0
                    var cropY = 0

                    if (ratioImage > 1.0){
                        fitSide = srcBitmap.height
                        cropX = srcBitmap.width/ 2 - fitSide / 2
                    else if (ratioImage < 1.0){
                        fitSide = srcBitmap.width
                        cropY = srcBitmap.height / 2 - fitSide / 2
                        fitSide = srcBitmap.width

                    RectCrop(cropX, cropY, fitSide, fitSide)

            return Bitmap.createBitmap(


enter image description here


Landscape crop Portrait crop Square crop


        var body: some View {

            // IMAGE LAND
            let ORIG_NAME = "image_land.jpg"
            let ORIG_W = 400.0
            let ORIG_H = 265.0

            //  > crop Land
            let cropW = 400.0
            let cropH = 200.0

            //  > crop Port
//            let cropW = 50.0
//            let cropH = 265.0

            //  > crop Center Square
//            let cropW = 265.0
//            let cropH = 265.0

            // IMAGE PORT
//            let ORIG_NAME = "image_port.jpg"
//            let ORIG_W = 350.0
//            let ORIG_H = 500.0

            //  > crop Land
//            let cropW = 350.0
//            let cropH = 410.0

            //  > crop Port
//            let cropW = 190.0
//            let cropH = 500.0

            //  > crop Center Square
//            let cropW = 350.0
//            let cropH = 350.0

            let imageOriginal = UIImage(named: ORIG_NAME)!
            let imageCropped  = self.getImageCroppedShort(srcImage: imageOriginal, sizeToCrop: CGSize(width: cropW, height: cropH))

            return VStack{
                    Text("ImageArea \nW:\(Int(ORIG_W)) \nH:\(Int(ORIG_H))").font(.body)
                    Text("CropArea \nW:\(Int(cropW)) \nH:\(Int(cropH))").font(.body)

                    Image(uiImage: imageOriginal)

                    Image(uiImage: imageCropped)
                        .frame(width: CGFloat(cropW), height: CGFloat(cropH))
                .frame(width: CGFloat(ORIG_W), height: CGFloat(ORIG_H))
