
时间:2016-09-17 19:12:17

标签: r markdown knitr r-markdown pandoc



title: "Homework"
output: word_document
  soln: TRUE
Fit the linear regression model $Y \sim X$ with the following data.     
Interpret the coefficient estimates.
```{r promptchunk, include = TRUE, echo = TRUE}
# R code I want to show in the question prompt goes here
# This executes in both assignment and solution versions
X <- c(1, 1, 0, 0)
Y <- rnorm(4)
```{r, include = params$soln, echo = FALSE, results = "asis"}
```{r, echo = params$soln, include = params$soln, eval = params$soln}
# R code corresponding to the solution
fit1 <- lm(Y ~ X)
```{r, include = params$soln, echo = FALSE, eval = params$soln, results = "asis"}
The interpretation of the intercept is.... 
Our estimate $\\hat{\\beta}_0$ is ",coef(fit1)[1],".
The estimated X coefficient $\\hat{\\beta}_1$ is ",coef(fit1)[2]," 
This can be interpreted as....

You can imagine that for more difficult questions, this section could be quite long.

我想要做的是将包含cat函数的块替换为编写解决方案指南的人更优雅和可读的内容。我目前的方法对我来说已经足够了,但我不能让我的合作教师使用它,因为在cat函数中编写解决方案是如此不愉快。 (作为一名LaTeX用户,在数学命令中需要双斜线也很烦人。)


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:21)


在下面的示例soln文档中,如果参数rmarkdownsoln,则行FALSE会插入r if(!params$soln) {"\\begin{comment}"}以注释掉解决方案(在末尾匹配代码以插入\begin{comment})。我还使用两个选项卡缩进所有内容,以便使用悬挂缩进格式化问题编号。 (如果您喜欢这种格式,则不必为每个新的段落或块键入双标签。如果您对一行执行此操作,则每次按下\end{comment}键时,新行将自动使用双标签进行格式化。或者,只需键入所有文本和代码,然后在完成后,突出显示所有内容并键入Enter两次。)


此外,您可以通过在单独的R脚本中运行--- title: "Homework" output: word_document header-includes: - \usepackage{comment} params: soln: TRUE --- 1. Fit the linear regression model $Y \sim X$ with the following data. Interpret the coefficient estimates. ```{r promptchunk, echo = TRUE} set.seed(123) X <- c(1, 1, 0, 0) Y <- rnorm(4) ``` `r if(!params$soln) {"\\begin{comment}"}` **Solution:** Run the following R code to fit the linear regression model: ```{r, include = params$soln, echo = TRUE, results = "asis"} fit1 = lm(Y ~ X) ``` To see a summary of the regression results, run the following code and review the output: ```{r, include = params$soln, echo=TRUE} summary(fit1) ``` The interpretation of the intercept is.... Our estimate $\hat{\beta}_0$ is `r round(coef(fit1)[1], 2)`. The estimated X coefficient $\hat{\beta}_1$ is `r round(coef(fit1)[2], 2)`. This can be interpreted as.... `r if(!params$soln) {"\\end{comment}"}` 函数来渲染这两个版本,而不是以交互方式编写上述文件。例如,假设上面的文件名为render,请打开一个单独的R脚本文件并运行以下命令:


以下是for (i in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { rmarkdown::render("hw.Rmd", params = list(soln = i), output_file=ifelse(i, "Solutions.doc", "Homework.doc")) } 的样子。 Solutions.doc类似,但不包括粗体字 Homework.doc 以后的所有内容:

enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我能够构建this answer以制作不使用乳胶包的东西(虽然我正在生成HTML幻灯片,所以这可能就是为什么这样做了。)

您希望评论开始的地方,只需添加: `r if(params$soln) {"<!--"}`

然后添加此内容以结束评论: `r if(params$soln) {"-->"}`
