
时间:2016-09-17 17:17:37

标签: java apache-httpclient-4.x


问题是jvm可能需要5分钟来响应,并且有多达10个URL,因此检查响应代码所花费的总时间最多需要50分钟(最坏的情况 - 所有jvms都关闭)。

所以,我必须做两件事 - 只需一次点击即可实现我们即将点击的服务器网址(这将使整个响应时间从50分钟大幅降低到5-6分钟)。我使用了PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager方法 -

`PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager cm = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();
            CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.custom()

            static int statusCode;

        // Here the servers string array have URLs defined in JSP Page -
<!-- <form name="input" action="welcome"  method="get">
            <input type="checkbox" name="server" value="http://hc.apache.org/" checked>Apache HC Home Page<br>
            <input type="checkbox"  name="server" value="http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-core-ga/" checked>HttpCore<br>
            <input type="checkbox"  name="server" value="https://gmail.com" checked>Gmail<br>  -->
       // create a thread for each URI
        public void synchronizeUrls(String[] servers) throws InterruptedException
        GetThread[] threads = new GetThread[servers.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
            HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(servers[i]);
            threads[i] = new GetThread(httpClient, httpget);

        // start the threads
        for (int j = 0; j < threads.length; j++) {

        // join the threads
        for (int j = 0; j < threads.length; j++) {

        static class GetThread extends Thread {

            private final CloseableHttpClient httpClient;
            private final HttpContext context;
            private final HttpGet httpget;

            public GetThread(CloseableHttpClient httpClient, HttpGet httpget) {
                this.httpClient = httpClient;
                this.context = HttpClientContext.create();
                this.httpget = httpget;

            public void run() {
                try {
                    CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(
                            httpget, context);

                    final HttpClientConnectionManager connMgr = null;
                    try {
                    //    HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
                        statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

                }   // Handle protocol errors
                    catch (ClientProtocolException ex) {

                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    // Handle I/O errors

和 另一件事是,如果我们没有在5分钟的持续时间间隔内得到任何网址的响应,我们就会因为jvm关闭而处理这种情况。 我不确定,如何实施我的第二套要求,如果有人可以帮助我,将会非常有帮助。谢谢!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



  1. 并行运行线程并捕获每个
  2. 的结果
  3. 5分钟后,检查它们是否仍在运行。仍在运行的那些表明相应的jvm已关闭
  4. 对于第1步,将statusCode添加到GetThread。 [您已在statusCode设置了run()。]

    private StatusCode statusCode;
    public StatusCode getStatusCode() {
        return statusCode;


    new java.util.Timer().schedule( 
        new java.util.TimerTask() {
            public void run() {
                for (int j = 0; j < threads.length; j++) {
                    if(threads[j].getStatusCode().equals(OK)) {
                        //threads[j]'s jvm is up
                    } else {
                        //threads[j]'s jvm is down
        5 * 60 * 1000