我的目标是简单地(在同一过程中)通过管道将标准输出重新路由回标准输出。我已经完成了这个 使用中间阶段将管道输出重定向到文件或写入缓冲区......然后将标准输出放回到它开始的位置。那时,我当然可以将缓冲区写回stdout,但我不想这样做。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main() {
int pipeEnds_arr1[2];
char str1[] = "STRING TO FEED INTO PIPE \n"; // make a string array
printf("File Descriptor for pipe ends from array\nPOSITION out 0 : %d\nPOSITION in 1 : %d\n", pipeEnds_arr1[0], pipeEnds_arr1[1]);
/* now my goal is to shift the input of the pipe into the position of
* standard output, so that the print command feeds the pipe, then I
* would like to redirect the other end of the pipe to standard out.
int someInt = dup(1); // duplicates stdout to next available file table position
printf ("Some Int FD: %d\n", someInt); // print out the fd for someInt just for knowing where it is
/* This is the problem area. The out end of the pipe never
* makes it back to std out, and I see no way to do so.
* Stdout should be in the file table position 5, but when
* I dup2 the output end of the pipe into this position ,
* I believe I am actually overwriting std out completely.
* But I don't want to overwrite it, i want to feed the output
* of the pipe into std out. I think I am fundamentally
* misunderstanding this issue.
dup2(pipeEnds_arr1[1], 1); //put input end of pipe into std out position
//dup2(pipeEnds_arr1[0], 5); // this will not work
//and other tests I have conducted do not work
printf("File Descriptor for pipe ends from array\nPOSITION out 0 : %d\nPOSITION in 1 : %d\n", pipeEnds_arr1[0], pipeEnds_arr1[1]);
return 0;
EDIT ********* 好吧,我所知道的是,std out会从printf等命令中获取信息,然后将其路由到缓冲区,然后刷新到shell中。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main() {
/* Each pipe end array has to have 2 positions in it. The array
* position represents the two pipe ends with the 0 index
* position representing the output of the pipe (the place you want
* read your data from), and 1 index position representing the
* input file descriptor of the pipe (the place you want to write
* your data).
int pipeEnds_arr1[2];
char str1[] = "Hello, we are feeding this into the pipe that we are through stdout into a pipe and then reading from the pipe and then feeding that output into a file \n"; // make a string array
/* Here we want to actually do the pipe command. We feed it the array
* with the 2 positions in it which will now hold file descriptors
* attached to the current process which allow for input and output
* through the new pipe. At this point, we don't know what the
* exact file decriptors are, but we can look at them by printing
printf("File Descriptor for pipe ends from array\nPOSITION out 0 : %d\nPOSITION in 1 : %d\n", pipeEnds_arr1[0], pipeEnds_arr1[1]);
/* now my goal is to shift the input of the pipe into the position of
* standard output, so that the print command feeds the pipe, then we
* will try to read from the pipe and redirect the output to the std
* or in this test case out to a file.
int someInt = dup(1); // we moved what was stdout into someInt;
/* put the write end of the pipe in the old stdout position by
* using dup2 so we will print directly into the pipe
dup2(pipeEnds_arr1[1], 1);
/* this is where id like to re-rout the pipe back to stdout but
* im obviously not understanding this correctly
//dup2(someInt, 3);
/* since std out has now been replaced by the pipe write end, this
* printf will print into the pipe
printf("%s", str1);
/* now we read from the pipe into a new string we make */
int n;
char str2[strlen(str1)];
n = read(pipeEnds_arr1[0], str2, sizeof(str2)-1);
str2[n] = 0;
/* open a file and then write into it from the output of the pipe
* that we saved into the str2
int fd = open("tmp.out", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
write(fd, str2, strlen(str2));
/* not sure about these last commands and their relevance */
return 0;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
您可以做的是修改进程的文件描述符表,使其stdout(fd 1)成为管道的写入端。并且您可以修改另一个进程的文件描述符表,以便某些文件描述符,甚至stdin(fd 0)是同一管道的读取端。这允许您通过两个进程之间的管道传递数据。 (如果你愿意,你可以在同一个进程中在两个fds之间设置一个管道;它偶尔会有用,但要注意死锁。)
通常,当shell启动运行命令行实用程序时,它首先从自己的fd 0,1和2克隆fds 0,1和2(stdin,stdout和stderr),它们通常都是相同的设备:控制台,或者更常见的是,您正在使用的图形控制台应用程序提供的伪终端。但是您可以使用shell重定向运算符,shell管道运算符和一些shell提供的特殊文件来更改这些赋值。
最后,管道在内核中确实有小缓冲区,但关键是“小”字 - 缓冲区可能只有4096字节。如果变满,则尝试写入管道将一直挂起,直到空间可用,这只有在从另一个sude读取数据时才会发生。这就是为什么如果相同的进程使用管道的两侧就很容易死锁:如果进程挂起等待堆栈被清空,那么wikk永远无法读取管道。