
时间:2016-09-16 18:25:35

标签: java static-variables red-black-tree


所以我尝试在乐队树中的Band节点的内部歌曲树中插入一首新歌,而内部树没有识别出它的' head指向nilNode的静态变量。不知道为什么。

插入方法在RBTrees的两个类中都是相同的。每个插入都考虑了静态变量" nilNode"并按照它工作。当我将节点插入外树(带树)时,方法识别它。但是当我从一个波段节点使用内部树的getter,并使用内树的插入方法时,它并没有在它的方法中识别出它的nilNode。

1。乐队的树呼叫插入 2。该方法首先在bandsTree中找到波段的节点 3。然后节点使用getter来获取他的内部歌曲Tree 4。 innerTree调用相同的insert方法(他的insert方法与band&#39的插入方法相同)。

现在插入方法使用搜索方法来查看节点(乐队或歌曲)是否已存在或是否需要创建。如果存在则返回节点,否则返回静态&#34; nilNode&#34; ,它连接到每个&#34;松散的末端&#34;一个节点搜索方法从树的 head 开始 并且在第一次插入时,歌曲树(当前乐队节点)为空,这意味着头部指向静态&#34; nilNode&#34; < / strong>即可。所以搜索方法假设在第一次检查循环时停止。但它无法识别 头部等于nilNode 所以它会继续,当错误到达它的左边节点时nilNode为null并尝试使用它。

这是我创建的4个类: BandNode,BandsRBTree,SongNode,SongsRBTree

1。 BandNode

import java.io.Serializable;

public class BandNode implements Serializable{
    private Band band;
    private BandNode left;
    private BandNode right;
    private BandNode parent;
    private SongsRBTree innerTreeOfSongNames = new SongsRBTree(); **// another RBTree**

    public BandNode(String bandName) **// I got 4 constructors and each looks like this one**
        Band band = new Band(bandName);
        this.band = band;
        left = null;
        right = null;
        parent = null;
        innerTreeOfSongNames = new SongsRBTree();
}//end of class BandNode

2。 SongNode ://没有像BandNode那样的内树

public class SongNode implements Serializable{
    private Song song;
    private SongNode left;
    private SongNode right;
    private SongNode parent;

    public SongNode(String songName) // same here 4 constructors
        Song _song = new Song(songName);
        this.song = _song;
}//end of SongNode class

第3。 BandsRBTree

import java.io.Serializable;

public class BandsRBTree implements Serializable{
    private BandNode head; // head of the tree
    static BandNode nilNodeBand; // Nil node to be connected to every 2 (left and right) null ends of a node

    public BandsRBTree()
        nilNodeBand = new BandNode("Nill)");
        head = nilNodeBand;

    //          methods for inner tree:

    public BandNode insert(BandNode z , SongNode songNde)
        BandNode b = search(z.getBand().getBandName()); // searches for the band node
        if(b.equals(nilNodeBand)) // meaning the band node doesn't exists
            //nothing to show here since it doesn't go in this part. 
            because the band node already exsits and the condition is false
        else // the band is already in the tree. 
            now update it's inner tree of songs
            //checking if the song node is good
            if(songNde != null && songNde.getSong() != null)
                    if(songNde.getSong().getSongName().length()>0  ) // name of the song is good
                        b.getInnerTreeOfSongNames().insert(songNde); // using the inner tree of songs
                        return b; // return the band node
                        //print error

            return null; // something was null


    //search in the band tree:
    public BandNode search(String bandNameToSearch)
        BandNode temp = head;
        while( !temp.equals( nilNodeBand)) 
            if( temp.getBand().getBandName().compareTo(bandNameToSearch) == 0  )
                return temp;
            else if(bandNameToSearch.compareTo(temp.getBand().getBandName()) < 0  )
                temp = temp.getLeft();
                temp = temp.getRight();
        return nilNodeBand;

}// class BandsRBTree end

4。 SongsRBTree

import java.io.Serializable;

public class SongsRBTree implements Serializable{
    private SongNode head; // head of the tree
    static SongNode nilNodeSong; // Nil node to be connected as every null child
    public SongsRBTree()
        nilNodeSong = new SongNode(new Song("Nill"));
        head = nilNodeSong;  // the head is nilNode at the start

    public SongNode insert(SongNode z )
        // first search:
        SongNode b = search(z.getSong().getSongName()); 

        //the method get here because of the error in the search method


    public SongNode search(String songNameToSearch)
        SongNode temp = head; // here the head is nilNode. see in the constructor

        while( !temp.equals( nilNodeSong) ) // it enters the loop. ALTOUGH IT SHOULDN'T
        {                                   //  because temp = head. and the head suppose to be nilNodeSong
                                            //  since the tree is empty at the beginning
                                            //  see constructor
            if( temp.getSong().getSongName().compareTo(songNameToSearch) == 0  )
                return temp;
            else if(songNameToSearch.compareTo(temp.getSong().getSongName()) < 0  )
                temp = temp.getLeft();
                temp = temp.getRight();
        return nilNodeSong;

} // end of BandsRBTree class  

我有一个带有10个波段节点的波段树 2.每个节点都有一个bandNode构造函数的空内树 3.我尝试使用其中一种内树插入方法首次插入歌曲
4.搜索方法没有识别出树的头部指向nilNode 为什么不认识到这一点?(首先是头部是nilNode,因为它是空的)



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

重现问题的唯一方法是创建具有搜索方法的类的多个实例。并且比较是在最新创建的实例中完成的。 做你想做的事可能是错误的做法。 为了满足您的需求,实现.equals就足够了。


答案 1 :(得分:1)

每次构建SongsRBTree时,您都会清除静态变量的先前内容并在其位置创建新的SongNode。快速循序渐进:您创建SongsRBTree tree1。现在nilNodeSongSongNode我们称之为nill1head的{​​{1}}为tree1

现在您创建nill1。现在SongsRBTree tree2nilNodeSong我们称之为SongNodenill2的{​​{1}}为head,但tree2的{​​{1}}仍为nill2。当您插入 课程 head时,它无法识别tree1

解决方案:静态初始化程序会覆盖nill1中的tree1方法,而不会使用特殊nill1 == nill2。我可能会选择覆盖equals,但要么应该这样做。