This O'Reilly article给出了一个解析Apache日志行的PostgreSQL语句示例:
INSERT INTO http_log(log_date,ip_addr,record)
SELECT CAST(substr(record,strpos(record,'[')+1,20) AS date),
CAST(substr(record,0,strpos(record,' ')) AS cidr),
FROM tmp_apache;
答案 0 :(得分:3)
insert into accesslog
select m[1], m[2], m[3],
(to_char(to_timestamp(m[4], 'DD/Mon/YYYY:HH24:MI:SS'), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ')
|| split_part(m[4], ' ',2))::timestamp with time zone,
m[5], m[6]::smallint, (case m[7] when '-' then '0' else m[7] end)::integer, m[8], m[9] from (
select regexp_matches(record,
E'(.*) (.*) (.*) \\[(.*)\\] "(.*)" (\\d+) (.*) "(.*)" "(.*)"')
as m from tmp_apache) s;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
cat logfile | strings | grep -v '\\' > cleanedlogfile
然后将日志文件复制并解析为postgres(m [1]至m [7]对应于regexp_matches函数中的regex组):
-- sql for postgres:
drop table if exists rawlog;
create table rawlog (record varchar);
-- import data from log file
copy rawlog from '/path/to/your/apache/cleaned/log/file';
-- parse the rawlog into table accesslog
drop table if exists accesslog;
create table accesslog as
(select m[1] as clientip,
(to_char(to_timestamp(m[4], 'DD/Mon/YYYY:HH24:MI:SS'), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ')
|| split_part(m[4], ' ',2))::timestamp with time zone as "time",
split_part(m[5], ' ', 1) as method,
split_part(split_part(m[5], ' ', 2), '?', 1) as uri,
split_part(split_part(m[5], ' ', 2), '?', 2) as query,
m[6]::smallint as status,
m[7]::bigint bytes
regexp_matches(record, E'(.*) (.*) (.*) \\[(.*)\\] "(.*)" (\\d+) (\\d+)') as m
from rawlog) s);
-- optionally create indexes
create index accesslogclientipidx on accesslog(clientip);
create index accesslogtimeidx on accesslog(time);
create index accessloguriidx on accesslog(uri);
答案 2 :(得分:-1)
有关登录Postgres的信息,请参阅this blog post。