如何在模拟器/设备中修补应用程序,类似于Google Play如何使用“智能应用更新”?

时间:2016-09-15 13:59:34

标签: android adb adb-shell

是否有可能在本地(使用adb或其他方式)实现Google Play在“智能应用更新”中所做的工作?


我知道 https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/36421/what-is-the-applypatch-tool-and-how-does-one-use-it 它没有提供关于如何实际创建和应用补丁的任何信息,只是adb shell applypatch是什么。

我试着快速浏览一下修补程序中的C ++ Android实现代码:https://android.googlesource.com/platform/bootable/recovery/+/master/applypatch/main.cpp#167

到目前为止,我使用bsdiff创建了一个二元差异,它显然使用与Google Play和Android正在使用的算法相同的算法。但我不知道如何实际应用补丁。


  • 我的电脑上有com.appv1.apk,并且还安装在设备/模拟器上。
  • 我的电脑上有com.appv2.apk
  • 使用bsdiff我在com.appv1.apkcom.appv2.apk之间创建二进制差异,称为diff.bin

现在,我需要在设备/模拟器上运行以部署adb的实际diff.bin命令是什么,以便在部署差异后,设备/模拟器上的com.appv1.apk变为{ {1}}?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


usage: applypatch [-b <bonus-file>] <src-file> <tgt-file> <tgt-sha1> <tgt-size> [<src-sha1>:<patch> ...]
   or  applypatch -c <file> [<sha1> ...]
   or  applypatch -s <bytes>
   or  applypatch -l

Filenames may be of the form
to specify reading from or writing to an MTD partition.


// This program applies binary patches to files in a way that is safe
// (the original file is not touched until we have the desired
// replacement for it) and idempotent (it's okay to run this program
// multiple times).
// - if the sha1 hash of <tgt-file> is <tgt-sha1>, does nothing and exits
//   successfully.
// - otherwise, if no <src-sha1>:<patch> is provided, flashes <tgt-file> with
//   <src-file>. <tgt-file> must be a partition name, while <src-file> must
//   be a regular image file. <src-file> will not be deleted on success.
// - otherwise, if the sha1 hash of <src-file> is <src-sha1>, applies the
//   bsdiff <patch> to <src-file> to produce a new file (the type of patch
//   is automatically detected from the file header).  If that new
//   file has sha1 hash <tgt-sha1>, moves it to replace <tgt-file>, and
//   exits successfully.  Note that if <src-file> and <tgt-file> are
//   not the same, <src-file> is NOT deleted on success.  <tgt-file>
//   may be the string "-" to mean "the same as src-file".
// - otherwise, or if any error is encountered, exits with non-zero
//   status.
// <src-file> (or <file> in check mode) may refer to an EMMC partition
// to read the source data.  See the comments for the
// LoadPartitionContents() function for the format of such a filename.



applypatch com.appv1.apk com.appv2.apk <com.appv2.apk SHA1> <com.appv2.apk size> <com.appv1.apk SHA1>:diff.bin